Top Items:

House health-care reform bill includes public option, Medicaid expansion — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi will unveil a health-care reform bill on Thursday that includes a government insurance option and a historic expansion of Medicaid, although sticking points in the legislation involving abortion and immigration remain unresolved.

Rehearsal for an anti-choice protest: 'Okay, you stand here and she's gonna whip you with this whip.' — This week, radical anti-choice activist and Operation Rescue founder Randall Terry launched a contest encouraging people to make videos burning House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) …

Affordable Health Care for America Act — For the first time in U.S. history, all Americans would have access to quality, affordable health care under updated health insurance reform legislation unveiled by House Democrats. — The Affordable Health Care for America Act [H.R. 3962] …

Breaking: Pelosi Unveils Merged House Health Care Reform Bill
Riehl World View

Pelosi Backs Off Set Rates for Public Option
Wall Street Journal, The Politico, The New Republic, Firedoglake, The Nation, QandO, Open Left, Think Progress, The Caucus, Hot Air, Daily Kos, Washington Post and The Greenroom

U.S. Economy Started to Grow Again in the Third Quarter — For the first time in a year, the United States economy grew, the Commerce Department said on Thursday. But even if a recovery is technically in the offing, job seekers likely will not begin to feel the benefits for months to come.

On Today's GDP Numbers
The Hill, Real Clear Politics, Real Time Economics, PERRspectives and Washington Monthly

Iowa Republicans wince at Palin fee — A conservative Iowa group's effort to lure Sarah Palin to its banquet next month has had an unintended effect: Rather than exciting conservatives about the prospect of a visit from the former Alaska governor, the group's plan to raise a six-figure sum …

‘Audacity to Win’: Excerpt by Plouffe on Obama Campaign — In a new memoir, The Audacity to Win, David Plouffe, who managed Barack Obama's 2008 race for the White House, provides a behind-the-scenes glimpse inside the campaign. Here's an excerpt: — Agony. Ecstasy.

Nervous W.H. intervened in N.J. race; top Obama adviser now in charge — One of President Barack Obama's key political advisers has become the central strategist in New Jersey Gov. Jon Corzine's bruising campaign for re-election, a race the White House desperately wants to win to avert …

The Outlook for the 2009 Elections — We are still a few days away from Election Day, but party strategists, operatives and local activists are already blaming their own nominees for their defeats. — The clearest evidence that the Virginia gubernatorial race is over …

Obama Visits Returning War Dead — President Obama traveled to Dover Air Force Base early Thursday morning to meet with family members and pay his respects as the flag-draped coffins carrying bodies of 18 American troops killed this week in Afghanistan were returned to the United States.
Associated Press, Political Punch, The Moderate Voice, Mudville Gazette, Gateway Pundit, protein wisdom, The Swamp, Neptunus Lex, The Corner on National …, Right Wing Nut House, The Reaction, Hot Air, Indecision Forever, No More Mister Nice Blog, The Greenroom, The Page, Washington Monthly, BLACKFIVE, Taylor Marsh and Bark Bark Woof Woof

Gates, Crowley Spotted Together In Cambridge Bar — CAMBRIDGE (WBZ) ― Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates and Cambridge police Sergeant James Crowley were spotted at a pub in Cambridge Wednesday night. — The owner of “River Gods” told WBZ the two sat in a booth together and talked for about an hour.

Attorney O'Quinn killed in Houston wreck — Prominent Houston attorney John O'Quinn was one of two men who died this morning when their SUV slammed into a large tree on Allen Parkway after the driver apparently lost control, police said. — “I'm stunned.

Orly Taitz Smacked Down: Birther Lawsuit Dismissed — Central District of California Judge David O. Carter has dismissed Barnett et al v. Obama et al, Orly Taitz's most successful lawsuit — that is, the one that got the furthest through the legal system — demanding proof of the president's citizenship.
Little Green Footballs, Talking Points Memo, Raw Story, 24Ahead, Below The Beltway and TPMMuckraker

Report: Cash for Clunkers was a lemon — A study by released Wednesday suggests that Cash for Clunkers mostly gave money to people who were going to buy a new car anyway. — American taxpayers paid a lot of cash for those clunkers: $24,000 for each new car sold, according to a study released Wednesday.

A Question — Last night at a roundtable for our nations's elite, that is to say, “bloggers,” Richard Trumka, AFL-CIO President, implied, though did not say outright, that one consequence of the real estate bubble was that manufacturing and other types of businesses were finding it difficult to obtain credit at favorable terms.

Democrats Ask New Jersey Secretary of State to Ignore Mismatched Signatures on Absentee-Ballot Requests — By: Jim Geraghty — This year, New Jersey's registered voters can request a mail-in ballot for any reason. (Before 2005, voters needed to provide a reason for why they needed an absentee ballot.)

Victory for Obama Over Military Lobby — When the Obama administration proposed canceling a host of expensive weapons systems last spring, some of the military industry's allies in Congress assumed, as they had in the past, that they would have the final say.
Washington Monthly, MoJo Blog Posts, Mudville Gazette, Truthdig, Prairie Weather and The Reality-Based Community

Meme Alert: MSNBC, Left Wing Equivalent Of Fox, Proves White House Hypocrisy? — The White House's hard pushback against Fox News has spawned a backlash meme of sorts: That whatever the excesses of Fox, the Obama administration has no trouble benefitting from an equally biased network on the left, MSNBC.
Ben Smith's Blog

Shooting at North Hollywood synagogue investigated as hate crime; man detained [Updated] — A gunman approached a North Hollywood synagogue this morning and shot two people before fleeing, according to police, who are investigating the attack as a hate crime.
The Moderate Voice

Politicians Butt In at Bailed-Out GM — Montana Rep. Denny Rehberg was no fan of the $58 billion federal rescue of General Motors Co., saying he worried taxpayer money would be wasted and the restructuring process would be vulnerable to “political pressure.” Now the lawmaker says it's his “patriotic duty” to wade into GM's affairs.

Health and A Well-Being — If you follow some of the links I have been supplying as of late, you'll notice many are focused on the propaganda build up to our day of reckoning with the Swine Flu virus. I say ‘propaganda’ because, in my heart, there is something mighty suspicious about declaring …