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3:30 PM ET, March 10, 2020


 Top Items: 
White House plan for economic response to coronavirus is ‘not there right now,’ officials say  — The White House is far from ready to roll out specific economic proposals in its response to the widening impact of the coronavirus outbreak, administration officials said.
Jennifer Jacobs / Bloomberg:
Trump Tells GOP He Wants Payroll Tax Waived Through Election
Discussion: Mediaite
Washington Post:   Trump's meeting with Senate Republicans ends with no resolution on coronavirus economic plan
Associated Press:
White House confirms Trump not coming to Moscow for V-Day
Discussion: Breitbart and The Hill
Pelosi on collision course with Trump over coronavirus response
Yahoo Finance:
Trump Lacks Detail in Vows on Stimulus, Aid to Virus-Hit Sectors
Discussion: Bloomberg
Washington Post:
White House likely to pursue federal aid for shale companies hit by oil shock, coronavirus downturn  —  But the idea could face resistance from those who support direct aid to workers.  One critic called the idea ‘absurd.’  —  The White House is strongly considering pushing federal assistance …
Discussion: National Review
Wall Street Journal:
Containment Area Planned for New York Suburb to Stem Coronavirus Spread  —  The containment will last two weeks, closing schools, facilities in the New Rochelle area  —  Gov. Andrew Cuomo said New York would establish a “containment area” in New Rochelle to control the spread of a novel coronavirus …
ABC News:
Coronavirus live updates: ‘This is likely going to get worse before it gets better,’: US surgeon general  —  The epidemic appeared to be subsiding in China but has found foothold elsewhere.  —  As a virus epidemic appeared to be subsiding in China, where it first emerged nearly three months ago …
Discussion: The Week
New York Gov. Cuomo deploys National Guard to New Rochelle, establishes containment center to stem coronavirus  —  New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo has deployed the National Guard to New Rochelle, a coronavirus hot spot just north of New York City.  —  “This is unique in the United States of America, we haven't seen this anywhere else.
Brendan J. Lyons / Albany Times Union:
Cuomo orders ‘containment area’ in New Rochelle; National Guard to assist
Discussion: Breitbart
Monique O. Madan / Miami Herald:
Trump administration orders immigration courts to immediately remove coronavirus posters  —  Immigration court staff nationwide have been ordered by the Trump administration to take down all coronavirus posters from courtrooms and waiting areas.  —  The Executive Office for Immigration Review …
Democrats should get Mueller evidence, judges rule  —  House Democrats scored a significant legal victory Tuesday as a federal appeals court panel granted them permission to access grand jury secrets from Robert Mueller's Russia probe.  —  The 2-1 ruling from the D.C. Circuit Court …
Ann Marimow / Washington Post:
Justice Department must disclose secret Mueller grand jury evidence to Congress, appeals court finds  —  The Justice Department must release to congressional Democrats secret grand jury evidence lawmakers are seeking in ongoing investigations into President Trump, a federal appeals court in Washington ruled Tuesday.
Discussion: Associated Press and The Week
Katelyn Polantz / CNN:
House wins access to Mueller grand jury details, appeals court rules
Discussion: Bloomberg and IJR
Wall Street Journal:
Appeals Court Rules Congress Can Have Access to Mueller Grand-Jury Materials
Discussion: The Daily Caller
Washington Post:
Trump's acting intelligence chief declines to meet with Congress for election threats briefing  —  Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell has declined to appear before Congress on Tuesday to speak about foreign election threats, citing apprehension about his preparedness …
Discussion: New York Times
Greg Sargent / Washington Post:
GOP mayor in pro-Trump county explains his surprise vote for Biden  —  If President Trump is going to lose reelection, one place it might happen is in counties that switched from Barack Obama in 2012 to Trump in 2016 — but are now home to untold numbers of voters who are deeply alienated by Trump's chaotic …
Discussion: National Review, CNN, IJR and Raw Story
Ken Meyer / Mediaite:
Michigan Republican Mayor Who Voted For Trump Switches To Biden: ‘Even More Deranged Now Than I Thought Then’
Yascha Mounk / The Atlantic:
Cancel Everything  —  Social distancing is the only way to stop the coronavirus.  We must start immediately.  —  Contributing writer at The Atlantic  —  We don't yet know the full ramifications of the novel coronavirus.  But three crucial facts have become clear in the first months of this extraordinary global event.
Discussion: Althouse, Unfogged and Washington Post
CDC tells people over 60 or who have chronic illnesses like diabetes to stock up on goods and buckle down for a lengthy stay at home  — The CDC is expanding its guidance for people at extreme risk of serious illness, like those over 60 or with underlying health conditions.
Discussion: Balloon Juice
Megan Brenan / Gallup:
Approval of U.S. Congressional Republicans Tops Democrats  —  WASHINGTON, D.C. — More Americans approve of the job congressional Republicans are doing than of congressional Democrats' performance — 40% vs. 35%.  The rating for Republicans in Congress has risen six percentage points since late October …
Business Insider:
One chart shows how many coronavirus tests per capita have been completed in 8 countries.  The US is woefully behind.  — As the coronavirus spreads globally — more than 100 countries have reported cases — governments are ramping up testing.  — South Korea and China have tested hundreds of thousands of cases.
Marina Pitofsky / The Hill:
HHS secretary unsure of how many Americans have been tested for virus
John Walcott / TIME:
