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Plame was 'covert' agent at time of name leak — Newly released unclassified document details CIA employment — WASHINGTON - An unclassified summary of outed CIA officer Valerie Plame's employment history at the spy agency, disclosed for the first time today in a court filing …

Fitzgerald Again Points to Cheney — Special counsel Patrick J. Fitzgerald has made it clearer than ever that he was hot on the trail of a coordinated campaign to out CIA agent Valerie Plame until that line of investigation was cut off by the repeated lies from Vice President Cheney's former chief of staff, I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby.
The Anonymous Liberal, The BRAD BLOG, The Mahablog, Seeing the Forest, Liberal Values and Guardian

How About Them Apples Vicky Toensing? — Download libby_governments_sentencing_ memo.pdf — Victoria Toensing, Cliff May, Byron York and the other rightwing apologists who have long insisted that Valerie Plame Wilson was not undercover have some "splaining" to do.

Fitzgerald Says Plame Was a Covert Agent — In new court filings, special counsel Patrick Fitzgerald has finally resolved one of the most disputed issues at the core of the long-running CIA leak controversy: Valerie Plame Wilson, he asserts, was a "covert" CIA officer …

Plame was a Covert Agent — It's official. Valerie Plame was a covert agent at the time her name was leaked by Novak. Will Victoria Toensing issue an apology? And Fred Hiatt should follow her lead. … FDL: Ex. Order 12958 — Hayden's approval of Waxman's statement that Ms. Wilson's status …

Advisers Fault Harsh Methods in Interrogation — As the Bush administration completes secret new rules governing interrogations, a group of experts advising the intelligence agencies argue that the harsh techniques used since the 2001 terrorist attacks are outmoded, amateurish and unreliable.

"Verschärfte Vernehmung" — The phrase "Verschärfte Vernehmung" is German for "enhanced interrogation". Other translations include "intensified interrogation" or "sharpened interrogation". It's a phrase that appears to have been concocted in 1937, to describe a form of torture …

Send Wolfowitz to Iraq, Says GOP Lawmaker — Justin Rood Reports: — Paul Wolfowitz may have been ousted from his post at the World Bank, but a free-speaking GOP lawmaker has an idea to keep the so-called "architect" of the Iraq War from standing in the unemployment line.

Bush to Pick Zoellick for World Bank
The Atlantic Online

Court Protects Gender Discrimintion — As Ruth Bader Ginsburg notes, the evidence of gender discrimination in the case of Ledbetter v. Goodyear, decided today by the Supreme Court, is unambiguous: … Despite this, and contrary to the judgment of the EEOC, the Court by a bare 5-4 majority threw …

Justice Ginsburg Again Dissents on Behalf of Women

"Legitimate Demands" - A Video Speech by Adam Yahiye Gadahn Produced by as-Sahab Media — Adam Yahiye Gadahn AKA Azzam the American, is featured in a 7:57 minute video produced by as-Sahab, the multimedia wing of al-Qaeda, and titled: "Legitimate Demands". The video was issued to jihadist forums today, Tuesday, May 29, 2007.

TB case brings warning to air passengers — ATLANTA - A man with a rare and exceptionally dangerous form of tuberculosis has been placed in quarantine by the U.S. government after possibly exposing passengers and crew on two trans-Atlantic flights this month, health officials said Tuesday.

Feds eye Stevens' home remodeling project — GIRDWOOD: Veco approved some invoices for 2000 upgrade at senator's house, says builder. — The FBI and a federal grand jury have been investigating an extensive remodeling project at U.S. Sen. Ted Stevens' home in Girdwood that involved …

Jenin comes to Lebanon. So where is the outcry? — Last week, the Lebanese army attacked a squalid Palestinian refugee camp that's become infested with Islamist suicide terrorists and guerilla fighters. On May 20, government troops surrounded the camp, with tanks and artillery pieces shelling it at close range.

Kharmah Awakens — "In fact, there is a civil war in progress in Iraq, one comparable in important respects to other civil wars that have occurred in postcolonial states with weak institutions. Those cases suggest that the Bush administration's political objective in Iraq—creating a stable …

THE CIA AND THE WAR....Jonathan Schwarz has been reading The Italian Letter by Peter Eiser and Knut Royce and finds himself amazed. "I really can't understand why this hasn't gotten some attention," he says via email. In particular, he's amazed at this passage about Alan Foley …

The Informer: Behind the Scenes, or Setting the Stage? — With tired eyes and mussed hair, Osama Eldawoody opens his door to an unexpected guest. — He doesn't get many visitors these days. He is in hiding for his own safety. He has received no direct threats, he says …

Bernstein Book Directly Contradicts A Key Charge In Gerth And Van Natta's Book — Okay, the duel of the Hillary books just heated up big time. — We've just received our copy of Carl Bernstein's new book on Hillary, and something leaps right out at us. — Specifically: Bernstein's …