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1:05 PM ET, May 13, 2020


 Top Items: 
The Daily Beast:
Team Trump Pushes CDC to Revise Down Its COVID Death Counts  —  The president and members of his task force are skeptical of the numbers and want the methodology changed.  —  President Donald Trump and members of his coronavirus task force are pushing officials at the Centers for Disease Control …
Joe Biden's running mate list is shorter than you might think — for now, at least  —  Washington (CNN)Joe Biden says he has his eye on a dozen women as potential running mates, but those close to him believe the list of top prospects is likely far shorter as a deep vetting process gets underway …
Jeffery C. Mays / New York Times:
Ocasio-Cortez Commits Re-election Gaffe, Losing a Progressive Ballot Line  —  Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez needed 15 signatures to secure a Working Families Party ballot spot, but a court challenge left her short of the mark.  —  Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez …
Jamelle Bouie / New York Times:
Elizabeth Warren Knows What Joe Biden Needs in a Vice President  —  If Biden wants to win the White House and govern like a New Dealer, Warren is his indispensable partner.  —  Joe Biden built his political career as the New Deal order came to an end, one of a generation of Democrats …
New York Times:   Biden Has an Edge on Trump. So Why Are Democrats Worried?
ABC News:   Biden, Sanders announce AOC, Kerry, Jayapal as co-chairs of unity task forces
New York Times:
Kushner, Law Aside, Doesn't Rule Out Delaying 2020 Election  —  The opinion of a White House staff member has no bearing on when the election is held, but his comment played into the concerns of President Trump's detractors.  —  WASHINGTON — Jared Kushner, the president's son-in-law …
Discussion: The Hill and Raw Story
Jared Kushner Admits There's ‘Risk’ in Reopening the Country Too Soon
Lloyd Grove / The Daily Beast:   Jared Kushner Non-Committal When Asked if 2020 Election Could Be Delayed
ABC News:
Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort released to home confinement amid coronavirus concerns  —  Manafort's lawyers had requested release, citing age, pre-existing conditions.  —  President Trump's former campaign chairman Paul Manafort has been released from prison to serve the remainder …
Washington Post:
Paul Manafort granted home confinement due to coronavirus fears
Discussion: Common Dreams, Raw Story and The Root
Washington Post:
U.S. judge puts on hold Justice Dept. move to dismiss Michael Flynn's guilty plea to hear outside groups' challenges  —  A U.S. judge on Tuesday put on hold the Justice Department's move to drop charges against Michael Flynn, saying he expects independent groups and legal experts to argue …
Gregg Jarrett / Fox News:
Flynn judge wrong to allow anti-Trump former Watergate prosecutors to interfere in case
Discussion: Redstate
Laurence H. Tribe / The Boston Globe:
Judge Sullivan must reject Barr's usurpation of judicial power
Discussion: Washington Post
Rick Bright will warn Congress of ‘darkest winter in modern history’ without ramped up coronavirus response  —  Ousted vaccine director files whistleblower complaint  —  (CNN)Dr. Rick Bright, the ousted director of a key federal office charged with developing medical countermeasures …
Discussion: Axios, The Week, POLITICUSUSA and Raw Story
Fadel Allassan / Axios:   Whistleblower to warn of “darkest winter in modern history” without coordinated virus response
Nick Timiraos / Wall Street Journal:
Powell Says Washington Will Need to Spend More to Battle Downturn  —  ‘Reversal of economic fortune has caused a level of pain that is hard to capture in words,’ says Fed leader  —  Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell said Congress and the White House will need to spend more money …
Discussion: Mother Jones and Raw Story
Greg Sargent / Washington Post:
Trump has a major vulnerability.  Democrats should keep pounding it.  —  It may seem like grotesque malpractice — both from a political and a public health standpoint.  But it's true: Amid a pandemic that has killed more than 80,000 Americans, President Trump and many Republicans …
