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8:05 AM ET, June 4, 2019


 Top Items: 
Washington Post:
GOP lawmakers discuss vote to block Trump's new tariffs on Mexico, in what would be a dramatic act of defiance  —  Congressional Republicans have begun discussing whether they may have to vote to block President Trump's planned new tariffs on Mexico, potentially igniting a second standoff …
Mexico draws red line on asylum as Trump tariff risk rises  —  WASHINGTON/MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexico said on Monday it would reject a U.S. idea to take in all Central American asylum seekers if it is raised at talks this week with the Trump administration, which has threatened to impose tariffs …
Joshua Green / Bloomberg:
Trump's Tariff Spree Comes With Big Electoral Risks
Discussion: New York Times
Washington Post:
Figure linked to Trump transition charged with transporting child pornography  —  A key witness in former Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III's investigation of Russian election interference has been indicted by federal officials on child pornography charges, according to court documents.
The Daily Beast:   George Nader, Witness in Mueller Investigation, Arrested on Child Porn Charges
Former key Mueller witness George Nader arrested on child pornography charges
Discussion: Balloon Juice
New York Times:
Kushner Sees a Problem in Trump's Fund-Raising, but Not Everyone Agrees  —  WASHINGTON — His plan for ending a 35-day government shutdown failed to deliver a compromise.  —  His immigration proposal was greeted by congressional Democrats and Republicans alike as dead on arrival.
Campaign Money Helping Make Up For Tenant Shortage At Trump Tower  —  As commercial renters flee, Trump keeps spending $37,500 a month in campaign funds at his own building — even though much of the Republican Party's leased space in Virginia is going unused.
Discussion: Political Wire
Politico:   POLITICO Playbook: How Democrats plan to impeach Trump without impeaching him
McLean Bible Church:
Prayer for the President  —  Sometimes we find ourselves in situations that we didn't see coming, and we're faced with a decision in a moment when we don't have the liberty of deliberation, so we do our best to glorify God.  Today, I found myself in one of those situations.
Krystal Campos / Politico:
Pastor tells congregation why he prayed for Trump  —  The pastor of a Northern Virginia church where President Donald Trump stopped over the weekend has delivered an explanation to his congregation after praying for the president during the unscheduled visit.
NBC News:
Botched family reunifications left migrant children waiting in vans overnight  —  Not until 39 hours later — after two nights in a van — did the last child step out of a van to be reunited.  Most spent at least 23 hours in the vehicles.  —  LOS ANGELES — Under the blistering Texas sun last July …
Discussion: The Week and Axios
Sarah Ferris / Politico:
Clyburn walks back impeachment comments  —  House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn on Monday walked back remarks suggesting that Democrats will impeach President Donald Trump, reversing course to say he's “farther” from backing impeachment than most of his caucus.  —  Clyburn's comments came …
Ben Geman / Axios:
Joe Biden's 2020 climate plan vows to go “well beyond” Obama's policies  —  Joe Biden unveiled a wide-ranging climate and energy platform for his 2020 campaign Tuesday, vowing to go “well beyond” President Obama's policies at a time when he's facing skepticism on the left.
Discussion: Politico and Political Wire
Washington Post:
Joe Biden embraces Green New Deal as he releases climate plan  —  Joe Biden is embracing the framework of the Green New Deal in his bid for the White House, calling on the United States to eliminate climate-warming emissions by no later than the middle of the century while attempting …
Discussion: New York Times
Chuck Ross / The Daily Caller:
John Dowd Blasts Mueller Over Selective Quotes In Russia Report  —  Former Trump attorney John Dowd on Monday accused the special counsel's office of ambushing him and attempting to smear his reputation in the Russia report by selectively quoting from a voicemail he left for Michael Flynn's attorney.
Remarks by Spokesperson of the Chinese Embassy on Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's Statement  —  On June 3, 2019, the US side issued a statement on China in the name of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo out of prejudice and arrogance.  Under the pretext of human rights, the statement grossly intervenes …
Discussion: Bloomberg and Al Jazeera
New York Times:
A Former Business Partner Alleges the Trumps Evaded Taxes in Panama  —  The owners of a luxury hotel in Panama City that ousted the Trump Organization as property managers last year accused it on Monday of evading taxes in Panama and creating a “false light” around the hotel's finances.
Discussion: Splinter and The Week
David Brooks / New York Times:
The Coming G.O.P. Apocalypse  —  Stumbling blind into the age of diversity.  —  For much of the 20th century, young and old people voted pretty similarly.  The defining gaps in our recent politics have been the gender gap (women preferring Democrats) and the education gap.
Fox News:
Judge orders Paul Manafort to be transferred to New York City's notorious Rikers Island  —  Paul Manafort, the former Trump campaign chairman who was sentenced earlier this year to four years in prison for tax and bank fraud related to his work advising Ukrainian politicians …
