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11:30 PM ET, June 3, 2019


 Top Items: 
Washington Post:
Figure linked to Trump transition charged with transporting child pornography  —  A key witness in former Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III's investigation of Russian election interference has been indicted by federal officials on child pornography charges, according to court documents.
The Daily Beast:
George Nader, Witness in Mueller Investigation, Arrested on Child Porn Charges  —  Emissary to the United Arab Emirates, whose ties to Trump figures caught the attention of investigators, was allegedly stopped at airport with graphic images on his phone.  —  George Nader, a Lebanese-American businessman …
U.S. Department of Justice:
Man Arrested for Transporting Images of Child Sexual Abuse  —  ALEXANDRIA, Va. - A man with citizenship in Lebanon and the United States was arrested this morning after arriving at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York on charges of transporting visual depictions of minors engaged in sexually explicit conduct.
Former key Mueller witness George Nader arrested on child pornography charges
Discussion: Balloon Juice
Andrew Desiderio / Politico:
House Dems to hold Barr, Ross in contempt over census question  —  House Democrats are moving to hold Attorney General William Barr and Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross in contempt of Congress for defying a subpoena seeking information about efforts to add a citizenship question to the 2020 census.
Sarah Ferris / Politico:
Clyburn walks back impeachment comments  —  House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn on Monday walked back remarks suggesting that Democrats will impeach President Donald Trump, reversing course to say he's “farther” from backing impeachment than most of his caucus.  —  Clyburn's comments came …
Nicholas Fandos / New York Times:
House Democrats, Aiming to Reinvigorate Inquiries, Set Hearings and Contempt Votes
Discussion: Fox News and The Guardian
Washington Post:
GOP lawmakers discuss vote to block Trump's new tariffs on Mexico, in what would be a dramatic act of defiance  —  Congressional Republicans have begun discussing whether they may have to vote to block President Trump's planned new tariffs on Mexico, potentially igniting a second standoff …
Discussion: Political Wire
Mexico draws red line on asylum as Trump tariff risk rises
Discussion: Political Wire
Danielle Wiener-Bronner / CNN:   Chipotle could raise burrito prices by 5¢ if Mexico tariffs become permanent
McLean Bible Church:
Prayer for the President  —  Sometimes we find ourselves in situations that we didn't see coming, and we're faced with a decision in a moment when we don't have the liberty of deliberation, so we do our best to glorify God.  Today, I found myself in one of those situations.
Krystal Campos / Politico:
Pastor tells congregation why he prayed for Trump  —  The pastor of a Northern Virginia church where President Donald Trump stopped over the weekend has delivered an explanation to his congregation after praying for the president during the unscheduled visit.
New York Times:
A Former Business Partner Alleges the Trumps Evaded Taxes in Panama  —  The owners of a luxury hotel in Panama City that ousted the Trump Organization as property managers last year accused it on Monday of evading taxes in Panama and creating a “false light” around the hotel's finances.
Discussion: The Week, Splinter and Political Wire
New Report Suggests ‘High Likelihood of Human Civilization Coming to an End’ in 2050  —  The climate change analysis was written by a former fossil fuel executive and backed by the former chief of Australia's military.  —  A harrowing scenario analysis of how human civilization might collapse …
Jim Geraghty / National Review:
The Right's Grifter Problem  —  Making the click-through worthwhile: A rare single-topic Jolt this morning, as I've watched the two millionth “the problem with conservatism is people like you, the solution for conservatism is people like me” debate and I'm just sick and tired …
Rod Dreher / The American Conservative:
More Ahmari-French Fighting Words
Discussion: Reason and NB Blog
Jim Geraghty / National Review:   Three Ways to Fight Dishonest PACs
Josh Lederman / NBC News:
Inside Pete Buttigieg's plan to overhaul the Supreme Court  —  No other candidate has made it central to his or her rationale for running and proposed presidential agenda.  —  WASHINGTON — As Democrats agonize over a spate of state laws restricting abortion rights and even a potential reversal …
Adam Liptak / New York Times:   At the Supreme Court, Justice Thomas Scoffs at Retirement Rumors
Robert Barnes / Washington Post:   Clarence Thomas says he has ‘no idea’ where retirement rumors started
NBC News:
Botched family reunifications left migrant children waiting in vans overnight  —  Not until 39 hours later — after two nights in a van — did the last child step out of a van to be reunited.  Most spent at least 23 hours in the vehicles.  —  LOS ANGELES — Under the blistering Texas sun last July …
Discussion: The Week
Ari Levy / CNBC:
The government is threatening big tech — and the market just took notice  —  KEY POINTS  — The Justice Department has been given jurisdiction over Apple as part of a broad review into potential anti-competitive behavior among big tech companies.  — Reports surfaced in recent days suggesting …
Washington Post:
Trump urges customers to drop AT&T to punish CNN over its coverage of him  —  President Trump took his long-running attacks against CNN to a new level on Monday by suggesting in a series of tweets that a consumer boycott of its parent company, AT&T, could force “big changes” at the news organization.
New York Times:
Kushner Sees a Problem in Trump's Fund-Raising, but Not Everyone Agrees  —  WASHINGTON — His plan for ending a 35-day government shutdown failed to deliver a compromise.  —  His immigration proposal was greeted by congressional Democrats and Republicans alike as dead on arrival.
Mead Gruver / Associated Press:
