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3:05 PM ET, May 13, 2020


 Top Items: 
The Daily Beast:
Team Trump Pushes CDC to Revise Down Its COVID Death Counts  —  The president and members of his task force are skeptical of the numbers and want the methodology changed.  —  President Donald Trump and members of his coronavirus task force are pushing officials at the Centers for Disease Control …
Joe Biden's running mate list is shorter than you might think — for now, at least  —  Washington (CNN)Joe Biden says he has his eye on a dozen women as potential running mates, but those close to him believe the list of top prospects is likely far shorter as a deep vetting process gets underway …
Jamelle Bouie / New York Times:
Elizabeth Warren Knows What Joe Biden Needs in a Vice President  —  If Biden wants to win the White House and govern like a New Dealer, Warren is his indispensable partner.  —  Joe Biden built his political career as the New Deal order came to an end, one of a generation of Democrats …
Fadel Allassan / Axios:
Whistleblower to warn of “darkest winter in modern history” without coordinated virus response  —  A top vaccine doctor who was ousted from his position in April is expected to testify Thursday that the Trump administration was unprepared for the coronavirus, and that the U.S. could face the …
Discussion: The Hill
Rick Bright will warn Congress of ‘darkest winter in modern history’ without ramped up coronavirus response  —  Ousted vaccine director files whistleblower complaint  —  (CNN)Dr. Rick Bright, the ousted director of a key federal office charged with developing medical countermeasures …
CNN Poll: Biden tops Trump nationwide, but battlegrounds tilt Trump  —  (CNN)Presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden's lead over President Donald Trump now stands at five points, but Trump has an edge in the critical battleground states that could decide the electoral college, according to a new CNN poll conducted by SSRS.
New York Times:   Biden Has an Edge on Trump. So Why Are Democrats Worried?
Greg Sargent / Washington Post:
Trump has a major vulnerability.  Democrats should keep pounding it.  —  It may seem like grotesque malpractice — both from a political and a public health standpoint.  But it's true: Amid a pandemic that has killed more than 80,000 Americans, President Trump and many Republicans …
Jennifer Bendery / HuffPost:   John Cornyn Encourages People To Sign Up For Obamacare After Fighting To Repeal It
ABC News:
Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort released to home confinement amid coronavirus concerns  —  Manafort's lawyers had requested release, citing age, pre-existing conditions.  —  President Trump's former campaign chairman Paul Manafort has been released from prison to serve the remainder …
Washington Post:
Paul Manafort granted home confinement due to coronavirus fears
Discussion: Common Dreams and The Root
Jerry Dunleavy / Washington Examiner:
Biden and other Obama officials received ‘unmasking’ information on Michael Flynn, declassified records show  —  Former Vice President Joe Biden and other top Obama officials received information in response to “unmasking” requests targeting retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn in the final weeks …
New York Times:
Kushner, Law Aside, Doesn't Rule Out Delaying 2020 Election  —  The opinion of a White House staff member has no bearing on when the election is held, but his comment played into the concerns of President Trump's detractors.  —  WASHINGTON — Jared Kushner, the president's son-in-law …
Jared Kushner Admits There's ‘Risk’ in Reopening the Country Too Soon
Nick Timiraos / Wall Street Journal:
Powell Says Washington Will Need to Spend More to Battle Downturn  —  ‘Reversal of economic fortune has caused a level of pain that is hard to capture in words,’ says Fed leader  —  Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell said Congress and the White House will need to spend more money …
Discussion: Mother Jones and Raw Story
Bret Hayworth / Sioux City Journal:
Steve King says House leader will allow for ‘exoneration,’ return of committee assignments  —  SIOUX CITY — Northwest Iowa Congressman Steve King said House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy has agreed to a process by which the nine-term incumbent can get “exoneration” and back on committees …
Issues & Insights:
