Top Items:

End It Today, Ben — There's a really big snowstorm coming to D.C.tonight. It would be unsafe to ask all the staffers and Hill employees who'd be needed at the Capitol if Congress stays open all hours this weekend, as Harry Reid intends, to drive to and from work—especially since …

Fox News: Ben Nelson Opposes Health Reform Because He ‘Understands The True Meaning Of Christmas’ — Sen. Ben Nelson (D-NE) is still refusing to support Senate health care reform legislation, with his main objection being that the bill doesn't restrict women's rights enough by severely limiting access to abortions.

An Obama Team Vets Ben Nelson's Wish List — Top White House officials, including a deputy chief of staff, Jim Messina, and a senior adviser, Pete Rouse, are at the Capitol now trying to win the support of Senator Ben Nelson, Democrat of Nebraska, who may be the last big Democratic hold-out.

Ben Nelson's Medicaid concerns questioned
TPMDC, Ezra Klein, Wonk Room, Matthew Yglesias, Washington Monthly, Omaha World-Herald and The Washington Independent

Nelson supports opt-in for ‘reformed health care system’
The Gaggle

Ben Nelson: Bill covers too many uninsured people, must be scaled back
Discussion:, Bob Cesca's Awesome Blog!, RedState, Politics Daily and The Political Carnival

The Abortion Holdout — Ben Nelson doesn't come in for as much scorn …

Rahm Emanuel: Don't Worry About the Left — Turn off MSNBC. Tune out Howard Dean and Keith Olbermann. The White House has its liberal wing in hand on health care, says White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel. — “There are no liberals left to get” in the Senate, Emanuel said in an interview …

Dean's Blind Spot — Maybe one reason former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean and so much of the digital Left can so casually dismiss the Senate health care reform bill is that they operate in an environment where so few people need to worry about access to insurance.

MoveOn opposes Senate bill — Progressive standard bearer MoveOn is opposing the Senate bill and asking its millions of members to sign a petition calling on liberal Sens. Bernie Sanders, Roland Burris, and Russ Feingold to block the bill's passage until it can be strengthened. — From the email:

Flashback: McCain Refused To Grant 30 Seconds Of Time During Iraq War Debate — Yesterday, Sen. Al Franken (D-MN), acting on the orders of the Senate leadership, refused to grant Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-CT) “an additional moment” to continue speaking on the Senate floor after his 10 minutes expired.

Flashback of the Day — When Sen. Al Franken objected to Sen. Joe Lieberman's request for additional time, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) said that in his 20-plus years in the Senate he had never heard a senator do that before. — However, a Political Wire reader sends this excerpt from the Congressional Record from October 10, 2002:
The Political Carnival

5 Nations Forge a Climate Deal, but Many Goals Remain Unmet — COPENHAGEN — President Obama announced here on Friday night that five major nations, including the United States, had together forged a climate deal. He called it “an unprecedented breakthrough” but acknowledged that it still fell short …
The Independent, Pajamas Media, Guardian, Washington Post, Climate Progress,, Hot Air, Green Inc., The BRAD BLOG, INHABITAT, CBS News, Newsweek Blogs, Washington Monthly, The Politico, Copenhagen Insider, Don Surber, Jules Crittenden, CNN, Truthdig, Raw Story, The Washington Independent, Agence France Presse, The Caucus, The Page, the talking dog, The Monkey Cage, Scared Monkeys, The BLT and Prairie Weather

DC snowstorm chills Pelosi's global warming trip — Copenhagen (CNN) - In a strange twist, a Washington snowstorm is forcing Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-California, to make an early departure from a global warming summit here in Denmark. — Pelosi told CNN that military officials leading …

Reid to unveil final offer on healthcare bill on Saturday morning — Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) will make his final offer on healthcare legislation on Saturday morning, unveiling a highly-anticipated amendment to the Senate healthcare bill. — Reid will unveil his amendment …
Real Clear Politics

Grayson threatens to imprison critic — File this story under the pot calling the kettle black. — Rep. Alan Grayson (D-Fla.), prone for throwing his own political bombs at Republicans, has threatened a local critic with five years in jail for creating the website “,”

How to Manufacture a Climate Consensus — The East Anglia emails are just the tip of the iceberg. I should know. — Printer — Friendly — Few people understand the real significance of Climategate, the now-famous hacking of emails from the University of East Anglia Climatic Research Unit (CRU).

What Lieberman has wrought — Joe Lieberman's reckless decision to blow up last week's compromise has had exactly the impact many of us predicted. Much of the left has flipped into vicious, angry opposition to the bill. Is that because the Medicare buy-in, a good but limited policy, has disappeared from the bill?

Editor's politics raise Qs at WSJ — Not long ago, a British conservative columnist and Weekly Standard contributor who once wrote a column asking if America was ready for a “dangerous left-winger” like Barack Obama would have been an unlikely second-in-command at The Wall Street Journal.

Coburn defends the Party of No; Durbin blasts “styptic-hearted Republicans;” Update: Video added — On the Senate floor a few minutes ago, GOP Sen. Tom Coburn gave a rousing defense of the “Party of No.” — “We're accused of being the party of no,” he said. But “no is a wonderful word.

The Adam Lambert Problem — “Wrong track” poll numbers aren't just about the economy. — Printer — Friendly — The news came in numbers and the numbers were fairly grim, all the grimmer for being unsurprising. A Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll reported this week that more than half …

Obama Ordered U.S. Military Strike on Yemen Terrorists — Cruise Missiles Launched Thursday Hit Two Suspected al Qaeda Sites; Major Escalation of US Efforts Against Terrorists — On orders from President Barack Obama, the U.S. military launched cruise missiles early Thursday …

Obama speech fuels frustration at Copenhagen — US president offers no further commitment on reducing emissions or on finance to poor countries — Barack Obama stepped into the chaotic final hours of the Copenhagen summit today saying he was convinced the world could act “boldly and decisively” on climate change.
Mother Jones, Richard Black's Earth Watch, It's Getting Hot In Here, Political Punch, Don Surber, The Washington Independent, Open Left, American Power, The Huffington Post, The New Republic, Environmental Capital, Hot Air, protein wisdom, MyDD, Little Green Footballs, JustOneMinute, Saberpoint and The Lonely Conservative

DISGUSTING!!!: Rock the Vote & Hollywood Make Ad Promoting Teens Withholding Sex as Way to Sell Obamacare — Rock the Vote says their mission is to engage and build the political power of young people in order to achieve progressive change in our country.

Most influential person of the decade — Which of these nominees had the greatest influence in shaping the past decade, either by changing how we live or by making the greatest impact on our culture? Cast your votes now and we'll reveal the winner on Monday, Dec. 21st. Want to nominate someone else?

Mom's tweet as son was dying stirs debate — MERRITT ISLAND, Fla. — As Shellie Ross waited in a hospital for word on her son, Bryson, she posted this note to the social networking site “Please pray like never before, my 2 yr old fell in the pool.” — She found out 19 minutes later that Bryson was dead.