The Trump Administration Is Stalling an Intel Report That Warns the U.S. Isn't Ready for a Global Pandemic  —  An annual intelligence report that has been postponed without explanation by President Donald Trump's administration warns that the U.S. remains unprepared for a global pandemic …
Discussion: Balloon Juice and The Root
Washington Post:
Coronavirus is mysteriously sparing kids and killing the elderly.  Understanding why may help defeat the virus.  —  One of the few mercies of the spreading coronavirus is that it leaves young children virtually untouched — a mystery virologists say may hold vital clues as to how the virus works.
Discussion: MIT Technology Review
Byron York / Washington Examiner:
Three reasons Joe Biden will never be president  —  Joe Biden was sworn into the United States Senate on January 3, 1973.  He remained in the Senate until January 15, 2009 — a span of 36 years.  If history is any guide, that alone is a disqualifier in Biden's quest for the White House.
Discussion: Power Line
Chris Cillizza / CNN:
The 3 likeliest outcomes from Super Tuesday II  —  (CNN)It's only been a week since Super Tuesday, but the shape of the 2020 Democratic presidential race has been radically altered.  —  Former Vice President Joe Biden has surged into the delegate lead over Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders …
Cameron Peters / Vox:
When polls close on March 10 — and when we might get results
Discussion: ABC News, NPR and The Guardian
Tom Bossert / Washington Post:
It's now or never for the U.S. if it hopes to keep coronavirus from burning out of control  —  This column has been updated.  —  Tom Bossert served as homeland security adviser to President Trump from 2017 to 2018.  —  The first phase of the coronavirus outbreak was a domestic challenge …
Bo Erickson / CBS News:
Joe Biden, accused of wanting to end 2nd Amendment, responds: “You're full of sh**”  —  Detroit — Joe Biden had a heated exchange with a construction worker who accused him of trying to take Americans' guns away during a campaign stop in Michigan, one of six states holding primaries on Tuesday.
The Hill:
Pelosi rejects calls to shutter Capitol: ‘We are the captains of this ship’  —  With the Capitol consumed by anxiety over the coronavirus, Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) rose in a closed-door caucus meeting Tuesday and told his Democratic colleagues they should leave Washington …
Discussion: Breitbart
Keith A. Spencer / Salon:
There is hard data that shows “Bernie Bros” are a myth  —  A computational social scientist's study shows Bernie's Twitter followers act pretty much the same as everyone else  —  Mainstream pundits and politicians continue to obsess over the stereotype of the “Bernie Bro,” …
Discussion: Political Junkie and The Outline
John Solomon / Just The News:
The 21 words uttered by FISA court that change the Russia collusion case forever  —  Judge rules for first time FBI misled, rejecting years of excuse making and suggesting process reforms won't be enough.  —  For much of the last three years, key law enforcement leaders have insisted …
Ellen O'Connell Whittet / The Atlantic:
I Voted for Warren, My Husband Voted for Sanders, and I Feel Betrayed  —  Voting for a progressive woman felt like a chance so rare that it caused me to fume at my own husband for making a different decision.  —  Ever since Elizabeth Warren dropped out of the presidential race, I've been mad at my husband.
Will Bunch / The Philadelphia Inquirer:
Joe Biden needs to say now who'll be in his White House.  It's the only way he beats Trump  —  On Monday there was a lot of buzz about a piece on the clickbait-ish, Beltway-access-lapdog website Axios which looked at possible cabinet picks in a Joe Biden administration in 2021, and which was truly remarkable in two ways.
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 More Items: 
USA Today:
Coronavirus is past containment, but America can limit epidemic: Q&A with former FDA chief
Discussion: Talking Points Memo
Nicholas Florko / STAT:
PhRMA closes its D.C. headquarters after visitor tests positive for coronavirus
Discussion: The Hill
Patricia Hurtado / Yahoo News:
Weinstein's Life Behind Bars Is Hospital Jails and TV Fights
Don Lee / Los Angeles Times:
As recession fears mount, eyes turn to the American consumer
David Harsanyi / National Review:
Bernie: Real Socialism Has Never Been Tried
Discussion: Fox News
Nicole James / Political Flare:
New York Prosecutors Believe Ivanka Trump Skimmed Millions From The 2016 Inaugural Fund
Stephen Matthews / Daily Mail:
Would you like a coronavirus test with that? …
Bridget Read / The Cut:
The Original Sandernista For richer or poorer, Jane Sanders married a movement.
Discussion: Gothamist
 Earlier Items: 
Sydney Kashiwagi / Staten Island Advance:
Mayor says NYC has no plans to cancel St. Patrick's Day Parade as Ireland cancels Dublin's parade amid coronavirus fears
Discussion: CBS News, The Daily Caller and BBC
Cristian Salazar / The Guardian:
‘Remember us’: could Trump lose Florida because of hurricane refugees?
Discussion: Raw Story
Anton Troianovski / New York Times:
Putin Endorses Brazen Remedy to Extend His Rule, Possibly for Life
Discussion: Washington Monthly
Adam Kredo / Washington Free Beacon:
Tlaib Pictured in T-Shirt That Erases Israel Off the Map
Discussion: PJ Media Home, TheBlaze and Twitchy
Irina Ivanova / CBS News:
As coronavirus recession threatens, economists recommend cash for people

From Techmeme:

Sergiu Gatlan / BleepingComputer:
Researchers say a threat actor claims to have hacked Ticketmaster and Santander using stolen credentials of a Snowflake employee; Snowflake disputes the claims

Emilia David / The Verge:
AI search engine Perplexity launches Pages, which will research and create a customizable webpage based on user prompts, aimed at educators, researchers, others

Sarah Wynn / The Block:
President Biden vetoes a bill overturning SAB 121, a controversial SEC bulletin that establishes accounting standards for companies that custody crypto

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