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10:30 AM ET, September 4, 2021


 Top Items: 
Sean Hollister / The Verge:
GoDaddy cut off Texas Right to Life's abortion ‘whistleblowing’ website, but it's staying online  —  The web host gave the Texas anti-abortion group 24 hours to find a new home  —  In case you haven't heard, Texas now has a law that makes it illegal for anyone to help women get an abortion …
Discussion: Newsweek, RedState and Raw Story
John Kruzel / The Hill:
Texas judge hands narrow win to abortion providers fighting new 6-week ban  —  A Texas state judge on Friday temporarily blocked an anti-abortion group from enforcing Texas's new 6-week abortion ban against Planned Parenthood, handing a narrow legal victory to abortion rights advocates.
Defending drivers and women's access to healthcare  —  Following the passage of Texas SB8 we're sending the following message to drivers and riders in the Lyft community.  —  Dear Lyft Riders and Drivers,  —  A new Texas law, SB8, threatens to punish drivers for getting people where they need to go …
Associated Press:
Judge shields Texas clinics from anti-abortion group's suits  —  AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — A state judge has shielded, for now, Texas abortion clinics from lawsuits by an anti-abortion group under a new state abortion law in a narrow ruling handed down Friday.  —  The temporary restraining order Friday …
Paul Waldman / Washington Post:
The harsh truth of this moment: Republicans understand power.  Democrats do not.  —  Democrats look like they're the ones with the greater share of political power in America today, holding both the White House and Congress.  So why do they so often seem weak and ineffectual …
Discussion: The Mahablog
Justice Sonia Sotomayor / The Nation:
Sotomayor's Defiant Dissent  —  In her blistering dissent, the Supreme Court justice calls out her conservative colleagues' breathtaking disregard of precedent and the Constitution.  —  Conservatives would have you believe that the Supreme Court's decision to allow Texas's law banning abortions …
W. James Antle III / Washington Examiner:
Five reasons Biden's approval ratings have taken a pounding  —  As the summer comes to a close, President Joe Biden's job approval ratings have taken a major hit.  —  Both the RealClearPolitics and FiveThirtyEight polling averages show pluralities disapproving of Biden's performance in office …
Discussion: The Guardian
Philip Bump / Washington Post:
The pandemic is almost certainly a bigger political risk for Biden than Afghanistan  —  Friday arrived with bad news.  Economists had expected the country to continue to add jobs at a healthy pace, only to learn that only 235,000 more people went to work in August.
Michael C. Bender / Wall Street Journal:
Trump Says He Is Unlikely to Get Covid-19 Vaccine Booster Shot
Discussion: The Hill and Raw Story
Ryan Mac / New York Times:
Facebook Apologizes After A.I. Puts ‘Primates’ Label on Video of Black Men  —  Facebook called it “an unacceptable error.”  The company has struggled with other issues related to race.  —  Facebook users who recently watched a video from a British tabloid featuring Black men saw …
Jaime Harrison / The Hill:
H.R. 4 carries forward the legacy of Congressman John Lewis  —  On Aug. 28, 1963, thousands of Americans came to our nation's capital for the March on Washington.  Inspired by leaders such as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Fannie Lou Hamer and John Lewis, they sought to bring the country closer …
New York Times:
Satellite Images Find Oil Spill in Gulf Left in Ida's Wake  —  Satellite and aerial survey images show oil spreading off the coast of an oil and gas hub in Louisiana.  —  Cleanup crews are working to contain what experts called a substantial oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico …
Carlos Lozada / Washington Post:
9/11 was a test.  The books of the last two decades show how America failed. … Deep within the catalogue of regrets that is the 9/11 Commission report — long after readers learn of the origins and objectives of al-Qaeda, past the warnings ignored by consecutive administrations …
NBC News:
About 100 Afghan evacuees to U.S. flagged for possible ties to Taliban or terror groups, sources say  —  The U.S. plans to send at least two Afghan evacuees back out of the country to Kosovo because of security concerns raised after they arrived at a U.S. airport, said two sources familiar with the U.S. evacuation.
Justin Rohrlich / The Daily Beast:
Angry Men With Zip-Ties Ambush School Principal After COVID Masking Request  —  The surreal confrontation stemmed from the Arizona school asking a child who was exposed to the virus to abide by public health guidelines.  —  Police arrested a 40-year-old Arizona dad after he stormed …
Rebecca Rosman / NPR:
France And Russia Are In A Tussle Over Who Gets To Call Champagne ... ‘Champagne’  —  EPERNAY, France - In a chilly windowless basement in this provincial French city, workers stack bottles of bubbly.  Not just any bubbly, but le vrai champagne, which thanks to a special protected status …
Discussion: Outside the Beltway
Isabella Grullón Paz / New York Times:
‘Sexist,’ ‘Racist,’ ‘Classist’: Georgia 8th Grader Challenges School Dress Code  —  After being cited for a rip in her jeans on the first day of school, Sophia Trevino has led a protest seeking changes to the district's dress code, which she says unfairly targets girls.
Discussion: Althouse
Alan Feuer / New York Times:
