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I'm Told — Senator Reid just went to the Senate floor and asked people to bid on the Rush letter. — 40-some minutes to go.... UPDATE: Here's a raw transcript from the Senate:
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Harry Reid Hearts Rush Limbaugh — As the bidding draws to a close on his ugly smear letter, Harry Reid is now taking credit for raising money for children of fallen soldiers. … Hypocrisy so extreme it warps time and space. — UPDATE at 10/19/07 10:15:05 am: — The winner of the auction was philanthropist Betty Casey.

An unlikely treasure-trove of donors for Clinton — The candidate's unparalleled fundraising success relies largely on the least-affluent residents of New York's Chinatown — some of whom can't be tracked down. — NEW YORK — Something remarkable happened at 44 Henry St., a grimy Chinatown tenement with peeling walls.
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Martinez resigns as general chair of RNC — Sen. Mel Martinez (R-Fla.) will resign as general chairman of the Republican Party today, saying he wants to spend more time on his work as Florida's GOP senator, Politico has learned. — Martinez, who took the job nine months ago as the public face …

Martinez quits as RNC general chairman — WASHINGTON - Mel Martinez, the public face of the Republican National Committee as its general chairman, announced Friday he was stepping down from his post after serving only 10 months. — "I believe that our future as a party and nation is bright …

Randi Rhodes Speaks About Non-Mugging, Raises New Questions — A DEEPER HOLE … Now that Air America Radio host Randi Rhodes has returned to the airwaves, at least one mystery has been solved: we know why her lawyer was in charge of making press statements.

Talk Show Host Randi Rhodes Explains Her Injury On Her Show
The Van Der Galiën Gazette, protein wisdom, The Mahablog, LTR, Moonbattery and News Hounds

FOX To Air Controversial Documentary on Islam — A controversial film that PBS axed from its documentary series about the post-Sept. 11 world will be broadcast for the first time nationwide this week by the FOX News Channel. — The documentary, originally titled "Islam vs. Islamists," …

Libertarians Rising — To oversimplify: Democrats are for Big Government; Republicans are against it. — To oversimplify somewhat less, Democrats aren't always for Big Government, and Republicans aren't always against it. Democrats treasure civil liberties, whereas Republicans …

Dodd Goes to the Mat: Says He Will Filibuster FISA — He said he "might have to." And he will. — From the Dodd campaign: … Finally someone willing to filibuster and cut through the ocean of glue the Senate seems to be swimming in. — This is awesome. Go Dodd. — Update: Just added — YouTube above.

Grand Jury Investigation Seeking Phoenix Newspaper's Reader Data — In the department of news ranging from unprecedented to shocking, from the Phoenix New Times, this stands out. … At the heart of the matter is controversial Sheriff Joe Arpaio (think, inmates wearing pink underwear …

From the Back of the Pack — Rindge, N.H. — The first thing you notice about Mike Huckabee is that he has a Mayberry name and a Jim Nabors face. But it's quickly clear that Huckabee is as good a campaigner as anybody running for president this year. And before too long it becomes easy …

What Happened at Haditha — The massacre that wasn't, and its political exploitation. — The incident at Haditha—or the massacre, as it is often called—is due for a wholesale rethinking. The allegations are that in 2005 U.S. Marines went on a killing spree and deliberately executed 24 Iraqi civilians.

Pelosi's Armenian Gambit — There are three relevant questions concerning the Armenian genocide. — (a) Did it happen? — (b) Should the U.S. House of Representatives be expressing itself on this now? — (c) Was House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's determination to bring this to a vote …
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Bush Warns About Iran Threat; Airport Screeners Fail Tests at Alarming Rate; Rush Limbaugh Auctioning Off Reid Complaint Letter — THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED. — GLENN BECK, HOST (voice-over): Tonight, President Bush warns the world about a nuclear Iran.

Ex-top envoy calls Iraqi government a failure — Former ambassador says country 'falling apart,' blames al-Maliki, U.S. — Investigative producer — NBC News Investigative Unit — WASHINGTON - A principal architect of Iraq's interim constitution, who resigned in August …
The Carpetbagger Report

CHINA'S SURPLUS OF SONS: A GEOPOLITICAL TIME BOMB — Ending its one-child policy could ease instability. … The Olympics are around the corner. Just as qualifying athletes are training hard for the big event, China seeks to put its best foot forward in response to critics at home and abroad.
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