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OP-ED CONTRIBUTOR; A General Misunderstanding — AS the No. 2 general at United States Central Command from the Sept. 11 attacks through the Iraq war, I was the daily "answer man" to Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. I briefed him twice a day; few people had as much interaction with him as I did during those two years.

Pentagon Memo Aims to Counter Rumsfeld Critics — WASHINGTON, April 15 — The Defense Department has issued a memorandum to a group of former military commanders and civilian analysts that offers a direct challenge to the criticisms made by retired generals about Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld.

Inversion — I haven't had much to say about the retired generals attacking the SecDef, mostly because it's popped just as things have hit the fan around here, but I did notice that the Times was to be commended for a front page article that focused on an angle of the story that was being …

Busy McCain expresses views on Rumsfeld, immigration, Iraq war
Publius Rendezvous

McCain Agrees With Retired Generals: No Confidence In Rumsfeld...BUT

Bombs That Would Backfire — WHITE HOUSE spokesmen have played down press reports that the Pentagon has accelerated planning to bomb Iran. We would like to believe that the administration is not intent on starting another war, because a conflict with Iran could be even more damaging …
Hullabaloo, TigerHawk, Just World News, The Heretik, Booman Tribune, PoliBlog, Economist's View and PrairiePundit

'Speak softly, don't argue and slow down' — Loud and brash, in gawdy garb and baseball caps, more than three million of them flock to our shores every year. Shuffling between tourist sites or preparing to negotiate a business deal, they bemoan the failings of the world outside the United States.
The Gun Toting Liberal

The Pretty American — or, how to avoid an international incident for less than $20,000US a day! — Americans tourists have pretty much always been regarded as "ugly" in the sense that we have the temerity to be wealthy enough to afford vacations to foreign countries …
The Mahablog

Policy on Iran nukes seems to be off-target — Happy Easter. Happy Passover. But, if you're like the president of Iran and believe in the coming of the "Twelfth Imam," your happy holiday may be just around the corner, too. President Ahmadinejad, who is said to consider himself …

Keeping Al-Qaeda in His Grip — Al-Zawahiri Presses Ideology, Deepens Rifts Among Islamic Radicals — CAIRO — In January 2003, one of the two most wanted men in the world couldn't contain his frustration. From a hiding place probably somewhere in South Asia, he tapped out two lengthy e-mails …

Time to Fight the Real War — Robert Tracinski is the editor of The Intellectual Activist and — Four and a half years after September 11—which was supposed to awaken us to the threat of devastating attacks by state-sponsored terrorists—America is finally beginning to confront …

The GOP's Betrayal On Speech — If in November Republicans lose control of the House of Representatives, April 5 should be remembered as the day they demonstrated that they earned defeat. Traducing the Constitution and disgracing conservatism, they used their power for their only remaining purpose — to cling to power.
Captain's Quarters, The Democratic Daily Blog, Hit and Run, The Heretik and A Chequer-Board of Nights …

PORTRAIT OF A MOONBAT — Via the Washington Post, a compelling image of online leftoid Maryscott O'Connor: — Maryscott wasn't pleased with the Post's photographic choice, and—according to Maryscott—neither was WashPost journalist David Finkel: … Hmm.
The Sideshow, skippy the bush kangaroo, The (liberal)Girl Next Door, Confined Space and Power Line

Iran suicide bombers 'ready to hit Britain' — IRAN has formed battalions of suicide bombers to strike at British and American targets if the nation's nuclear sites are attacked. According to Iranian officials, 40,000 trained suicide bombers are ready for action.

US denies Pollard-Barghouti release deal — The United States has denied a reported proposal to release Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard from jail in exchange for the release of imprisoned Fatah leader Marwan Barghouti's sentence, held in Israeli prison. — According to Army Radio …

How to Lose Your Job at a Saudi Newspaper — I was unceremoniously fired this month by my Saudi newspaper, a leading English-language daily called Arab News. — It didn't matter that I had been the senior columnist on the op-ed page for nine years or that my work was quoted widely …

Joe Klein: Nukes should be on the table — Joe Klein: "Nukes should be on the table" — Joe Klein started off today on "THIS WEEK," sounding fairly reasonable in the discussion about Iran and then veered off into neocon, kool-aid drinking lunacy. George Stephanopoulos was even caught off guard by Klein's statements.

Cost of Illegal Immigration May Be Less Than Meets the Eye — CALIFORNIA may seem the best place to study the impact of illegal immigration on the prospects of American workers. Hordes of immigrants rushed into the state in the last 25 years, competing for jobs with the least educated among the native population.

All Burkle, All the Time! — Revenge is bloggy at Gawker. — All Burkle, All the Time: Meow! The decision to let slimebag Jared Paul Stern guest-edit over this weekend initially seemed a cheap attention-getting move by an ambitious Brit blog owner gravely ignorant of American libel law.
Riehl World View

Hobbs Controversy: Good Journalism, Or Political Hit Piece? — Conservative blogger Bill Hobbs resigned his position with Belmont University after John Spragens wrote critically of an admittedly controversial post of Hobbs. That post included a stick figure and the text Mohammed Blows.