Capitol Rioter Known as QAnon Shaman Pleads Guilty  —  Jacob Chansley, who stormed onto the Senate floor in face paint and a horned hat, accepted a deal under which federal prosecutors will recommend a sentence of 41 to 51 months in prison.  —  Jacob Chansley, a former actor …
Washington Post:
U.S. covid death toll hits 1,500 a day amid delta scourge  —  ‘A perfect storm of viral changes and behavioral changes’ is driving pandemic's fourth wave  —  Brian Pierce, the coroner in Baldwin County, Ala., thought he had seen the last of the coronavirus months ago as the area's death count held steady …
Discussion: Political Wire
CREW files ethics complaint against Kevin McCarthy & Marjorie Taylor Greene  —  The Office of Congressional Ethics should investigate whether House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene violated House rules by threatening to retaliate against companies that comply …
Zogby Analytics:
COVID-19 Challenges for the Borderless Enterprise - A 2020 Global Survey of IT Decision-Makers  —  According to the latest Zogby Poll® one-fifth of likely voters regret voting for President Biden.  On the surface it doesn't seem like much, especially if you look at the three quarters …
Antony J. Blinken / United States Department of State:
Sanctioning Iranian Intelligence Affiliates for Targeting Dissidents Abroad  —  Iran's attempt to kidnap a U.S. citizen on U.S. soil because she used her freedom of speech to criticize the Iranian government is unacceptable and an egregious violation of fundamental international norms.
Steven Nelson / New York Post:
WH admits Biden's claim he visited Tree of Life synagogue is not true  —  WASHINGTON — President Biden did not visit the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh after the murder of 11 congregants — despite saying so, the White House admitted Friday.  —  Biden on Thursday told Jewish leaders …
Sharon Bernstein / Reuters:
California Republicans launching campaign to boost trust in mail-in voting  —  California Republicans will launch a campaign on Friday to convince conservatives to trust the state's mail-in balloting system, hoping to boost turnout in the election to recall Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom, party officials said.
Austin Horn / The State Journal:
Misinformation abounds at Southworth election security event  —  State Sen. Adrienne Southworth, R-Lawrenceburg, wants to go back to using only paper ballots and hand-counting them for Kentucky elections.  —  But much of the purported evidence supporting her argument, which Southworth …
Washington Post:
Oklahoma congressman says he has no regrets about attempts to enter Afghanistan  —  Rep. Markwayne Mullin (R-Okla.) appeared on Fox News on Friday evening to defend his widely criticized attempts to enter Afghanistan last month, saying he had no regrets and would make the attempts again “without even hesitation.”
Discussion: KFOR-TV, New York Post and TheBlaze
Annie Karni / New York Times:
Biden Moves to Declassify Some Documents Related to Sept. 11  —  In an executive order, the president instructed Attorney General Merrick B. Garland to publicly release the declassified documents over the next six months.  —  WASHINGTON — Making good on a campaign promise …
Discussion: National Review
Daniel Dale / CNN:
Fact check: Sen. Joni Ernst falsely claims Biden has ‘not once’ expressed gratitude to troops who fought in the last 20 years  —  Senator falsely claims Biden ‘not once’ thanked overseas veterans  —  Washington (CNN)Republican Sen. Joni Ernst of Iowa, a veteran of the war in Iraq and a member …
Discussion: POLITICUSUSA and Raw Story
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 More Items: 
Rebecca Boone / Associated Press:
‘Loss of hope’: Idaho hospitals crushed by COVID-19 surge
Fazelminallah Qazizai / Newlines Magazine:
The Special Units Leading the Taliban's Fight against the Islamic State
Thomas Joscelyn / FDD's Long War Journal:
Taliban blames America for 9/11 in video celebrating its own suicide squads
Phil Stewart / Reuters:
Exclusive: 'They'll kill us' - Afghan pilots at Uzbek camp fear deadly homecoming
Jake Lahut / Insider:
FEC unanimously rejects complaint that Maggie Haberman and news organizations illegally contributed to Hillary Clinton's campaign with favorable coverage
Discussion: Fox News
Wall Street Journal:
Fitness Industry Recruits Candy Lobbyist to Help Muscle Up
Zachary Petrizzo / Salon:
Mike Lindell paid millions to “cyber experts”; allegedly bought luxury home for accused fraudster
 Earlier Items: 
Chuck Ross / Washington Free Beacon:
CNN Analyst Bakari Sellers Says the GOP Is Homophobic. He Lobbies for a Country Where It's Illegal To Be Gay.
Kathy Mccormack / Associated Press:
Governor in hospital with flu symptoms; COVID tests negative
Discussion: Bangor Daily News and The Hill
Bente Birkeland / NPR:
Voting Data From A Colorado County Was Leaked Online. Now The Clerk Is In Hiding
Ellie Silverman / Washington Post:
Former Trump campaign operative plans rally for those charged in Capitol riot
Discussion: Raw Story and POLITICUSUSA

From Techmeme:

Emma Roth / The Verge:
The US DOJ sues Adobe for allegedly harming “consumers by enrolling them in its default, most lucrative subscription plan without clearly disclosing” plan terms

Chance Miller / 9to5Mac:
Apple says it will no longer offer Apple Pay Later, the BNPL service launched in the US in 2023, and will focus on installment loan features coming this year

María Paula Mijares Torres / Bloomberg:
Tether, the top stablecoin provider, says it made a new synthetic dollar that is backed by gold and will trade as aUSDT via smart contracts on Ethereum Mainnet

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