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9:20 PM ET, September 3, 2021


 Top Items: 
Wall Street Journal:
Texas's Abortion Law Blunder  —  The Supreme Court was right not to interfere for now, but the statute won't survive scrutiny on the merits.  —  By The Editorial Board  —  America is back fighting its endless legal war over abortion.  A new front opened late Wednesday when five Justices issued …
Mia Brett / The Editorial Board:
Abortion is virtually banned in Texas. The upside? Roe still rules for now in the other 49 states
Discussion: USA Today, Rolling Stone and Raw Story
Michael C. Bender / Wall Street Journal:
Trump Says He Is Unlikely to Get Covid-19 Vaccine Booster Shot  —  Former president has urged his supporters to get vaccinated but tells WSJ he 'probably won't' get a booster shot when it is available  —  WASHINGTON—Former President Donald Trump, who received a Covid-19 vaccination …
Discussion: The Hill and Raw Story
New York Times:
Health Officials Advise White House to Scale Back Booster Plan for Now  —  Federal regulators warned on Thursday they may not have enough data to recommend boosters for anyone except certain recipients of the Pfizer vaccine by late September.  —  WASHINGTON — Top federal health officials …
Sean Hollister / The Verge:
GoDaddy is cutting off Texas Right to Life's abortion ‘whistleblowing’ website  —  The web host gave the Texas anti-abortion group 24 hours to find a new home  —  In case you haven't heard, Texas now has a law that makes it illegal for anyone to help women get an abortion after six weeks of pregnancy …
Discussion: Newsweek, RedState, Raw Story, NPR and Insider
Nicole Perlroth / New York Times:
TikTok Users and Coders Flood Texas Abortion Site With Fake Tips  —  To protest Texas' new abortion law, activists said, they pranked a website set up by the state's largest anti-abortion group.  —  After a Texas law restricting abortion went into effect on Wednesday, the state's largest …
Kari Paul / The Guardian:
TikTokers flood Texas abortion whistleblower site with Shrek memes, fake reports and porn  —  Critics of Texas' new law have been filing hundreds of fake reports to the whistleblowing website in hopes of crashing it  —  Pro-choice users on TikTok and Reddit have launched a guerrilla effort …
Greg Sargent / Washington Post:
Joe Manchin's new threat to destroy Biden's agenda is worse than it seems  —  When President Biden travels to storm-ravaged Louisiana on Friday, he will continue amplifying the case for getting much more serious about tackling the climate change that is fueling such extreme weather events.
Paul Waldman / Washington Post:
The harsh truth of this moment: Republicans understand power.  Democrats do not.  —  Democrats look like they're the ones with the greater share of political power in America today, holding both the White House and Congress.  So why do they so often seem weak and ineffectual …
Discussion: The Mahablog
Jonathan Allen / NBC News:
House moderates send demands on $3.5 trillion budget bill to Pelosi
Daniel Dale / CNN:
Fact check: Sen. Joni Ernst falsely claims Biden has ‘not once’ expressed gratitude to troops who fought in the last 20 years  —  Senator falsely claims Biden ‘not once’ thanked overseas veterans  —  Washington (CNN)Republican Sen. Joni Ernst of Iowa, a veteran of the war in Iraq and a member …
New York Times:
Inside the Afghan Evacuation: Rogue Flights, Crowded Tents, Hope and Chaos  —  President Biden has insisted that the evacuation of Kabul was done as efficiently as possible.  But key documents obtained by The New York Times suggest otherwise.  —  WASHINGTON — On the last day of August …
Discussion: Page Array
Trump administration deliberately slowed entry of Afghan allies
Discussion: Raw Story and
Washington Post:
Biden names former Delaware Gov. Jack Markell to serve as point person on Afghan resettlement in the United States
Discussion: CBS News and CNN
CREW files ethics complaint against Kevin McCarthy & Marjorie Taylor Greene  —  The Office of Congressional Ethics should investigate whether House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene violated House rules by threatening to retaliate against companies that comply …
Discussion: The Hill
Andrew Solender / Forbes:
Ethics Watchdog Requests Probe Into Kevin McCarthy, Marjorie Taylor Greene For ‘Threatening’ Telecom Firms
Discussion: Mediaite
Ryan Mac / New York Times:
Facebook Apologizes After A.I. Puts ‘Primates’ Label on Video of Black Men  —  Facebook called it “an unacceptable error.”  The company has struggled with other issues related to race.  —  Facebook users who recently watched a video from a British tabloid featuring Black men saw …
Annie Karni / New York Times:
Biden Moves to Declassify Some Documents Related to Sept. 11  —  In an executive order, the president instructed Attorney General Merrick B. Garland to publicly release the declassified documents over the next six months.  —  WASHINGTON — Making good on a campaign promise …
Adela Suliman / Washington Post:
Here's what we know about the mu variant … A coronavirus variant known as “mu” or “B.1.621” was designated by the World Health Organization as a “variant of interest” earlier this week and will be monitored by the global health body as cases continue to emerge across parts of the world.
Alan Feuer / New York Times:
Capitol Rioter Known as QAnon Shaman Pleads Guilty  —  Jacob Chansley, who stormed onto the Senate floor in face paint and a horned hat, accepted a deal under which federal prosecutors will recommend a sentence of 41 to 51 months in prison.  —  Jacob Chansley, a former actor …
Discussion: Mother Jones, IJR and CBS News
Marshall Cohen / CNN:
‘QAnon Shaman’ Jacob Chansley pleads guilty to felony in US Capitol riot
Matthew Lee / Associated Press:
Afghan evacuation raises concerns about child trafficking  —  WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. officials are looking into reports that in the frantic evacuation of desperate Afghans from Kabul, older men were admitted together with young girls they claimed as “brides” or otherwise sexually abused.
