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GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT: FOURTH QUARTER 2009 (ADVANCE ESTIMATE) — Real gross domestic product — the output of goods and services produced by labor and property located in the United States — increased at an annual rate of 5.7 percent in the fourth quarter of 2009, (that is …
Hot Air, The Daily Dish, MyDD, Daily Kos, The Glittering Eye, FT Alphaville, Calculated Risk and The Consumerist

U.S. Economy Grew at Fastest Pace in 6 Years Last Quarter — The United States economy grew at its fastest pace in over six years at the end of 2009, but a sluggish job market is still souring economists on the sustainability of the recovery. — Gross domestic product expanded at an annual rate …

U.S. economy soars in fourth quarter of 2009
Politics Daily

White House orders Justice Department to look for other places to hold 9/11 terror trial — White House officials have told the Justice Department to consider other venues for the 9/11 terror trial that was to be held in lower Manhattan, the Daily News has learned.
New York Post, Taylor Marsh, Gawker, Gothamist, The Foundry, Another Black Conservative, No More Mister Nice Blog, JONATHAN TURLEY, Creeping Sharia, Scared Monkeys, Sweetness & Light, Big Government, Sister Toldjah, Michelle Malkin, Betsy's Page, The Page, Hot Air, Gateway Pundit, The Caucus, Pajamas Media, Alan Colmes' Liberaland, Main Justice, TalkLeft, Political Byline, The Lonely Conservative, The Hill, Weasel Zippers, Don Surber, HotAirPundit,, Mouth of the Potomac, Fox News and New York Times

Administration Considers Moving Site of 9/11 Trial — WASHINGTON — Facing mounting pressure from New York politicians concerned about costs and security, the Obama administration on Thursday began considering moving the trial of the chief organizer of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks out of Manhattan, administration officials said.
JustOneMinute,, Commentary, CNN, The Foundry, Guardian, New Jersey Online, TalkLeft,, Main Justice, Gothamist and USA Today

KSM trial move from NY considered — In the face of mounting opposition to the planned New York City trial of several men accused in the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, the Obama administration is considering moving the proceedings. — The Justice Department is examining possible alternative venues …

After Obama speech, Democrats confused about path ahead — A day after President Obama called on them to renew efforts to pass his ambitious agenda, congressional Democrats remained in disarray Thursday about how to move forward, with at least some pointing at the White House as the cause …
The Note, The Politico, The Hill, Washington Times, Mother Jones, USA Today, TPMDC, Riehl World View, Crooks and Liars and The Plum Line

Congressman Buyer won't seek reelection — 24-Hour News 8 has learned Indiana Congressman Steve Buyer (R-4th District) will announce he will not seek reelection during a news conference Friday. — Buyer is perhaps best known for his 1998 role as a prosecutor in President Clinton's impeachment hearings.
The Hill, Talking Points Memo, The Page, Hotline OnCall, TPMDC and The Washington Independent

Bin Laden deplores climate change — Osama bin Laden, the al-Qaeda leader, has condemned the US and other industrial economies, holding them responsible for the phenomenon of climate change. — In an audio tape obtained by Al Jazeera, bin Laden criticised George Bush, the former US president …
Left Coast Rebel, The Long War Journal, BBC, Raw Story, Sweetness & Light, JammieWearingFool and YID With LID

Bin Laden blasts US for climate change — CAIRO — Al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden has called for the world to boycott American goods and the U.S. dollar, blaming the United States and other industrialized countries for global warming, according to a new audiotape released Friday.
Politics Daily, Washington Post, AmSpecBlog, Stop The ACLU, The Daily Caller, The Washington Independent and RedState

March of the Peacocks — Last week, the Center for American Progress, a think tank with close ties to the Obama administration, published an acerbic essay about the difference between true deficit hawks and showy “deficit peacocks.” You can identify deficit peacocks, readers were told …

Palin to Obama: Stop the Fingerpointing — This is a rush transcript from “On the Record,” January 28, 2010. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated. — GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, FOX NEWS HOST: Tonight, former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin right here, right now! She joins us from Wasilla, Alaska.

Tony Blair at Iraq inquiry - live — • Blair denies doing secret deal with Bush at Crawford — • Says Saddam in 2010 may have been even greater threat — • Blames Iran and al-Qaida for problems in post-war Iraq — • Press the PLAY button below to start live video stream
Suburban Guerrilla

Steele spars with reporters in Hawaii — Honolulu, Hawaii (CNN) - Michael Steele defended his turbulent tenure as head of the Republican National Committee Thursday, and vented his frustration with reporters in the room who, he claimed, “find me fascinating to write about and to opine on.”

Scott Brown interview transcript — Massachusetts' new senator talks about his campaign, the issues — and signing a supporter's head — Senator-elect Scott Brown sat down with Boston Globe reporters Matt Viser and Eric Moskowitz in his State House office for a half-hour interview.

Democrats cry injustice — Senate Democrats are furious with Chief Justice John Roberts and Associate Justice Samuel Alito — and Alito's silent State of the Union rebuke of the president is the least of their concerns. — Democrats say Alito crossed the line when he mouthed the words …

Gregg scolds MSNBC: ‘Irresponsible’ — Sen. Judd Gregg (R-N.H.) attacked MSNBC hosts Contessa Brewer and Melissa Francis on Thursday, questioning their “integrity” as journalists and calling them “irresponsible.” — The scuffle started with Francis asking Gregg to name specific areas …

Pelosi stopped one CIA operation. So why not waterboarding? — In mid-2004, then-House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi learned something from a CIA briefing that made her blood boil. Pelosi reportedly “came unglued” at the revelation and had “strong words” with national security adviser Condoleezza Rice …

Axelrod Struggles To Explain Why Obama's Spending Freeze Doesn't Include Defense Funding — Yesterday, ThinkProgress joined a handful of journalists for a wide-ranging discussion with David Axelrod, Senior Adviser to President Obama. In his State of the Union address on Wednesday night …

Sally Quinn's Washington — You cannot caricature Sally Quinn. Don't even try. It simply can't be done. No matter how hard you try to exaggerate her preening self-regard and utter frivolity, she comes right along and shows herself to be worse than you could possibly imagine.

Has Obama become bored with being president? — This is about the time Barack Obama becomes bored with his job. — He's in his second year as president, and he's discovered that even with all the powers of office, he can't do everything he wants to do, like remake America. Doing stuff is hard.
Moe Lane

Why Is Senator Kirk Still Voting on Legislation? — The Senate has voted on three pieces of legislation today that required 60 votes-to raise the debt ceiling to $14.3 trillion, to reduce the deficit by establishing five-year discretionary spending caps, and Ben Bernanke's confirmation …

The Obama Contradiction — Washington is sick and broken—and it can solve all our problems. — When you watch a president give a State of the Union Address on television, you're always watching three people: the president at the podium, and the vice president and House speaker on the rise behind him.

Plan to scuttle 'don't ask, don't tell' ready — Washington (CNN) — Defense Secretary Robert Gates will unveil the Pentagon's plan to prepare for repealing the controversial “don't ask, don't tell” law regarding gay soldiers at a committee hearing Tuesday, a Pentagon spokesman said.