Cuomo's COVID-19 Panic Killed Thousands In Nursing Homes  —  In New York, 5% of the seniors living in nursing homes have died from COVID-19.  In Florida, the disease has claimed less than 0.6% of those in nursing homes.  What explains the vast difference in death rates among this vulnerable population?
Washington Examiner:
Time to explode the Andrew Cuomo myth
Eddie Scarry / Washington Examiner:   DeSantis and Kemp see low death rates in states despite media hate
Sam Baker / Axios:
High-risk states are seeing fewer new coronavirus cases  —  The first stages of reopening haven't produced a surge in coronavirus cases in most states — at least, not yet.  —  Yes, but: The reopening process is still in its early stages, so a second wave of infections still remains distinctly possible.
Discussion: Louder With Crowder
Peter Hamby / Vanity Fair:
Who You Calling Sleepy Joe?:  Biden on His Youth Agenda, Internet Memes, and Fighting Trump From His House  —  “Young people want the truth,” says the presumptive Democratic nominee.  And “I sometimes say more than I mean, but no one doubts I mean what I say.”
Ezra Klein / Vox:
We don't have a president, or a plan  —  A member of the Secret Service stands wearing a surgical mask as President Trump arrives for a news conference at the White House on May 11.  Brendan Smialowski/AFP via Getty Images  —  60 days into the coronavirus crisis, the White House does not have a plan …
New York Times:
As Coronavirus Restrictions Lift, Millions in U.S. Are Leaving Home Again  —  Where people started leaving home again  —  Percentage point change in the share of people staying home  —  Note: The map shows the change in the average share of people sheltering at home from May 1 to May 8 …
Justin Baragona / The Daily Beast:
Fox News Airs Digital Show Starring Alex Berenson, Coronavirus Truther  —  Public-health experts have taken issue with the former reporter's militantly contrarian takes on the pandemic, but he's found a home in the right-wing media ecosystem.  —  Fox News recently aired a new one-off documentary …
If the President Tests Positive for the Virus, What Happens?  —  The news last week that President Trump's valet and Vice President Pence's press secretary had both contracted the coronavirus sent a scare through the White House.  While officials said both leaders subsequently tested negative …
Charles Sykes / The Bulwark:
The Cruelty of Conspiracy: A Personal Story  —  “It is curious that physical courage should be so common in the world and moral courage so rare.”  ― Mark Twain  —  I know that I should really be writing about the clash between Anthony Fauci and Rand Paul, the arguments in the Supreme Court …
Discussion: The Bulwark Podcast
Jonathan O'Connell / Washington Post:
Aspen Institute think tank receives $8 million federal small-business loan  —  Decision to accept funds despite $115 million endowment and billionaire board members divides group's leadership  —  The Aspen Institute think tank accepted more than $8 million in federal small-businesses funds despite having …
Bob Herman / Axios:
Coronavirus likely forced 27 million off their health insurance  —  Roughly 27 million people have likely have lost job-based health coverage since the coronavirus shocked the economy, according to new estimates from the Kaiser Family Foundation.  —  Why it matters: Most of these people …
Ann Limpert / Washingtonian:
Inn at Little Washington Chef Will Fill His Socially Distanced Dining Room With Midcentury Mannequins  —  The three Michelin-starred destination will also have Marilyn Monroe masks.  —  A few weeks ago, the Inn at Little Washington sent out an email blast announcing that the luxury Rappahannock …
Peter Sullivan / The Hill:
DC extends stay-at-home order to June 8  —  Washington, D.C., is extending its stay-at-home order through June 8, Mayor Muriel Bowser (D) announced on Wednesday.  —  The mayor said that the city has not yet met all the required benchmarks to reopen.  —  “We're not there yet and not quite ready …
Discussion: Fox News and The Daily Caller
Greg Bluestein / Atlanta Journal-Constitution:
A new internal GOP poll suggests tight prez, Senate races in Georgia  —  An internal poll conducted by a group backing Gov. Brian Kemp showed a deadlocked presidential race in Georgia and tight contests for both U.S. Senate seats, underscoring the challenges Republicans face keeping the state in the GOP column.
David Ignatius / Washington Post:
Think we have military primacy over China?  Think again.  —  Here's a fact that ought to startle every American who assumes that because we spend nearly $1 trillion each year on defense, we have primacy over our emerging rival, China.  —  “Over the past decade, in U.S. war games against China …