Michael Isikoff / Yahoo News:
EXCLUSIVE: In court filing, FBI accidentally reveals name of Saudi official suspected of directing support for 9/11 hijackers  —  WASHINGTON — The FBI inadvertently revealed one of the U.S. government's most sensitive secrets about the Sept. 11 terror attacks: the identity …
Peter Hamby / Vanity Fair:
Who You Calling Sleepy Joe?:  Biden on His Youth Agenda, Internet Memes, and Fighting Trump From His House  —  “Young people want the truth,” says the presumptive Democratic nominee.  And “I sometimes say more than I mean, but no one doubts I mean what I say.”
Washington Examiner:
Time to explode the Andrew Cuomo myth  —  Gov. Andrew Cuomo is an “authoritative voice” on matters related to the coronavirus pandemic, according to the New York Times.  Cable pundits have praised him.  And with Joe Biden struggling in his campaign for the White House and facing …
Eddie Scarry / Washington Examiner:   DeSantis and Kemp see low death rates in states despite media hate
Charles Sykes / The Bulwark:
The Cruelty of Conspiracy: A Personal Story  —  “It is curious that physical courage should be so common in the world and moral courage so rare.”  ― Mark Twain  —  I know that I should really be writing about the clash between Anthony Fauci and Rand Paul, the arguments in the Supreme Court …
Discussion: The Bulwark Podcast
Justin Baragona / The Daily Beast:
Fox News Quietly Gives Digital Show to Alex Berenson, Coronavirus Truther  —  Public-health experts have taken issue with the former reporter's militantly contrarian takes on the pandemic, but he's found a home in the right-wing media ecosystem.  —  Fox News has launched a new series …
Nurith Aizenman / NPR:
Combining Models, New Projection Puts U.S. Coronavirus Deaths At 110,000 By June 6  —  Toggle more options  —  More than 82,000 people in the United States have died of COVID-19 as of Tuesday.  How many more lives will be lost?  Scientists have built dozens of computational models to answer that question.
Bob Herman / Axios:
Coronavirus likely forced 27 million off their health insurance  —  Roughly 27 million people have likely have lost job-based health coverage since the coronavirus shocked the economy, according to new estimates from the Kaiser Family Foundation.  —  Why it matters: Most of these people …
New York Times:
As Coronavirus Restrictions Lift, Millions in U.S. Are Leaving Home Again  —  Where people started leaving home again  —  Percentage point change in the share of people staying home  —  Note: The map shows the change in the average share of people sheltering at home from May 1 to May 8 …
Discussion: The Daily Caller and Althouse
Greg Bluestein / Atlanta Journal-Constitution:
A new internal GOP poll suggests tight prez, Senate races in Georgia  —  An internal poll conducted by a group backing Gov. Brian Kemp showed a deadlocked presidential race in Georgia and tight contests for both U.S. Senate seats, underscoring the challenges Republicans face keeping the state in the GOP column.
Josh Campbell / CNN:
FBI arrests researcher for NASA who allegedly failed to report ties to China  —  (CNN)Federal agents have arrested an Arkansas professor who allegedly failed to disclose his ties to Chinese entities during the course of securing funding for a NASA research project, the Justice Department announced.
Discussion: National Review, The Hill and Breitbart
Josh Rogin / Washington Post:
It's time to take off the gloves against Chinese cybercrime
Discussion: Breitbart and Sara A. Carter
Brian Niemietz / New York Daily News:
Howard Stern to Trump supporters: He hates you and so do I  —  Howard Stern says he and President Trump are both showmen who love a good time — and they both hate Trump supporters.  —  “One thing Donald loves is celebrities, he loves the famous,” Stern said on his SiriusXM show Tuesday.  “He loves it.
Wall Street Journal:
Chinese, Iranian Hacking May Be Hampering Search for Coronavirus Vaccine, Officials Say  —  In a possible escalation, U.S. to accuse China of actions some officials consider attacks on American public health  —  WASHINGTON—Chinese and Iranian hackers are aggressively targeting American universities …
