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Sources: White House Pushing Back Against Senate Public Option Opt Out Compromise — Multiple sources tell TPMDC that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is very close to rounding up 60 members in support of a public option with an opt out clause, and are continuing to push skeptical members.

White House to Reid: We hope you know what you're doing — Things have gotten real complicated, real quick, on the public option. This roundup of contrasting quotes and statements, for instance, has a Keystone Kops quality to it. — I've spent a fair bit of the day trying to figure …

Reid Is Only One Or Two Votes Shy On Opt-Out Public Option — WHAT'S YOUR REACTION? — Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is just one or two Senate votes shy of having a filibuster-proof majority in favor of a public option for health insurance coverage with a provision allowing states to opt-out …

Pelosi lacks votes for most sweeping public option — Speaker Nancy Pelosi counted votes Thursday night and determined she could not pass a “robust public option” — the most aggressive of the three forms of a public option House Democrats have been considering as part of a national overhaul of health care.
Daily Kos, TPMDC, CNN, Ezra Klein, Washington Monthly, American Spectator, Washington Post, The Huffington Post, Politics Daily, Pundits Blog, AMERICAblog News, Bob Cesca's Awesome Blog!, Taylor Marsh, Firedoglake, The Atlantic Politics Channel, TalkLeft, MoJo Blog Posts and Think Progress

Senate Leader Takes Risk Pushing Public Insurance Plan
The Politico, TPMDC, The Hill, Bloomberg, Firedoglake, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, Politics Daily, Gawker, USA Today, The New Republic, Open Left, Wonk Room, and Wake up America

FRIENDS PUSH AILES FOR PRESIDENT — Friends and associates are encouraging Fox News chief Roger Ailes to jump into the political arena for real by running for president in 2012, top sources tell POLITICO. — “Ailes knows how to frame an issue better than anybody, and that's what we need now …

OutFoxed? — Let me be precise here: Fox News peddles a fair amount of hateful crap. Some of it borders on sedition. Much of it is flat out untrue. — But I don't understand why the White House would give such poisonous helium balloons as Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity the opportunity …

Administration Loses Bid to Exclude Fox News From Pay Czar Interview — The Obama administration on Thursday tried to make “pay czar” Kenneth Feinberg available for interviews to every member of the White House pool except Fox News. But the Washington bureau chiefs of the five TV networks decided …
Talking Points Memo, TPMDC, Left Coast Rebel, TVNewser, At-Largely, Mediaite, The Foundry, Hot Air and TigerHawk

Democrat blasts White House for anonymous sniping — WASHINGTON (CNN) - A well-known Democratic strategist in Virginia is blasting the White House for placing anonymous quotes in the Washington Post in a pre-emptive effort to blame Creigh Deeds for what might be a loss in the state's upcoming gubernatorial election.

W.H. attacks worry moderate Dems — A White House effort to undermine conservative critics is generating a backlash on Capitol Hill — and not just from Republicans. — “It's a mistake,” said Rep. Jason Altmire, a moderate Democrat from western Pennsylvania.
Firedoglake, Clusterstock, Erick's blog, NO QUARTER, RedState, Commentary and Congress Blog

When Asked Where the Constitution Authorizes Congress to Order Americans To Buy Health Insurance, Pelosi Says: ‘Are You Serious?’ — ( - When asked House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Thursday where the Constitution authorized Congress to order Americans to buy health insurance …
Another Black Conservative, YID With LID, Hot Air, DISSENTING JUSTICE, Think Progress, The Other McCain, The Hill and Gateway Pundit

AHIP Pollster Interrupted By Singing Troupe Of Protesters — WHAT'S YOUR REACTION? — Republican pollster Bill McInturff was the keynote speaker on the final day of the America's Health Insurance Plans's state issues conference on Friday morning. — But his speech on how the health care reform debate …

Scozzafava Declares Herself Part of Abramoff Wing of GOP: Funnels Campaign Cash to Family — Jack Abramoff, present jailbird, was convicted of all sorts of crooked schemes. One of his favorites was to funnel money through various organizations into the hands of other people.

CNN Poll: GOP favorable rating lowest in a decade — WASHINGTON (CNN) - The Republican Party's favorable rating among Americans is at lowest level in at least a decade, according to a new national poll. — Thirty-six percent of people questioned in a CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey released Friday …
Politics Daily, Washington Monthly, Raw Story, Scorecard's Blog, Taegan Goddard's … and TPMDC

Annie Leibovitz takes first family photo — Friends encourage Roger Ailes to seek GOP nom in 2012 — Geithner: ‘A big week’ — Endgame: Look for a trigger in final health bill — Annie Leibovitz takes first family photo — Friends encourage Roger Ailes to seek GOP nom in 2012 — Geithner …

Americans' Views on Obama and the Nobel Peace Prize — Majority say it is not deserved, although about half are glad Obama received it — PRINCETON, NJ — The majority of Americans do not believe President Barack Obama deserved to win the Nobel Peace Prize (61%), but the public is split in its personal reaction to the announcement.

Top employees leave financial firms ahead of pay cuts — Grass is greener where bonuses are sky-high — NEW YORK — Even before the Obama administration formally tightened executive compensation at bailed-out companies, the prospect of pay cuts had led some top employees to depart.
Denver Post, New York Times, Hot Air, QandO, Villainous Company, Clusterstock, Hullabaloo, Outside The Beltway, Indecision Forever, protein wisdom and Shakesville

Former governor calls for party reform — Jeb Bush argues Republicans need to be more welcoming — Jeb Bush, former governor of Florida, unveiled a six-point plan to help strengthen the Republican Party Wednesday night - including shedding the image of being the “old white guy party” and advocating for limited government.

It's His Rubble Now — And the American people want him to fix it. — Printer — Friendly — At a certain point, a president must own a presidency. For George W. Bush that point came eight months in, when 9/11 happened. From that point on, the presidency—all his decisions, all the credit and blame for them—was his.

Former Sen. Hagel: GOP being ‘irresponsible’ on healthcare — Republican senators trying to kill healthcare reform have acted irresponsibly, one of their former colleagues asserted. — Former Sen. Chuck Hagel (R-Neb.) chided some of his former colleagues who have suggested …

Bush: I regret standing in front of the ‘Mission Impossible’ banner. — President Bush was in Canada yesterday to speak at a luncheon of the Montreal Board of Trade. Approximately 300 protesters gathered outside the venue, blowing plastic horns, throwing shoes, and burning the former president in effigy.

The Chinese Disconnect — Senior monetary officials usually talk in code. So when Ben Bernanke, the Federal Reserve chairman, spoke recently about Asia, international imbalances and the financial crisis, he didn't specifically criticize China's outrageous currency policy.
Bloomberg, Matthew Yglesias, Daniel W. Drezner, The Huffington Post, The Glittering Eye and Paul Krugman

Trust on Issues — Voters Trust Republicans More On 10 Top Issues — For the first time in recent years, voters trust Republicans more than Democrats on all 10 key electoral issues regularly tracked by Rasmussen Reports. The GOP holds double-digit advantages on five of them.

Biden's Response to Cheney Criticism: ‘Who Cares?’ — PRAGUE — Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. had a blunt response Friday to the latest broadsides from former Vice President Dick Cheney: “Who cares?” — In the latest exchange between old and new administrations …