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6:55 PM ET, June 12, 2017


 Top Items: 
Caitlin Owens / Axios:
Senate GOP won't release draft health care bill  —  Senate Republicans are on track to finish writing their draft health care bill this evening, but have no plans to publicly release the bill, according to two senior Senate GOP aides.  —  “We aren't stupid,” said one of the aides.
Tom Jensen / Public Policy Polling:
Plurality Of Voters Think Trump Obstructed Justice  —  PPP's newest national poll finds a variety of bad news for Donald Trump in the wake of James Comey's testimony to Congress last week.  49% of voters say that they think Trump committed obstruction of justice, to just 41% who don't think he did.
Sarah Kliff / Vox:
Obamacare is in real danger  —  The Affordable Care Act is in deep trouble — in Washington and large swaths of the country.  —  Senate Republicans began to coalesce around the framework of a plan to repeal and replace the law last week.  Their plan would, like the bill the House passed in May …
Sarah Kliff / Vox:
Want to see the Senate's draft health care bill? Good luck.
Discussion: Axios, Business Insider and The Week
John Harwood / CNBC:
Trump makes bizarre claims at press event as Cabinet members take turns praising him  — Trump said that few presidents have passed more legislation than he has, though Congress has passed no major legislation since he has been president  —  Since taking office in January …
Discussion: Vox and New York Times
Chris Cillizza / CNN:
Donald Trump just held the weirdest Cabinet meeting ever  —  (CNN)Leave it to Donald Trump to reinvent the Cabinet meeting.  —  The public portion of these gatherings of all of the president's top advisers are usually staid affairs.  Photographers are let in to take pictures.
Cabinet members give Trump unusual tribute  —  Washington (CNN)The first meeting of President Donald Trump's full Cabinet evolved into an unusual tribute session Monday as heads of his executive branch agencies hailed the opening five months of Trump's administration while the President himself listened on closely.
Discussion: Talking Points Memo and Mediaite
John Wagner / Washington Post:
Praise for the chief: Trump's Cabinet tells him it's an ‘honor’ and ‘blessing’ to serve
Discussion: ABC News
John Wagner / Washington Post:
Trump touts ‘amazing’ progress, basks in praise of his Cabinet
Discussion: Lawyers, Guns & Money
Julie Hirschfeld Davis / New York Times:
Trump Boasts of ‘Record-Setting’ Pace of Activity
Discussion: Hullabaloo
Louise Radnofsky / Wall Street Journal:
Secret Service Has No Audio or Transcripts of Any Tapes Made in Trump White House  —  The U.S. Secret Service has no audio copies or transcripts of any tapes recorded within President Donald Trump's White House, the agency said Monday.
Max Greenwood / The Hill:
Gingrich: Congress ‘should abolish’ special counsel after Comey testimony  —  Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) slammed former FBI Director James Comey on Sunday, accusing him of manipulating the investigation into Russian election meddling and calling for Congress to dismiss the special counsel entirely.
James Hohmann / Washington Post:
The Daily 202: 40 questions for Jeff Sessions
Nolan D. McCaskill / Politico:
Spicer: ‘Premature’ to discuss executive privilege ahead of Sessions testimony
Discussion: Axios and Associated Press
Cody Derespina / Fox News:
Ivanka Trump surprised by ‘viciousness,’ ‘ferocity’ of father's critics
Discussion: Daily Mail and Mediaite
Liam Stack / New York Times:
Delta Air Lines and Bank of America Won't Back Trump-Like ‘Julius Caesar’  —  New York's Public Theater lost support from two high-profile corporate donors, Delta Air Lines and Bank of America, on Sunday amid intense criticism of its production of Shakespeare's “Julius Caesar,” …
Piers Morgan / Daily Mail:   Hate-filled liberals seem to think Trump is such a joke that anything goes. …
Congressman Mike Quigley:
Quigley Introduces the COVFEFE Act  —  Legislation Expands Presidential Records Act Preservation to Include Social Media  —  WASHINGTON — Today, U.S. Representative Mike Quigley (IL-05), co-founder and co-chair of the Congressional Transparency Caucus, introduced the Communications …
Damian Paletta / Washington Post:
The government only has enough money to pay its bills through September, Trump administration says  —  Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin for the first time Monday said the Treasury Department only has enough money to fund the government through early September, a much earlier timeline than many analysts had projected.