Discussion: RedState
Ben Feuerherd / New York Post:
Paul Manafort will reportedly be moved from federal lockup to Rikers Island
Discussion: Political Wire
New Report Suggests ‘High Likelihood of Human Civilization Coming to an End’ in 2050  —  The climate change analysis was written by a former fossil fuel executive and backed by the former chief of Australia's military.  —  A harrowing scenario analysis of how human civilization might collapse …
Washington Post:
Trump urges customers to drop AT&T to punish CNN over its coverage of him  —  President Trump took his long-running attacks against CNN to a new level on Monday by suggesting in a series of tweets that a consumer boycott of its parent company, AT&T, could force “big changes” at the news organization.
Sarah Ferris / Politico:
House at last clears massive disaster aid deal for Trump's signature  —  House Democrats finally managed to pass a $19.1 billion disaster relief bill Monday, sending the measure on to President Donald Trump, who is expected to sign it.  —  The 354-58 vote came after Republican conservatives blocked …
Discussion: ThinkProgress and The Daily Caller
Erica Werner / Washington Post:   House passes $19 billion disaster aid bill; Trump is expected to sign
CNN Poll: Biden continues to lead crowded Democratic field  —  2020 Democrats challenge Biden's message, electability  —  WASHINGTON (CNN)Former Vice President Joe Biden continues to be the top pick for the Democratic nomination for president among Democrats and Democratic-leaning registered voters …
Alex Isenstadt / Politico:
Trump tries to upend the 2020 map  —  President Donald Trump is targeting a trio of states that he lost in 2016 — a move aimed at widening his path to reelection that comes as he's struggling in the Rust Belt states that propelled him to the White House.  —  Trump officials are zeroing …
Mead Gruver / Associated Press:
Wyoming mayor: Governor cursed, slammed fists in meeting  —  CHEYENNE, Wyo. (AP) — Wyoming Gov. Mark Gordon used foul language and “his physical presence in an aggressive and threatening manner” in a meeting with the mayor of Wyoming's capital city, the mayor said Monday.
Discussion: Splinter and Political Wire
Jonathan Allen / NBC News:
Ahead of D-Day, Trump storms into Europe  —  Analysis: The president arrives in London, where he'll get the literal and figurative royal treatment despite having disrupted the British political scene.  —  LONDON — President Donald Trump has arrived in the U.K. for a pomp- and ceremony-heavy visit …
Discussion: Financial Times
Sister Toldjah / RedState:
He Persisted: Dan Crenshaw Is Owning Liz Warren on Twitter and I'm Just Here to Share the Popcorn  —  As he's demonstrated in the past, Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX-2) is unafraid to take on the Democratic party's far left wing, whether it be in liberal dens like “The View”, during House Committee hearings, or on social media.
Discussion: Townhall, Sean Hannity and IJR
The State Bar of California:
State Bar of California Files to Place Attorney Michael J. Avenatti on Involuntary Inactive Status  —  Today the State Bar filed a petition with the State Bar Court to place Los Angeles attorney Michael J. Avenatti on involuntary inactive status, pursuant to California Business and Professions Code 6007(c)(1)-(3).
Discussion: RedState and Fox News
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 More Items: 
Liel Leibovitz / Tablet Magazine:
Why Jews Should Pay Attention to the Recent Debate Rocking American Conservatism
David M. Drucker / Washington Examiner:
Trump allies fear his mission-critical super PAC is not ready for prime time
Alexander Nazaryan / Yahoo News:
Discounting climate change, EPA chief faults the media for the rise of bad environmental news
Kaveh Waddell / Axios:
The 2020 campaigns aren't ready for deepfakes
Brent Scher / Washington Free Beacon:
AOC Downplays Luxury Apartment, Says Everyone Should Have One
Discussion: PJ Media Home and Breitbart
Adam Liptak / New York Times:
At the Supreme Court, Justice Thomas Scoffs at Retirement Rumors
1100 Pennsylvania:
Sprint exec chatted with Trump at Sterling
 Earlier Items: 
Elena Schneider / Politico:
Buttigieg: I wouldn't have pressured Franken to resign
William McGurn / Wall Street Journal:
About the FBI's Spying  —  What's the difference between surveillance …
The Independent:
Doctors in Idlib will no longer share coordinates of hospitals with UN after repeated attacks …
NBC New York:
Quest Diagnostics Says Up to 12 Million Patients May Have Had Financial, Medical, Personal Information Breached
Discussion: Gizmodo and Daily Wire
David Eggert / Associated Press:
APNewsBreak: Ex-governor's phone seized in Flint water probe
Discussion: CNN and Law & Crime

From Mediagazer:

Laura Wagner / Washington Post:
The Times Guild leaders say NYT, while rolling out expanded bio pages for staff, made “petty” cuts to the language in which staffers extolled their Guild work

Philip Bump / Washington Post:
YouGov: the news sources Americans say they trust the most aren't always used most heavily; YouTube and Facebook are often sources for news but not trusted much

Brian Welk / IndieWire:
The Tribeca Festival and OpenAI plan to feature five short films made using OpenAI's text-to-video tool Sora on June 15

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