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Senate poll: Coakley up 15 points — AG viewed as stronger on most issues, Globe survey finds, but Brown has gained traction, too — Democrat Martha Coakley, buoyed by her durable statewide popularity, enjoys a solid, 15-percentage-point lead over Republican rival Scott Brown as the race …
Washington Monthly, Politics Daily, Donklephant, AmSpecBlog, Liberal Values, Taegan Goddard's …, Scorecard's Blog, Taylor Marsh, The Lonely Conservative, Jules Crittenden, Right Wing Nut House, The Page, The Hill, Ben Smith's Blog, neo-neocon, TPMDC,, The Political Carnival, All Content, PoliBlog and MyDD

All About the Screen — Special elections are notoriously hard to poll because it's hard to figure out just who is going to show up to vote. (That's the reference to the ‘screen’ — how the pollster figures out who is a likely voter.) But this is a helluva a spread.

Mass Confusion: Brown Up a Point in One Poll, Coakley Up 15 in Another — I was a bit skeptical over the buzz surrounding the PPP poll last night that has Scott Brown up a point over Martha Coakley in the Massachusetts special election to fill Ted Kennedy's seat. — For good reason.

Toss up in Massachusetts — The Massachusetts Senate race is now a toss up.
Venice For Change, Boston Globe, Left Coast Rebel, Scared Monkeys, Red Mass Group, AMERICAblog News, Clusterstock, Campaign Diaries, TD Blog, TPMDC, Betsy's Page, Outside The Beltway, Hot Air, The Atlantic Politics Channel, Taegan Goddard's …, Jumping in Pools, Swing State Project, Real Clear Politics, Wake up America, Open Left, The Huffington Post, Swampland, All Content, The Strata-Sphere, The Next Right, Gateway Pundit, Ben Smith's Blog, Ruby Slippers, RedState, The Moderate Voice, AmSpecBlog and Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion

Poll: Scott Brown ahead of Martha Coakley by 1 point
Wake up America

Steele: Reid should step down from leadership role for ‘Negro’ remark — The chairman of the Republican National Committee called Sunday for Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.) to step down as Majority Leader in the wake of revelations that he used the term “Negro” when discussing President Barack Obama's 2008 candidacy.
Associated Press, The Politico, Scared Monkeys, The Political Carnival, GayPatriot and Political Punch

GOP: Lott-Reid double standard — Top Republicans called for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to step aside Sunday — and accused the Democrats and the media of holding the GOP to a double standard on matters of race. — In an interview with POLITICO, National Republican Senatorial …

Some Democrats want to rein in the filibuster — With Republicans using endless speeches to block all manner of legislation, and the prospect of fewer Democrats after midterm elections, some say it's time for a change so the majority can govern. — Reporting from Washington …

Majority Leader Reid apologizes to Obama for 2008 remarks
PostPartisan, The Plum Line, Verum Serum, The Other McCain, Washington Monthly, New York Times and Ben Smith's Blog

Sharpton backs Reid
Bloomberg, protein wisdom, Gateway Pundit, Associated Press, Political Byline and Jules Crittenden

Captain Obvious Learns the Limits of Cool — Our president came down from the mountaintop. — He had applied the freshness of his independent thought to the critical matters at hand. He had convened his seminar, reviewed the reviews, analyzed the intelligence every which way …

The Other Plot to Wreck America — THERE may not be a person in America without a strong opinion about what coulda, shoulda been done to prevent the underwear bomber from boarding that Christmas flight to Detroit. In the years since 9/11, we've all become counterterrorists.

‘Jihad’ jitters at Met — Mohammed art gone — Is the Met afraid of Mohammed? — The Metropolitan Museum of Art quietly pulled images of the Prophet Mohammed from its Islamic collection and may not include them in a renovated exhibition area slated to open in 2011, The Post has learned.

Liz Cheney Airs Hypocritical Attack Ad On Obama For Waiting ‘100 Hours’ To Respond To Terror Plot — In their eagerness to place blame on President Obama for the attempted Christmas Day terrorist attack, Republicans have argued that the president waited too long to talk publicly about the matter.

Adviser: Obama subdued, disappointed by latest jobs report — After celebrating last month over an uptick in employment, President Barack Obama received the December jobs report, which showed a loss of 85,000 jobs, with subdued disappointment. — Christina Romer, chairman of the White House Council …

Boehner chief of staff dies at 46 — Paula Nowakowski, the longtime chief of staff to House Republican Leader John Boehner, died suddenly Saturday night, according to the leader's office. She was 46. — “It is with profound sadness and shock that I announce the passing of Paula Nowakowski …

Italians cheer as police move immigrants out — Mafia involvement is suspected as riots leave scores injured — Local people clapped and cheered yesterday as hundreds of Africans were moved by police out of a small town in Calabria following clashes in which immigrant farmworkers were shot at, severely beaten and run over.

4 more churches attacked in Malaysia in Allah feud — Buzz up! — KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia - Firebombs were thrown at three more churches in Malaysia on Sunday and another was splashed with black paint, the latest in a series of assaults on Christian houses of worship following …