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Hacked E-Mails Fuel Climate Change Skeptics — Hundreds of private e-mails and documents hacked from a computer server at a British university are causing a stir among global warming skeptics, who say they show that climate scientists conspired to overstate the case for a human influence on climate change.
Discussion:, Andrew Bolt, JustOneMinute, Stop The ACLU, Jules Crittenden, American Thinker, Climate Progress, AmSpecBlog,, GORE LIED, Dot Earth, Outside The Beltway,, The Air Vent, Tim Blair, The Enterprise Blog, BBC, Examiner, Hot Air and Hit & Run

Hackers steal electronic data from top climate research center — Scientists' e-mails deriding skeptics of warming become public — Hackers broke into the electronic files of one of the world's foremost climate research centers this week and posted an array of e-mails in which prominent scientists engaged …

David Broder: Fears of health-reform cost are justifiable — It's simply not true that America is ambivalent about everything when it comes to the Obama health plan. — The day after the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) gave its qualified blessing to the version of health reform produced …

Crapo: Read the Senate health bill yourself — On the day of the Senate's first vote on healthcare reform legislation, Sen. Mike Crapo (R-Idaho) used the GOP's weekly address to urge people to read the 2,074-page bill before forming an opinion. — “Read the bill” has become a Republican rallying cry throughout the healthcare debate.
The Swamp

New Consensus Sees Stimulus Package as Worthy Step — WASHINGTON — Now that unemployment has topped 10 percent, some liberal-leaning economists see confirmation of their warnings that the $787 billion stimulus package President Obama signed into law last February was way too small.

Bay Area not maverick enough to read Palin book — It might as well have cooties. Hardly anyone wants to touch the thing, or even get close to it. — The new autobiography by moose hunter and failed vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin is harder to find in the Bay Area than a hockey mom.

Whiny Spoiled Brats — By: Anthony Dick — The University of California system took some predictable steps to tighten its belt this week in the face of the state budget crisis, cutting some services and boosting student tuition. Equally predictably, students across the state have responded …

Climate cuttings 33 — General reaction seems to be that the CRUgate emails are genuine, but with the caveat that there could be some less reliable stuff slipped in. — In the circumstances, here are some summaries of the CRUgate files. I'll update these as and when I can. The refs are the email number.

Sarah Palin and Her Lies (And Her Fans Who Attack Her Critics) — I've been blogging since June of 2006 and have not avoided controversial issues or people. But something I recently posted at Psychology Today, “Sarah Palin's Lies” (now posted in full below), elicited more vitriolic comments …

Obama talks jobs, not healthcare, from Asia — President Barack Obama on Saturday pledged a “relentless” approach to the U.S. economic recovery, claiming progress during his Asian trip in opening up foreign markets to American goods. — Obama tackled the sputtering economy …

Ex-U.S. official and wife admit 30 years of spying for Cuba — Plea deal reached for couple recruited by intelligence operative — A former State Department official and his wife admitted in federal court Friday that they spied for Cuba over the past three decades, receiving coded instructions …

Eric Holder's Baffling KSM Decision — The attorney general's Senate testimony this week did nothing to reassure the families of 9/11's victims. — Printer — Friendly — On Wednesday, the Senate Judiciary Committee met to question Attorney General Eric Holder about his decision …

Small Town To Liz Cheney: We Want Gitmo Detainees, Not Your Fearmongering — Officials in a small Michigan town featured in a new video about Guantanamo by Liz Cheney's national security group want her to know that they're not falling for her “fearmongering” — and tell us they want Gitmo detainees in their town.

Whistleblower Video Reveals SEIU Ballot Fraud — Earlier this week, we brought you the story of SEIU's alleged ballot fraud during a union election in Fresno, CA. SEIU's fraud wasn't against political opponents or some evil capitalist. No, SEIU's fraud was against a brother/sister labor union.

EDITORIAL EXCLUSIVE: On terrorists, Justice recused — Attorney general's advisers have conflicts on detainee cases — The Obama Justice Department is having problems prosecuting terrorist cases because top department attorneys have conflicts of interest.