Top Items:

High Premiums in Senate Democrats' Health Plan — WASHINGTON — Senate Democrats have provided few details about their latest health care proposal, but this much seems clear: Anyone who wants to buy the same health benefits as members of Congress, or to buy coverage through Medicare …

First, stop doing harm — “I can't see it,” Olympia Snowe said after considering the Medicare buy-in proposal for a day or two. “I am talking to a lot of my providers this afternoon and I know they are mighty unhappy.” — “My providers.” Think about that for a second.

US health care tab to keep growing under overhaul — WASHINGTON — Democrats trying to push President Barack Obama's health care overhaul plan through the Senate got a sober warning Friday that costs will keep going up and proposed Medicare savings may harm the program.

Worse Than the Public Option — Harry Reid's Medicare gambit. — Printer — Friendly — It's hard to imagine a better illustration of the panic and recklessness stringing ObamaCare along in the Senate than the putative deal that Harry Reid announced this week.

Jenny Sanford: ‘I am now filing for divorce’ — S.C. First Lady Jenny Sanford issued a statement this morning saying that she is filing for divorce from embattled Gov. Mark Sanford, who disclosed this summer that he had had an extramarital affair with a woman from Argentina. — Jenny Sanford's statement says:

Baucus gave girlfriend $14K raise — Sen. Max Baucus (D-Mont.), chairman of the powerful Senate Finance Committee, gave a nearly $14,000 pay raise to a female staffer in 2008, at the time he was becoming romantically involved with her, and later that year took her on a taxpayer-funded trip …

Senate bill allows insurers to establish annual limits — “A loophole in the Senate health care bill would let insurers place annual dollar limits on medical care for people struggling with costly illnesses such as cancer,” reports the AP. The Senate Finance Committee barred annual caps altogether.

Health care loophole would allow coverage limits
Beach Peanuts

Kathleen Parker on Obama's triumph at Oslo — After Barack Obama's Nobel Peace Prize speech, anyone still questioning whether he is really a Christian, rather than a Muslim aligned with fanaticism, needs to seek therapy forthwith. — Anyone still unconvinced that Obama is really an American committed …

Russian Rocket Fail Turns into Nobel Peace Prize Fireworks Display
The Atlantic Politics Channel

The new socialism — In the 1970s and early '80s, having seized control of the U.N. apparatus (by power of numbers), Third World countries decided to cash in. OPEC was pulling off the greatest wealth transfer from rich to poor in history. Why not them? So in grand U.N. declarations …

Sign a Letter to Susan B. Komen Foundation: Donations Shouldn't Go To Hadassah Lieberman — The Susan G. Komen for the Cure Foundation Headquarters — The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation and Susan G. Komen for the Cure are driving forces in funding breast cancer research.
Capitol Watch

For feds, more get 6-figure salaries — The number of federal workers earning six-figure salaries has exploded during the recession, according to a USA TODAY analysis of federal salary data. — Federal employees making salaries of $100,000 or more jumped from 14% to 19% of civil servants during …
Weekly Standard, Hot Air, Cato @ Liberty,, YID With LID, The Foundry, Politics Daily, EconLog and Hit & Run

House Passes Far-Reaching Bill Tightening Financial Rules — WASHINGTON — The House on Friday approved a Democratic plan to significantly tighten federal regulation of Wall Street and the financial sector, advancing a far-reaching Congressional response to the financial crisis still reverberating through the economy.

Are Democrats Sunk? — A friend of mine from Virgina forwarded an email to me today from the NRCC. It started like this: … I laughed it off, but he wasn't having any: … Comments? Is lefty obsession with the public option going to torpedo Dems in 2010?
Megan McArdle

UN Security Stops Journalist's Questions About ClimateGate — A Stanford Professor has used United Nation security officers to silence a journalist asking him “inconvenient questions” during a press briefing at the climate change conference in Copenhagen. — Professor Stephen Schneider's …

Tea partyers petition Dem lawmaker to move office to make protests easier — A Christian civil liberties organization on Thursday asked centrist Rep. Tom Perriello (D-Va.) to move his district office to a location more favorable to protesters. — The Rutherford Institute …
Daily Progress, Washington Monthly, Think Progress, American Power, Raw Story and The Atlantic Politics Channel

Spanking and the 2008 election … More here.The most interesting part of the study is that this is apparently a new divide in American politics.