Carlos Lozada / Washington Post:
9/11 was a test.  The books of the last two decades show how America failed. … Deep within the catalogue of regrets that is the 9/11 Commission report — long after readers learn of the origins and objectives of al-Qaeda, past the warnings ignored by consecutive administrations …
Jeff Stein / Washington Post:
At odds with boss, some Biden aides privately alarmed as millions of workers head over jobless benefits cliff  —  Some White House officials are split on what will happen when the benefits cease next week, but advisers downplayed any rift.  —  The Biden administration faces internal dissatisfaction …
Bente Birkeland / NPR:
Voting Data From A Colorado County Was Leaked Online.  Now The Clerk Is In Hiding  —  It's been nearly a month since sensitive data about voting equipment in Colorado's Mesa County was posted online by conspiracy theorists eager to cast doubt on the outcome of the 2020 election.
Discussion: Raw Story
James Fallows / the:
Eloquence is Overrated  —  Don't remember lines from a speech?  That could be a sign of its success.  —  Sometimes memorable lines accompany memorable messages.  The greatest example in American presidential rhetoric will always be Abraham Lincoln's Second Inaugural address:
Kathy Mccormack / Associated Press:
Governor in hospital with flu symptoms; COVID tests negative  —  CONCORD, N.H. (AP) — New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu was admitted to a hospital Friday with flulike symptoms that have lasted for days, and after having tested negative three times for COVID-19, his chief of staff said.
Austin Horn / The State Journal:
Misinformation abounds at Southworth election security event  —  State Sen. Adrienne Southworth, R-Lawrenceburg, wants to go back to using only paper ballots and hand-counting them for Kentucky elections.  —  But much of the purported evidence supporting her argument, which Southworth …
Ellie Silverman / Washington Post:
Former Trump campaign operative plans rally for those charged in Capitol riot  —  Law enforcement authorities are monitoring plans by supporters of former president Donald Trump to rally outside the U.S. Capitol later this month to argue that the hundreds of people charged in the Jan. 6 insurrection …
Discussion: Raw Story and POLITICUSUSA
Steven Nelson / New York Post:
WH admits Biden's claim he visited Tree of Life synagogue is not true  —  WASHINGTON — President Biden did not visit the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh after the murder of 11 congregants — despite saying so, the White House admitted Friday.  —  Biden on Thursday told Jewish leaders …
Elizabeth Dwoskin / Washington Post:
Misinformation on Facebook got six times more clicks than factual news during the 2020 election, study says  —  Right-leaning pages also produce more misinformation, the forthcoming study found.  —  A new study of user behavior on Facebook around the 2020 election is likely …
Thomas Joscelyn / FDD's Long War Journal:
Taliban blames America for 9/11 in video celebrating its own suicide squads  —  The Taliban blames America for the 9/11 hijackings in a newly-released video that was aired on Afghan television.  The production, “Victorious Force 3,” is the latest in a series of short films celebrating the Taliban's …
Sarah Chayes / Foreign Affairs:
Afghanistan's Corruption Was Made in America … In 2005, I visited a branch of Afghanistan's national bank in Kandahar to make a deposit.  I was launching a cooperative that would craft skin-care products for export, using oils extracted from local almonds and apricot kernels …
Discussion: CoinDesk and Bloomberg
Katherine J. Wu / The Atlantic:
What We Actually Know About Waning Immunity  —  Vaccines don't last forever.  This is by design: Like many of the microbes they mimic, the contents of the shots stick around only as long as it takes the body to eliminate them, a tenure on the order of days, perhaps a few weeks.
Discussion: medRxiv
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 More Items: 
NBC News:
About 100 Afghan evacuees to U.S. flagged for possible ties to Taliban or terror groups, sources say
Johnny Archer / NBC 6 South Florida:
Mentor to Young Men Among 15 MDCPS Staff to Die of COVID in Ten Days
Discussion: Raw Story and WBBH-TV
Phil Stewart / Reuters:
Exclusive: 'They'll kill us' - Afghan pilots at Uzbek camp fear deadly homecoming
Jake Lahut / Insider:
FEC board unanimously rejects complaint that Maggie Haberman and news organizations illegally contributed to Hillary Clinton's campaign with favorable coverage
Discussion: Fox News
Wall Street Journal:
Fitness Industry Recruits Candy Lobbyist to Help Muscle Up
Zack Budryk / The Hill:
‘Squad’ members call on Biden to shut down Line 3 pipeline in Minnesota
Zachary Petrizzo / Salon:
Mike Lindell paid millions to “cyber experts”; allegedly bought luxury home for accused fraudster
 Earlier Items: 
Chuck Ross / Washington Free Beacon:
CNN Analyst Bakari Sellers Says the GOP Is Homophobic. He Lobbies for a Country Where It's Illegal To Be Gay.
Jose Del Real / Washington Post:
The lonely journey of a UFO conspiracy theorist
Byron York / Washington Examiner:
Byron York's Daily Memo: The mortal threat to Democrats' progressive dreams, cont'd
Amy Walter / The Cook Political Report:
It's Still All About COVID
Discussion: Axios

From Mediagazer:

Nic Newman / Reuters Institute:
RISJ's 2024 Digital News Report with a survey of 90K+ people: six platforms, like TikTok, reach 10%+ of respondents for news use vs. just two a decade ago, more

Harry Lambert / The Daily Beast:
A profile of The Washington Post CEO Will Lewis, once one of the UK's most feted journalists, and a look at the many compromises he's made in pursuit of power

Nilay Patel / The Verge:
Q&A with Tubi CEO Anjali Sud, who joined from Vimeo in September 2023, on the streaming industry, working within Fox, subscription fatigue, copyright, and more

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