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Crips Gang Co-Founder Executed in Calif. — SAN QUENTIN, Calif. (AP) - Convicted killer Stanley Tookie Williams, the Crips gang co-founder whose case stirred a national debate about capital punishment versus the possibility of redemption, was executed Tuesday morning.

THE TOOKIE FILES: NOTES ON THE FREAK SHOW — ***scroll for rolling updates*** — It's a zoo outside San Quentin prison, where convicted murderer/Crips gang co-founder Stanley "Tookie" Williams is scheduled to die by injection at San Quentin Prison at 12:01am Pacific time for murdering four people during two 1979 holdups.
Mark in Mexico, Diggers Realm, Patterico's Pontifications, The Rude Pundit, Debbie Schlussel, baldilocks and Stop The ACLU

Governor Didn't Believe Williams Had Reformed — Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger did not just reject Stanley Tookie Williams' request for clemency, he aggressively attacked the central element of the former gang leader's case: Williams, he said, had never really reformed.

To A Young One Who Is An Apologist For A Terrorist — Sometimes it's of use to respond to one's more problematic commenters, if only to make a point or ten. — Jeremy, a William and Mary student, writes in my only other Stanley "Tookie" Williams post:

Death Penalty — I'm against it for numerous reasons (depending on when you ask me a different reason is the most important one), but I really can't quite see how Stanley Williams is really the poster child for the cause. The cause is still just, and I'd argue for clemency for everyone …

Iraqi Ministry Denies Captives Were Abused — RAMADI, Iraq, Dec. 12 - The Iraqi Interior Ministry insisted Monday that none of the 625 prisoners discovered last week in an Iraqi detention center had been tortured or abused, despite assertions by American officials to the contrary.

Ex-general says Iranian led torture of detainees — BAGHDAD — An Iraqi general formerly in charge of special Interior Ministry forces said yesterday that a senior Iranian intelligence officer was in charge of a network of detention centers where suspected insurgents were routinely tortured and sometimes killed.

President Bush on Iraq, Katrina, the economy — The 43rd president speaks exclusively with NBC's Brian Williams — WASHINGTON - — Brian Williams — •Profile — Our day started early this morning, when we greeted President George W. Bush in the Oval Office.

John Harris Responds to Reader Comments — Washington Post Political Editor John Harris posted a response to readers in the comments area of the preceding post, but we are posting separately here to make it easier to find. — Harris's response follows: — Several of the comments here refer to me …

DeLay Having an Impact in Vulnerable Congressional Districts — For the past couple of weeks, we have been reporting on the rumblings in the House of Representatives; is a coup afoot? If so, who is involved? Could it really be successful? — Well, information obtained by ABP yesterday might add fuel to such speculation.
Taegan Goddard's …

LIVE FROM... Iraqi Armed Forces to Lead Security for Election; Syrian Critic Murdered; Death and Drama in New York; Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays? ; The Life and Death of Richard Pryor — THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED.

Beyond The War Spin — After this week's elections in Iraq, will our national debate be about what the United States should do to salvage the best outcome it can from a war policy that has been riddled with errors and miscalculations? Or will we mostly discuss how politicians should position themselves on the war?

Here's my apology on the 'disaster' of the Iraq war. Now, where's yours? — MANY MORNINGS begin with the Today snort: an almost indefinable simultaneous use of sinus and larynx, it is the audio equivalent of one of Jeremy Paxman's eyebrows leaping off his head and making a bid for freedom among the studio lights.
Austin Bay Blog

Bush Estimates Iraqi Death Toll in War at 30,000 — PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 12 — President Bush estimated Monday that 30,000 Iraqis have died in the war since U.S.-led forces invaded in March 2003, but he offered no second thoughts about ordering the attack and said the threat of terrorism …

Bush's job approval rating bounces up a few points — WASHINGTON — President Bush's job approval rating, on a long slide since his re-election last year, rebounded from historic lows in a USA TODAY/CNN/Gallup Poll taken this weekend. (Related: Poll results)