Discussion: Political Wire and Raw Story
Associated Press:
The Latest: Treasury has ‘backup plans’ to fund government
Discussion: Politico
Fredreka Schouten / USA Today:
Exclusive: In latest job, Jim DeMint wants to give Tea Party ‘ a new mission’  —  WASHINGTON - Former South Carolina senator Jim DeMint, ousted last month as head of the Heritage Foundation think tank, is joining a fast-growing, conservative movement that is pushing states to seek …
Aaron C. Davis / Washington Post:
D.C. and Maryland to sue President Trump, alleging breach of constitutional oath  —  Attorneys general for the District of Columbia and the state of Maryland say they will sue President Trump on Monday, alleging that he has violated anti-corruption clauses in the Constitution by accepting millions …
Marc Fisher / Washington Post:
When a liberal power lawyer represents the Trump family, things can get ugly  —  Four decades ago, soon after a president of the United States interfered in an investigation of his actions, a young lawyer named Jamie Gorelick was assigned her first big case.
New York Times:
U.S. Cyberweapons, Used Against Iran and North Korea, Are a Disappointment Against ISIS  —  WASHINGTON — America's fast-growing ranks of secret cyberwarriors have in recent years blown up nuclear centrifuges in Iran and turned to computer code and electronic warfare to sabotage North Korea's missile launches, with mixed results.
Kelefa Sanneh / New Yorker:
The Persistence of Prog Rock  —  Critics think that the genre was an embarrassing dead end.  So why do fans and musicians still love it?  —  In April, 1971, Rolling Stone reviewed the début album by a band with a name better suited to a law firm: Emerson, Lake & Palmer.
Discussion: Power Line and Althouse
Associated Press:
Gorsuch has unanimous first opinion for Supreme Court  —  A measure of melodic phrasing.  A rigorous reading of the law at issue.  A nod to the proper role of the courts.  —  Justice Neil Gorsuch's first Supreme Court opinion Monday stayed true to what Gorsuch promised in his nomination hearing …
Discussion: Washington Post and Politico
Kristina Wong / Breitbart:
Blackwater Founder Erik Prince Recommends ‘Cheaper, Lighter’ Afghanistan Approach  —  Blackwater founder and former Navy SEAL Erik Prince is recommending, as the Trump administration debates its Afghanistan War approach, that the U.S. military go back to its light footprint approach in Afghanistan.
Discussion: The National Interest
NEW: Trump finally gets wall — to shield Air Force One at PBIA  —  President Donald Trump may be getting a wall.  —  The barrier line of yellow school buses is gone from Palm Beach International Airport, and plans are in motion to have something more permanent in place ahead of Trump's next visit to his Mar-a-Lago Club.
Discussion: Raw Story
Mike Allen / Axios:
Trump “on an island, all alone”  —  The spotlight has been on President Trump's legal jeopardy.  But inside the small circle of top Republicans who advise this White House, there's increasing concern that future political problems are stacking up.  —  One of the oldest (and most trusted) …
Discussion: Raw Story
ICE arrests in metro Detroit terrify Iraqi Christians  —  Iraqi Christians detained by ICE in Detroit  —  (CNN)A family Sunday at the beach turned out to be a nightmare for the Barash family and for metro Detroit's Chaldean population — Catholics who hail from Iraq.
Discussion: Daily Kos and Raw Story
Katie Mettler / Washington Post:
A year ago, 49 people died at Pulse nightclub.  Today, Orlando remembers.  —  For the first time since the massacre last June, when Orlando's Pulse nightclub went from patrons' haven to nightmare in a matter of seconds, owner Barbara Poma turned on the building's outside lights Sunday …
Adam Liptak / New York Times:
Trump Loses Travel Ban Ruling in Appeals Court  —  WASHINGTON — A second federal appeals court on Monday ruled against President Trump's revised travel ban.  The decision, from the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, in San Francisco, was the latest in a string …
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 More Items: 
Justin Bachman / Bloomberg:
Musk's SpaceX Joins the Military
Discussion: Liberty Unyielding
Jordain Carney / The Hill:
Schumer will vote to block Trump's arms sale to Saudi Arabia
Manuel Roig-Franzia / Washington Post:
'This ain't right!': Bill Cosby's attorney calls assault claim a lie
Discussion: Althouse
David Nather / Axios:
ACA enrollment falls to 10.3 million
Discussion: Politico
Dan Riehl / Breitbart:
Peter Schweizer: Jeff Sessions Ending DOJ Handouts to Activist Groups ‘a Tremendous Victory’
Wall Street Journal:
Uber's Leadership Crisis Intensifies
 Earlier Items: 
JTA / Jewish Telegraphic Agency:
San Antonio elects progressive mayor who celebrates Jewish heritage
Harry Enten / FiveThirtyEight:
Democrats Have A Slight Edge In The Georgia 6 Runoff
Discussion: TheBlaze
Jim Geraghty / National Review:
Wait, All of a Sudden, Partisan Redistricting Is Unconstitutional? Now?
Discussion: Instapundit and Washington Post
Jake Sherman / Politico:
GOP growing worried they'll lose House …
Discussion: The Week