Federal Bureau of Investigation:
People's Republic of China (PRC) Targeting of COVID-19 Research Organizations  —  The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) are issuing this announcement to raise awareness of the threat to COVID-19-related research.
Story Hinckley / Christian Science Monitor:
For some seniors, virus is shifting their views of Trump  —  WHY WE WROTE THIS … Loading...  As the debate over lifting lockdowns has intensified, President Donald Trump's eagerness to get the economy moving again seems to have put him at odds with many older voters.
Discussion: Raw Story and Vox
Luke Putvin / Lynnwood Times:
Governor Inslee lays out statewide contact tracing plan for COVID-19  —  At his May 12 press conference, Governor Jay Inslee laid out the plans for the statewide contact tracing initiative.  —  “[The initiative] is robust, it is vigorous and it is comprehensive, and it needs to be all three to be successful,” Inslee said.
Discussion: Redstate and The Gateway Pundit
Kevin Roose / New York Times:
Get Ready for a Vaccine Information War  —  Social media is already filling up with misinformation about a Covid-19 vaccine, months or years before one even exists.  —  The other night, midway through watching a clip from “Plandemic” — a documentary that went viral on social media last week …
Discussion: The Verge
Agence France-Presse:
Jewish State Not Feeling Blessed By ‘God TV’  —  Israel's media watchdog has launched an investigation into a US-based evangelical network following allegations that its programming violated law by seeking to promote conversions to Christianity.  —  International Christian network GOD TV …
Jeffery C. Mays / New York Times:
Ocasio-Cortez Commits Re-election Gaffe, Losing a Progressive Ballot Line  —  Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez needed 15 signatures to secure a Working Families Party ballot spot, but a court challenge left her short of the mark.  —  Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez …
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 More Items: 
Brooke Singman / Fox News:
Pelosi defends $3T price tag of coronavirus relief bill
Discussion: Breitbart
Michael Mann / Vulture:
Michael Mann Is Talking to Directors, Wondering When They Can All Go Back to Work
Susan Crabtree / Real Clear Politics:
Mark Kelly Silent on Firm's Windfall From Chinese Tech Giant
Discussion: Townhall
Jonathan Lai / The Philadelphia Inquirer:
Philly will have way fewer polling places for next month's primary because of coronavirus.  Find yours here.
Elisha Fieldstadt / NBC News:
Concert billed as first live show in pandemic ordered by Arkansas to cease and desist
Discussion: The Hill and KNWA FOX24
Patricia Mazzei / New York Times:
Venezuelan Oil Company Sues Miami Ex-Congressman Over $50 Million Deal
Kyle Olson / Breitbart:
Gretchen Whitmer Targets 77-Year-Old Barber's Livelihood, Strips Operating License ‘Without a Hearing’
 Earlier Items: 
John Solomon / Just The News:
Impeachment Boomerang: Contacts exposed between US embassy, Hunter Biden-connected Ukraine firm
Discussion: Instapundit
Bonchie / Redstate:
CNN's Chris Cuomo Continues to be an Awful Person and Hypocrite
Discussion: NB Blog
Gregg Jarrett / Fox News:
Flynn judge wrong to allow anti-Trump former Watergate prosecutors to interfere in case
Discussion: Redstate
Nurith Aizenman / NPR:
Combining Models, New Projection Puts U.S. Coronavirus Deaths At 110,000 By June 6
Wall Street Journal:
Chinese, Iranian Hacking May Be Hampering Search for Coronavirus Vaccine, Officials Say
Pete Williams / NBC News:
‘Faithless elector’: Supreme Court hears cases that could change presidential contests
Moriah Balingit / Washington Post:
Armed militia helped a Michigan barbershop open, a coronavirus defiance that puts Republican lawmakers in a bind
Discussion: Althouse and Raw Story

From Mediagazer:

Jack Herrera / Columbia Journalism Review:
A profile of Lorena López, the founder and editor of La Prensa de Iowa, an improbably successful Spanish-language paper serving rural farm towns in western Iowa

Jason Parham / Wired:
Q&A with HuffPost editor Phil Lewis on aggregating news on X, being a “newsfluencer”, Black media and Black newsrooms, the future of news, and more

Stephen Battaglio / Los Angeles Times:
A look at the growing popularity of Tubi as streaming prices rise; Nielsen: May was Tubi's most-watched month ever, with an average of 1M viewers, up 46% YoY

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