Pharma Deal Shuts Down Senate Health Care Debate — WHAT'S YOUR REACTION? — The White House, aided by Sen. Tom Carper (D-Del.), is working hard to crush an amendment being pushed by Sen. Byron Dorgan (D-N.D.) to allow for the reimportation of pharmaceutical drugs from Canada, Senate sources tell the Huffington Post.

The Errors of Matt Taibbi. — Matt Taibbi has done it again — written a nightmare of a story for Rolling Stone on Obama's economic sell-out of his campaign. The piece is a factual mess, a conspiracy theorist's dream, doesn't even indict Obama for his real failures (which I'll discuss …

Bernie Madoff, the $19 Billion Con, Makes New Friends Behind Bars — A Year After His Arrest, Inmate No. 61727-054 Settles In — Only 1,795 Months to Go — BUTNER, N.C. — Bernard L. Madoff's life of country clubs and luxury homes ended when federal agents arrested him at his Manhattan penthouse apartment exactly one year ago.

One problem with Republicans: They've got the wrong Mitch — INDIANAPOLIS Earlier this week, I found myself in the majestic office of Indiana's diminutive governor, Mitch Daniels, talking about health care. — Daniels is a rarity these days, an incredibly popular Republican politician …

Sen. Durbin says he's ‘in the dark’ on possible healthcare reform compromise — The 10 Democratic senators who crafted a healthcare compromise are keeping its details a secret, says Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) said Friday. — Responding to a complaint by Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) …
Betsy's Page

Washington Fuss Over White House Hanukkah Party — WASHINGTON — At the first Hanukkah party in the Obama White House, a Jewish student choir will sing in sweet harmony, the two young children of a soldier deployed in Iraq will light a 19th-century silver menorah from Prague and President Obama and his wife …

Sarah Palin's Copenhagen-Bashing Op-Ed One Of Most Read WaPo Opinion Pieces Of The Year — Here's a dispiriting postscript to the massive flap over The Washington Post's decision to publish an Op ed by Sarah Palin on climate change, a piece that has been widely criticized as riddled with falsehoods.

DOJ rejects Jack Johnson pardon — The Department of Justice has rejected Congressional attempts to pardon turn-of-the-last-century boxer Jack Johnson, a black heavyweight champion who was jailed for violation of the notorious “white slavery” Mann Act. — The department's pardons attorney wrote …

John McCain, critic-in-chief — Barack Obama began his presidency with an open hand toward the man he had just defeated in a race that was at times bitter. — “There are few Americans who understand this need for common purpose and common effort better than John McCain,” …

Sarah Palin plans to be key player in 2010 — Everyone should be unsuccessful so successfully: From a losing vice presidential candidacy, Sarah Palin has bounced back as a best-selling author with plans to be a major player in next year's elections. — “It has been spectacular,” …

Health Care Street Heat Targets Senator Schumer, Demanding Medicare for All — New York, NY. December 10, 2009 — On Thursday morning, a group of friends and colleagues, mostly middle-aged, sat and chatted over coffee at a midtown deli near Grand Central Station.

‘Top Line’ Book Corner': David Plouffe's ‘The Audacity to Win’ — ABC News' Rick Klein reports: — President Obama's campaign manager in 2008, David Plouffe, has gained a reputation as a no-nonsense, data-obsessed manager — a strong-willed, hard-working operative who doesn't seek the limelight …

Viscount Monckton calls young climate activists ‘Hitler Youth’ — Christopher Monckton berates a group of young activists for interrupting a meeting of climate sceptics in Copenhagen, calling them ‘Nazis’ and ‘Hitler Youth’ — When Christopher Monckton, the hereditary third Viscount Monckton of Brenchley …

Election 2010: Colorado Senate Race — 2010 Colorado Senate: Norton Runs Best Against Democrats — The election is nearly a year away, but right now former Lieutenant Governor Jane Norton appears to be the Republican with the best shot of beating either of the potential Democratic candidates in Colorado's race for the U.S. Senate.

CAIR Attorney Demands Ban and Seizure of all Christmas Cards sent to Rifqa Bary (Bumped) ***And Updated*** — In a stunning development in the ongoing legal saga of Muslim-turned-Christian convert Rifqa Bary, the parents' attorney, Omar Tarazi, filed a motion with the Franklin County courts …