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Cop who arrested black scholar is profiling expert … CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (AP) - The white police sergeant criticized by President Barack Obama for arresting black scholar Henry Louis Gates Jr. in his Massachusetts home is a police academy expert on racial profiling.

Exclusive: Obama Stands By Criticism of Cambridge Police — ABC EXCLUSIVE: Obama Says ‘Cooler Heads Should Have Prevailed’ — President Obama today stood by his comments that the Cambridge, Mass., police department acted “stupidly” in its arrest of Henry Louis Gates …
The Atlantic Politics Channel, The Swamp, Boston Herald, Ben Smith's Blog, The Plum Line, And So it Goes in Shreveport, The Gun Toting Liberal,, Power Line, Associated Press, Boston Weather …, The Politico, The Reaction, Political Byline, Mediaite, Macsmind, Washington Monthly, Gateway Pundit, The Note, Dean's World, Hot Air, Latest Open Salon Blog, The Page, Newsweek Blogs, Washington Post, QandO, THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS, Riehl World View, The Other McCain, Michelle Malkin, marbury, Swampland, PostPartisan, Political Punch, Washington Wire, Right Wing News, Little Green Footballs, American Power and Maggie's Farm

Bill Cosby ‘shocked’ at Obama's statement on Harvard prof's arrest — On a Boston radio program this morning, Bill Cosby suggested that President Obama spoke too soon on the controversial arrest of Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates. — “I've heard about five different reports …

Bias, Racism, Being a Jerk, and Abuse of Power — Professor Henry Louis Gates, Jr. (wikimedia) — One of the biggest reasons why it's extremely difficult to have a real conversation about race in the United States is that every imputation of a racial dynamic immediately becomes a defensive spat …

Consider this before crying ‘racial profiling’
Michelle Malkin, Hot Air, dot.comments, The Campaign Spot, Boston Weather … and Bookworm Room

First on the CNN Ticker: GOP questions Obama's police criticism
Boston Globe, The Fix, Ben Smith's Blog, Wilshire & Washington and The Hill's Pundits Blog

Obama: Cambridge police acted stupidly
Fox News, American Thinker, Boston Globe, NewsReal Blog, Boston Herald, Pajamas Media, and Debbie Schlussel

As Health Bill Is Delayed, White House Negotiates — WASHINGTON — White House officials negotiated furiously on Thursday to keep major health care legislation on track after the Senate majority leader, Harry Reid of Nevada, said his chamber would not vote on a health measure until after Congress returned from its summer recess.

Exclusive: President Obama Pushes Forward on Health Care Pitch — Despite Setback, Obama Warns Against ‘Scare Tactics,’ Says ‘America Has to Win it Here’ — President Obama continued to push forward on health care reform today, despite suffering a setback with news that a health care reform bill …

Public option “dead,” Scott predicts — Rick Scott, the former hospital exec who has been leading a conservative counterattack on health care reform is emailing supporters to predict that the Democrats' public option will die if no bill is passed before recess. — The blast [h/t Marty Kady]:

Baucus, Snowe, Enzi “Bipartisan” Deal Close in Finance Committee
Think Progress, Open Left, Lean Left, The Huffington Post, Firedoglake and Bob Cesca's Awesome Blog!

More delays in House on healthcare reform
Daily Kos, The Politico, Hot Air, ABCNEWS, The Note, Salon, Hullabaloo, Below The Beltway and Bloomberg

44 Charged by U.S. in New Jersey Corruption Sweep — A two-year corruption and international money-laundering investigation stretching from the Jersey Shore to Brooklyn to Israel and Switzerland culminated in charges against 44 people on Thursday, including three New Jersey mayors …

N.J. officials, N.Y. rabbis caught in federal money laundering, corruption sweep

Mayors, rabbis arrested in corruption probe
Wall Street Journal, Political Byline, JONATHAN TURLEY, Zandar Versus The Stupid and Perez Hilton

Confidence in Obama Lifts U.S. Image Around the World — Most Muslim Publics Not So Easily Moved — Overview — View Slideshow (w/Andrew Kohut commentary) — The image of the United States has improved markedly in most parts of the world, reflecting global confidence in Barack Obama.
Israel Matzav, Hotline On Call, Daniel W. Drezner, Salon, Boston Globe and PERRspectives

The Born Identity — Barack Obama is not only the United States' first black president — he's also the first not-American president.
Ben Smith's Blog

Global Views of U.S. Helped by Obama, Survey Says
Washington Monthly

Inside Bush and Cheney's Final Days — Hours before they were to leave office after eight troubled years, George W. Bush and Richard B. Cheney had one final and painful piece of business to conclude. For over a month Cheney had been pleading, cajoling, even pestering Bush to pardon …

Conservative Activist Forwards Racist Pic Showing Obama As Witch Doctor — The election of our first black president has brought with it a strange proliferation of online racism among conservatives. — And we've got the latest example. — On Sunday night, Dr. David McKalip forwarded …
Political Byline, Talking Points Memo, Little Green Footballs, Donklephant, Gateway Pundit, Wonkette and Daily Kos

“The guy forgot his keys, jimmied his way to get into the house... if I was trying to jigger into...” — I've already written about what Obama said about racism, Skip Gates, and the “stupidity” of the police. You can find the context of the issue there, including the whole text of Obama's remarks.

Stanley's First Wife Swore Out A Restraining Order In 1994 — While Sen. Paul Stanley tries desperately to hang on to his current marriage amid reports of a TBI confirmed admission of an extramarital affair with an intern and subsequent blackmailing by her boyfriend, allow Post Politics to take you on a trip down memory lane.

Pawlenty blasts Obama plan — On Fox just now, Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty blasted away at Obama's health care plans. — “This whole health care proposal by president Obama is really quite a joke on a number of levels,” Pawlenty told Neil Cavuto. “I think he is scamming the American people.

Nation's ENT Surgeons Respond to President Obama's Press Briefing Remarks on Tonsillectomy Procedures — ALEXANDRIA, Va.—(BUSINESS WIRE)—The American Academy of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery (AAO-HNS), which represents 12,000 ear, nose, and throat surgeons in the U.S. …
Hot Air

Mainstreaming the fringe: Lou Dobbs fuels birther bonfire — If James von Brunn weren't in a locked security ward at Southeast General Hospital in Washington, D.C., and awaiting trial for the murder of a security guard at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, the 88-year-old racist and neo-Nazi might …