Top Items:

He Wasn't The One We've Been Waiting For — Health care reform — which is crucial for millions of Americans — hangs in the balance. Progressives are desperately in need of leadership; more specifically, House Democrats need to be told to pass the Senate bill, which isn't what they wanted but is vastly better than nothing.

U-Turn: Frank Says, With Assurances, He'll Vote For The Senate Health Care Bill — In an interview with TPMDC this evening, Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA) reversed course—apologizing for a harsh statement he released last night in the wake of the Massachusetts special election, and saying …

House Liberals To Pelosi: “We Cannot Support The Senate Bill. Period.” — In a private meeting in the Capitol just now, a dozen or more House liberals bluntly told Nancy Pelosi that there was no chance that they would vote to pass the Senate bill in its current form …

Do House Democrats Realize They Already Voted for Health Care Reform?
Ezra Klein, The Mahablog, Opinion L.A., Hullabaloo, The Reality-Based Community, Talking Points Memo and New York Times

TRANSCRIPT: George Stephanopoulos' Exclusive Interview with President Obama
Real Clear Politics, ABCNEWS, The Fix, The Daily Caller, Pajamas Media, Prescriptions and The Awl

Edwards admits fathering child with mistress — Former presidential candidate promises to support his 2-year-old daughter — John Edwards' attorneys say he's been providing financial support for 2-year-old Quinn for about a year, and just signed a child support agreement with Rielle Hunter.

John Edwards Admits He Fathered Rielle Hunter's Child — Former Aide Says Edwards Had Him Steal Diaper to Secretly Check His Paternity — Former presidential candidate John Edwards abandoned his long denial that he had fathered a child during an affair with a campaign aide and admitted today …
The Swamp, AmSpecBlog, Taylor Marsh, Taegan Goddard's …, Hot Air, PoliBlog and The Corner on National …

Obama to Propose Limits on Risks Taken by Banks — WASHINGTON — President Obama on Thursday will publicly propose giving bank regulators the power to limit the size of the nation's largest banks and the scope of their risk-taking activities, an administration official said late Wednesday.
The Hill, Politics Daily, Think Progress, Capital Gains and Games blogs, Beat the Press, Mother Jones and Economist's View

Proposal Set to Curb Bank Giants — WASHINGTON—President Barack Obama on Thursday is expected to propose new limits on the size and risk taken by the country's biggest banks, marking the administration's latest assault on Wall Street in what could mark a return, at least in spirit …

Strong Year for Goldman, as It Trims Bonus Pool

Brown heads to Washington after upset Senate win — BOSTON — Massachusetts Republican Scott Brown, whose surprise win in the race to fill the late Sen. Edward M. Kennedy's seat created the sonic boom heard all the way to Washington, was visiting the nation's capital Thursday to pay a round of courtesy calls on his new colleagues.

Election 2010: Missouri Senate — 2010 Missouri Senate: Blunt (R) 49%, Carnahan (D) 43% — Republican Roy Blunt now holds a six-point lead over Democrat Robin Carnahan in Missouri's race for the U.S. Senate. — A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of likely voters in the state finds Blunt ahead of Carnahan 49% to 43%.

Political math: 37 > 63 — As I point out in my article in the current issue, the combination of three forces: — The original Constitutional compromise giving two Senate seats to every state, large or small; — The post-Constitutional patterns of population growth …

The Massachusetts Election — If anyone should have seen it coming in Massachusetts, it is President Obama — the long-shot candidate who rode to electoral victory on a wave of popular impatience and an ability to identify and address voters' core anxieties.
The Politico, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Cato @ Liberty, Prairie Weather, Big Journalism and The Caucus

Obama Trying to Turn Around His Presidency
The Note, Boston Globe, Commentary, The Politico, USA Today, marbury, The Caucus and The Atlantic Politics Channel

Obama blames Massachusetts Senate loss on middle-class economic pain

Courting Disaster with Christiane Amanpour — Marc Thiessen is the author of Courting Disaster: How the CIA Kept America Safe and How Barack Obama Is Inviting the Next Attack , about which he wrote for us here. As White House speechwriter for George Bush, Thiessen was locked in a secure room …

Glenn Beck Scott Brown ‘Dead Intern’: Beck Slams Brown For ‘Available’ Daughters Comments (VIDEO) — WHAT'S YOUR REACTION? … As Steve Krakauer of Mediaite points out, Glenn Beck's radio show is the Wild West compared to the relative tameness of his Fox News television program.

Mark Levin Responds To Glenn Beck's Crazed Tirade Against Scott Brown
Hot Air, Jules Crittenden, Gateway Pundit, Betsy's Page, Riehl World View, JammieWearingFool, Time and Stop The ACLU

Glenn Beck Destroys Scott Brown: “This One Could End With A Dead Intern”
Hot Air, Riehl World View, Ben Smith's Blog, American Conservative … and The Lonely Conservative

Relieved — I want to recommend that everyone read the email we just got from a Senate staffer who will have to remain anonymous. Here's one part of the email that stood out to me. The whole thing is after the jump ... Here's the whole thing.

Cindy McCain Poses for NOH8 — The NOH8 Campaign on Wednesday announced that Cindy McCain, the wife of former Republican presidential nominee Sen. John McCain, has posed to demonstrate her support of marriage equality. NOH8's Adam Bouska has photographed thousands of subjects since California passed Proposition 8 in 2008.

Cindy McCain Poses for Ad Supporting Gay Marriage
Associated Press

The Libertarian Vote in the Age of Obama … Libertarian — or fiscally conservative, socially liberal — voters are often torn between their aversions to the Republicans' social conservatism and the Democrats' fiscal irresponsibility. Yet libertarians rarely factor into pundits' and pollsters' analyses.
Cato @ Liberty

Buffett Says He Can't See Rationale for Bank Levy — Jan. 20 (Bloomberg) — Warren Buffett opposes President Barack Obama's proposed levy on financial institutions because firms including Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and Wells Fargo & Co. already repaid bailout funds.

The Health Care Grassroots Game — I'm seeing a lot of liberals urging their folks to call their congressmen and create pressure for a “yes” vote on the Senate bill. That's going to be an uphill slog, because of simple math. The progressives are never, ever, going to vote for a Republican.

Inside the Beltway — Gabe Sherman has a very interesting article on problems at the Washington Post, but I'm going to dedicate my post to taking issue with one small part of it: … I think the idea that the Post “can't” go local is just a mistake. This is a very large metropolitan area.

Muslim police say Islam not to blame for terror attacks — Muslim police officers have rebelled openly against the Government's anti-terrorism strategy, warning that it is an “affront to British values” which threatens to trigger ethnic unrest. — The National Association of Muslim Police …