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2:45 PM ET, May 6, 2020


 Top Items: 
New York Times:
How Kushner's Volunteer Force Led a Fumbling Hunt for Medical Supplies  —  Roughly a dozen young, inexperienced workers were assembled to sort through tips on masks, gloves and other equipment.  Warehouses were running bare, and doctors fighting the coronavirus were forced to make their own protective gear.
The Daily Beast:
Kushner's Screwed Up His COVID Jobs—Now He's Got an Even Bigger One  —  Operation Warp Speed is certainly ambitious.  But Trump's own advisers say it's overly so, even with his son-in-law involved.  —  Already under fire for his role atop a shadow task force aiding the administration's response …
Karen Tumulty / Washington Post:
Save us all from Jared Kushner
Discussion: Raw Story
Washington Post:
Trump order to paint border wall black could drive up cost $500 million or more  —  President Trump is once more pushing to have his border wall painted black, a design change that is projected to add at least $500 million in costs, according to government contracting estimates obtained by The Washington Post.
Trump and some top aides question accuracy of virus death toll  —  President Trump has complained to advisers about the way coronavirus deaths are being calculated, suggesting the real numbers are actually lower — and a number of his senior aides share this view, according to sources with direct knowledge.
Byron York / Washington Examiner:
Byron York's Daily Memo: EXCLUSIVE - DNI to Schiff: The transcripts are ready to release  —  Welcome to Byron York's Daily Memo newsletter.  —  Was this email forwarded to you?  Sign up here to receive the newsletter.  —  EXCLUSIVE — DNI TO SCHIFF: THE TRANSCRIPTS ARE READY TO RELEASE.
Chuck Ross / The Daily Caller:   Grenell To Schiff: Release The Secret Russia Probe Transcripts Or I Will
Monmouth University Polling Institute:
Voters Divided on Alleged Biden Assault  —  Half the electorate consider voting by mail this year  —  West Long Branch, NJ - Recent headlines may have dented Joe Biden's favorability rating ever so slightly but he has actually widened his national lead over Donald Trump in the race for president.
Discussion: CNN, Forbes, Axios, Political Wire and The Hill
Trump touted reopening.  Privately, his team sounded alarms.  —  President Donald Trump boasted on May 1 that his success in responding to the coronavirus pandemic has made ventilator, test kit and mask shortages a thing of the past, and that much of the country is ready to quickly send people back to work.
Discussion: Daily Kos, Raw Story and The Week
Nathaniel Lash / New York Times:
Don't Be Fooled by America's Flattening Curve  —  Here is America's coronavirus curve: the number of newly reported cases each day.  The curve has started declining moderately from the peak in early April.  —  But that's not the whole story.  Separate the region around New York City and the picture becomes far less rosy.
Discussion: Mother Jones, Axios and Unfogged
Erica L. Green / New York Times:
Betsy DeVos Completes Sexual Assault Rules  —  Education Secretary Betsy DeVos released final regulations for schools dealing with sexual misconduct, giving them the force of law for the first time and bolstering due-process rights.  —  WASHINGTON — Education Secretary Betsy DeVos …
Discussion: Reason, Axios, Forbes, The Hill and NBC News
ED News:
Secretary DeVos Takes Historic Action to Strengthen Title IX Protections for All Students
Discussion: Vox and Fox News
Ellen Mitchell / The Hill:
Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman says evidence suggests coronavirus was not man-made or released from lab  —  The Pentagon's top uniformed official on Tuesday maintained that available evidence indicates the virus that has caused a global pandemic was natural and not man-made or released purposely from a Chinese lab.
Claire Galofaro / Associated Press:
'It's gone haywire': When COVID-19 arrived in rural America  —  DAWSON, Ga. (AP) — The reverend approached the makeshift pulpit and asked the Lord to help him make some sense of the scene before him: two caskets, side by side, in a small-town cemetery busier now than ever before.
Discussion: Eschaton
Josh Israel / The American Independent:
GOP lawmakers cheer Texas salon owner for violating stay-at-home order  —  Republican officials across the country have urged reopening businesses despite public health experts' advice that doing so too quickly will result in more cases of the virus.  —  Republican elected officials are rushing …
Discussion: Redstate and The Hill
Oversight Board:
Announcing the First Members of the Oversight Board  —  Today, the impact of social media on people's lives is hard to grasp.  This can often be positive.  As the world lives through a global health crisis, social media has become a lifeline for helping people and communities to stay connected.
Discussion: About Facebook
Facebook announces first 20 picks for global oversight board
Aaron Rupar / Vox:
Trump's trainwreck ABC interview illustrated why he rarely strays from Fox News  —  President Trump tours a Honeywell plant in Phoenix, Arizona, on May 5.  Brendan Smialowski/AFP via Getty Images  —  “I'll be honest, uh, I have a lot of things going on,” Trump said, trying to explain his lack of coronavirus preparation.
Sahil Kapur / NBC News:
The problem with Biden's pledge of a black woman Supreme Court justice  —  There are few black women serving on the federal judiciary, and none younger than age 67 in appeals courts, the usual stepping stone to the high court.  —  WASHINGTON — Joe Biden has promised that if elected president …
Discussion: Politico and The Hill
S.E. Cupp / New York Daily News:
The president is not well: The umpteenth reminders of Trump's mental state and the consequences  —  Every parent has warily confronted the hypothetical question: What would you do if you suspected your child was unwell?  —  Not physically, but emotionally unwell, or mentally unstable?
Discussion: Raw Story and NB Blog
Rachel Leingang / Arizona Republic:
State health department tells university COVID-19 modeling team to stop work, limits data access  —  The Arizona Department of Health Services told a team of university experts working on COVID-19 modeling to “pause” its work, an email from a department leader shows.
Kemp Warns Of Growing Outbreak Stressing Northeast Georgia  —  Gov. Brian Kemp warned on Tuesday that a growing coronavirus outbreak is stressing resources in northeast Georgia.  —  Kemp has moved aggressively to allow businesses to reopen even though infections are on the rise in some areas of the state.
Discussion: Raw Story
New York Times:
What Is the Real Coronavirus Toll in Each State?  —  As the coronavirus pandemic cuts through the country, it is leaving behind large numbers of deaths that surpass those of recent history.  A New York Times analysis of state data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows …
Discussion: Daily Kos
Ernest Luning / Colorado Politics:
New Colorado poll shows Hickenlooper widening double-digit lead over Gardner  —  Former Gov. John Hickenlooper leads U.S. Sen. Cory Gardner by 18 percentage points in Colorado's U.S. Senate race, according to a poll from Colorado firms released Wednesday.  —  The Keating-Onsight-Melanson poll …
Discussion: The Week
Nicholas Johnston / Axios:
Where the virus is spreading fastest  —  In addition to keeping an eye on the tragic, and climbing, numbers of total coronavirus cases and deaths across the U.S., it's important to watch how those trends are playing out over time at the state level.  —  Why it matters: Rising, or falling …
Discussion: Breitbart
Jon Ralston / The Nevada Independent:
Poll: Sisolak looks strong despite shutdown; Biden has small lead over Trump  —  Clark County Commissioner and Democratic gubernatorial candidate Steve Sisolak checks in to vote at Kenny Guinn Middle School in the primary election on Tuesday, June 12, 2018.  (Jeff Scheid/The Nevada Independent)
Discussion: Raw Story
Zoom Blog:
Zoom Adds Board Member H.R. McMaster and Head of Global Public Policy and Government Relations Jonathan Kallmer to Leadership Team  —  Zoom announced today that it has appointed Lieutenant General Herbert Raymond “H.R.” McMaster as an independent director on Zoom's Board of Directors …
Discussion: Politico
Linda Hirshman / New York Times:
I Believe Tara Reade.  I'm Voting for Joe Biden Anyway.  —  The importance of owning an ugly moral choice.  —  Ms. Hirshman is the author, most recently, of “Reckoning: The Epic Battle Against Sexual Abuse and Harassment.”  —  Let's be clear: I believe Tara Reade.  I believed Anita Hill, too.
Discussion: Twitchy
Leander Schaerlaeckens / Slate:
Was Donald Trump Good at Baseball?  —  The president has long claimed he could have gone pro.  We looked into it.  —  In President Donald Trump's memory, he was a high school baseball star.  —  “I was supposed to be a pro baseball player,” Donald Trump wrote in 2004.
Discussion: Bloomberg, The Daily Beast and HuffPost
Change Research:
States of Play: Battleground Survey Shows Voters Concerned About Reopening Economy  —  CNBC/Change Research Poll in Arizona, Florida, Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin: May 1-3, 2020  — 68% of voters in the battleground remain seriously concerned about the coronavirus …
Discussion: CNBC
Health workers that volunteered to come to NY during pandemic have to pay state income tax: Cuomo  —  NEW YORK — Health care workers that came to New York to help fight the coronavirus pandemic at its epicenter will have to pay state taxes, according to the governor.  —  He addressed the issues Tuesday at a news conference.
Discussion: STUMP, The Daily Caller and Twitchy
Kurt Bardella / USA Today:
Coronavirus and xenophobia: ‘Blame China’ is Trump's 2020 version of ‘Build the wall’  —  Joe Biden and Democrats won't beat Trump on substance, qualifications and details.  They must be as aggressive, vicious and consistent as Republicans.  —  In 2016, Donald Trump fueled …
Discussion: Raw Story