Ann Limpert / Washingtonian:
Inn at Little Washington Chef Will Fill His Socially Distanced Dining Room With Midcentury Mannequins  —  The three Michelin-starred destination will also have Marilyn Monroe masks.  —  A few weeks ago, the Inn at Little Washington sent out an email blast announcing that the luxury Rappahannock …
Sam Baker / Axios:
High-risk states are seeing fewer new coronavirus cases  —  The first stages of reopening haven't produced a surge in coronavirus cases in most states — at least, not yet.  —  Yes, but: The reopening process is still in its early stages, so a second wave of infections still remains distinctly possible.
Discussion: Louder With Crowder
David Ignatius / Washington Post:
Think we have military primacy over China?  Think again.  —  Here's a fact that ought to startle every American who assumes that because we spend nearly $1 trillion each year on defense, we have primacy over our emerging rival, China.  —  “Over the past decade, in U.S. war games against China …
Discussion: Political Wire
Federal Bureau of Investigation:
People's Republic of China (PRC) Targeting of COVID-19 Research Organizations  —  The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) are issuing this announcement to raise awareness of the threat to COVID-19-related research.
Discussion: Fox News, The Daily Caller and CNBC
Pete Williams / NBC News:
‘Faithless elector’: Supreme Court hears cases that could change presidential contests  —  If presidential electors are determined to be free agents, a handful — or even one in a close election — could change the outcome.  —  WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Wednesday takes up a …
Discussion: The Week and The Hill
Moriah Balingit / Washington Post:
Armed militia helped a Michigan barbershop open, a coronavirus defiance that puts Republican lawmakers in a bind  —  OWOSSO, Mich. — Armed members of the Michigan Home Guard stood outside Karl Manke's barber shop, ready to blockade the door if police arrived.
Discussion: Althouse and Raw Story
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 More Items: 
Jonathan O'Connell / Washington Post:
Aspen Institute think tank receives $8 million federal small-business loan
Ezra Klein / Vox:
We don't have a president, or a plan
Story Hinckley / Christian Science Monitor:
For some seniors, virus is shifting their views of Trump
Discussion: Raw Story and Vox
Kyle Olson / Breitbart:
Gretchen Whitmer Targets 77-Year-Old Barber's Livelihood, Strips Operating License ‘Without a Hearing’
Ilan Ben Zion / Associated Press:
Despite virus, Pompeo talks West Bank annexation in Israel
Page Six:
NYC attorney to likes of Lady Gaga, Elton John hacked, files held for $21M ransom
Discussion: The Daily Beast
John Solomon / Just The News:
Impeachment Boomerang: Contacts exposed between US embassy, Hunter Biden-connected Ukraine firm
Discussion: Instapundit
Bonchie / Redstate:
CNN's Chris Cuomo Continues to be an Awful Person and Hypocrite
Discussion: NB Blog
 Earlier Items: 
Peter Whoriskey / Washington Post:
Infection rates were climbing at Nebraska meatpacking plants.  Then health officials stopped reporting the numbers.
Luke Putvin / Lynnwood Times:
Governor Inslee lays out statewide contact tracing plan for COVID-19
Discussion: Redstate and The Gateway Pundit
Amanda Carpenter / The Bulwark:
Is the Trump Campaign App Designed to Win the Election, or Launch Trump TV?
Tina Nguyen / Politico:
With Obamagate, Trump returns to a favorite distraction tactic

From Techmeme:

The Information:
Source: Altman told investors that OpenAI could become a for-profit business not controlled by its nonprofit board; Microsoft execs favor a for-profit option

Andrew Williams / Wired:
Apple may not be bringing Apple Intelligence to iPhone 15, which has 6GB of RAM vs. iPhone 15 Pro's 8GB, due to RAM requirements for on-device AI processing

Caroline O'Donovan / Washington Post:
Leaked documents reveal life-threatening issues at Amazon's primary-care service One Medical, raising concerns about Amazon's frugal approach to health care

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