Wyoming mayor: Governor cursed, slammed fists in meeting  —  CHEYENNE, Wyo. (AP) — Wyoming Gov. Mark Gordon used foul language and “his physical presence in an aggressive and threatening manner” in a meeting with the mayor of Wyoming's capital city, the mayor said Monday.
Discussion: Splinter and Political Wire
David Eggert / Associated Press:
APNewsBreak: Ex-governor's phone seized in Flint water probe  —  LANSING, Mich. (AP) — Authorities investigating Flint's water crisis have used search warrants to seize from storage the state-owned mobile devices of former Gov. Rick Snyder and 65 other current or former officials, The Associated Press has learned.
Discussion: CNN and Law & Crime
William McGurn / Wall Street Journal:
About the FBI's Spying  —  What's the difference between surveillance of Carter Page and Martin Luther King?  —  When Carter Page learned in April 2017 that the Federal Bureau of Investigation had obtained a secret court order to listen in on his communications, the Washington Post asked him about it.
Dominic Green / Spectator USA:
Did American outlets refuse to publish the MLK sex transcripts?
Discussion: Instapundit, Power Line and Townhall
Adam Jentleson / GQ:
The Political Costs of Not Impeaching Trump  —  On February 13, 2016, Justice Antonin Scalia died.  Before his body was in the ground, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell announced he would block anyone President Barack Obama nominated to fill Scalia's seat.
Discussion: Washington Post
Zachary Basu / Axios:
Judge rejects Democrats' effort to block Trump's border emergency  —  A federal judge in D.C. has rejected an effort by House Democrats to block President Trump's use of emergency powers to reprogram military funds for his border wall. … McFadden added: “To be clear …
Discussion: Politico and Townhall
David Brooks / New York Times:
The Coming G.O.P. Apocalypse  —  Stumbling blind into the age of diversity.  —  For much of the 20th century, young and old people voted pretty similarly.  The defining gaps in our recent politics have been the gender gap (women preferring Democrats) and the education gap.
Discussion: The Week
NBC New York:
Quest Diagnostics Says Up to 12 Million Patients May Have Had Financial, Medical, Personal Information Breached  —  It includes credit card numbers and bank account information, according to a filing  —  12M Quest Diagnostics Patients May Have Had Data Breach
Discussion: Daily Wire
The Independent:
Doctors in Idlib will no longer share coordinates of hospitals with UN after repeated attacks from Russian and Syrian forces  —  More than 25 hospitals bombed by Russian and Syrian forces in just one month  —  Doctors working in rebel-held northern Syria will no longer share the locations …
New York Times:
On YouTube's Digital Playground, an Open Gate for Pedophiles  —  Christiane C. didn't think anything of it when her 10-year-old daughter and a friend uploaded a video of themselves playing in a backyard pool.  —  “The video is innocent, it's not a big deal,” said Christiane, who lives in a Rio de Janeiro suburb.
Ben Norton / The Grayzone:
Top US journalists spread fake news claiming North Korean official was ‘purged’ - then he shows up on TV  —  Virtually every major Western corporate media outlet and a who's who of pundits circulated a blatantly false report that North Korean nuclear negotiators were killed and imprisoned …
1100 Pennsylvania:
Sprint exec chatted with Trump at Sterling  —  ‘Pretty cool when you play golf and then get a minute to chat with POTUS!’  —  Donald Trump golfed at his Sterling, Virginia club on both Saturday and Sunday this weekend, affording his customers the chance to interact with the U.S. president.
Discussion: Public Pool
Sarah Ferris / Politico:
House at last clears massive disaster aid deal for Trump's signature  —  House Democrats finally managed to pass a $19.1 billion disaster relief bill Monday, sending the measure on to President Donald Trump, who is expected to sign it.  —  The 354-58 vote came after Republican conservatives blocked …
Discussion: ThinkProgress and The Daily Caller
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 More Items: 
Ross Garber / CNN:
Nancy Pelosi's weird (and wrong) views about impeachment
Discussion: Law & Crime and The Mahablog
Elena Schneider / Politico:
Buttigieg: I wouldn't have pressured Franken to resign
New York Times:
How New York's Elite Public Schools Lost Their Black and Hispanic Students
Discussion: Breitbart
Alex Emmons / The Intercept:
Amazon Offered Job to Pentagon Official Involved With $10 Billion Contract It Sought
Stephen Gandel / Washington Post:
Trump's Trade War Has Cost Investors Up to $7 Trillion
David Byler / Washington Post:
Joe Biden is the Democratic Mitt Romney
 Earlier Items: 
Sasha Pezenik / ABC News:
A tale of 2 invoices: Beto O'Rourke pays El Paso, while Donald Trump's campaign still owes $470,000
Discussion: Splinter and Shareblue Media
Mollie Hemingway / The Federalist:
Top 28 Moments From Bombshell Barr Interview
Brian Lyman / Montgomery Advertiser:
‘Where was the Lord?’: On Jefferson Davis' birthday, 9 slave testimonies
Discussion: Daily Kos
Matt Flegenheimer / New York Times:
Biden's First Run for President Was a Calamity. Some Missteps Still Resonate.
Discussion: Breitbart
Zamira Rahim / The Independent:
Trump faces giant penis mowed into field near airport where he lands for UK state visit, in climate change protest
Fred Hiatt / Washington Post:
We knew who Trump was but elected him anyway. We can't impeach him for that.

From Techmeme:

Javier Espinoza / Financial Times:
Sources: Apple is set to settle a long-running EU antitrust investigation over payments, after the EU accepted measures that Apple committed to in January 2024

Ivan Mehta / TechCrunch:
Meta launches its much-awaited Threads API, letting developers publish posts, fetch content, manage replies, and view analytics, after an API beta in March 2024

Wall Street Journal:
Social media creators say earning a decent, reliable income is getting harder, as platforms pay less for popular posts and brands get pickier about partnerships

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