Kyle Mantyla / Right Wing Watch:
Ann Vandersteel Reported That Comey, Brennan, Clapper, and Their ‘Minions’ Would All Be Arrested by May 5  —  During last Thursday's episode of her “Steel Truth” program, right-wing QAnon conspiracy theorist Ann Vandersteel claimed that one of her sources, who she said had never been wrong …
New York Times:
Loeffler Got Lucrative Parting Gift From Public Company en Route to the Senate  —  The parent company of the New York Stock Exchange, which her husband runs, changed compensation terms to give Kelly Loeffler, a top executive, awards worth millions of dollars as she left for Congress.
Jeff Cox / CNBC:
US private payrolls drop by 20.2 million in April, the worst job loss in the history of ADP report  — Private payrolls fell by more than 20 million in April, the worst drop in the ADP survey history, though not as bad as estimates of 22 million job losses.
Discussion: The Daily Caller and The Week
John Hinderaker / Power Line:
Another Left-Wing Attempt to Shut Down Free Speech  —  Chad Richison is a billionaire who lives in Oklahoma.  A liberal, he often weighs in on political issues.  On March 22, he wrote an open letter to Oklahoma's Governor, Kevin Stitt, calling on him to impose a harsh shutdown order.
Rick Wilson / The Daily Beast:
Trump Can't Handle the Truth, and We Just Proved It  —  The Gipper was an avatar of America's dreams; The Donald's brand is American weakness and decline, and the preposterous idea that he alone can fix it.  —  BEAST INSIDE  —  Like most of you, I didn't start Monday wondering what it would feel …
Anthony Leonardi / Washington Examiner:
'I'm not willing to sell my soul for anyone': Carly Fiorina says she won't vote for Trump in 2020  —  One of President Trump's former presidential primary opponents won't be voting for him in November.  —  During a podcast interview with the Bulwark's Charlie Sykes, former CEO …
Greg Sargent / Washington Post:
The ‘wartime president’ has gone AWOL.  More Americans will die.  —  Back in mid-March, President Trump declared himself a “wartime president” who was rallying the country in a battle against the “invisible enemy” of the novel coronavirus.  Invoking World War II, Trump issued a clarion call …
American Meat Workers Are Starting to Quit With Plants Reopening  — Unions say employees are scared, more protective gear needed  — Companies restart operations following wave of shutdowns  —  America's meat-processing plants are starting to reopen, but not all workers are showing up.
Meet the Shadowy Accountants Who Do Trump's Taxes and Help Him Seem Richer Than He Is  —  The Supreme Court fight over Donald Trump's tax returns has pushed his accounting firm into the limelight.  In various episodes over 30 years, partners — including the CEO — have run into trouble for fraud, misconduct or malpractice.
Discussion: Trump, Inc.
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 More Items: 
Charles Seife / Slate:
The CDC Has Been on a Steady Decline. We're Just Finally Noticing.
David M. Halbfinger / New York Times:
Herd Immunity, or Big 2nd Wave? Israel Antibody Testing Hopes to Find Out
Freedom House:
NEW REPORT: Nations in Transit 2020 finds weakened institutions in Europe and Eurasia …
Brian Welk / The Wrap:
Kevin Spacey Compares His #MeToo Shunning to Pandemic: 'I Understand What It's Like Being Told You Can't Work' (Video)
Discussion: The Week and The Daily Beast
Connor Richards /
2 Utah County businesses told staff to ignore COVID-19 guidelines, resulting in 68 positive cases
Discussion: Raw Story
Washington Post:
Justice Department investigates Blue Flame Medical after claims it failed to provide masks to Maryland, California
Ben Makuch / VICE:
Captured American Mercenary Appears to Be Really Into Qanon
Discussion: Reuters
 Earlier Items: 
David Von Drehle / Washington Post:
I usually ignore all Trump's tweets. Not this one.
Jared Keller / Task & Purpose:
The inside story behind the Pentagon's ill-fated quest for a real life ‘Iron Man’ suit
Ian Millhiser / Vox:
The Supreme Court weighs whether to make the Electoral College even less democratic
NBC News:
The White House waves a white flag in fight against coronavirus
Derek Thompson / The Atlantic:
What's Behind South Korea's COVID-19 Exceptionalism?
Tony Romm / Washington Post:
A massive drop in car sales sparks new push in Congress to aid the auto industry
Discussion: New York Post

From Techmeme:

Sergiu Gatlan / BleepingComputer:
Researchers say a threat actor claims to have hacked Ticketmaster and Santander using stolen credentials of a Snowflake employee; Snowflake disputes the claims

Sarah Wynn / The Block:
President Biden vetoes a bill overturning SAB 121, a controversial SEC bulletin that establishes accounting standards for companies that custody crypto

Emilia David / The Verge:
AI search engine Perplexity launches Pages, which will research and create a customizable webpage based on user prompts, aimed at educators, researchers, others

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