Top Items:

CNN poll questions Obama's patriotism — I've got to say, I've never seen a reader poll like this on a mainstream media website (or, to be honest, a right-wing blog). This is currently on — And just today (in a very interesting exchange with the Cleveland Jewish community) …

CNN SIGNS ON WITH REP. KINGSTON (R-GA) — I guess we shouldn't be surprised. Ben Smith, at The Politico, flags that today CNN's running a ‘online poll’ asking if Barack Obama has enough patriotism to be president. As Ben, with some understatement, put it's “it's odd to see the mainstream media drive …

Hillary Clinton Mocks Barack Obama During Campaign Rally — Hillary Clinton's campaign is on its last legs after suffering a string of defeats to her rival Barack Obama. Clinton made the decision to go negative in an effort to halt Obama's rising momentum.
Comments from Left Field, The RBC, TalkLeft, The Reaction, skippy the bush kangaroo and Oliver Willis

The Clintons' Last Stand — Watching senator Clinton attempt to regain some lift as she paraglides into history is almost enough to evoke pity. Almost. The Clintons come with their own boundless reserves of self-pity so further reinforcements seem unnecessary to me.
Viking Pundit

A Spry Farrakhan Sings Obama's Praises — CHICAGO (AP) — In his first major public address since a cancer crisis, Nation of Islam Minister Louis Farrakhan said Sunday that presidential candidate Barack Obama is the “hope of the entire world” that the U.S. will change for the better.
Captain's Quarters, TalkLeft, Gateway Pundit, Israel Matzav, The Belmont Club, THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS and Taylor Marsh

It's All About Him — Last October, a reporter asked Barack Obama why he had stopped wearing the American flag lapel pin that he, like many other public officials, had been sporting since soon after Sept. 11. Obama could have responded that his new-found fashion minimalism was no big deal.

Blogger, Sans Pajamas, Rakes Muck and a Prize — Of the many landmarks along a journalist's career, two are among those that stand out: winning an award and making the government back down. Last week, Joshua Micah Marshall achieved both. — On Tuesday, it was announced that he had won …
Middle Earth Journal

Clinton assures donors after losses — BOSTON - Attempting to reassure anxious donors, Hillary Rodham Clinton on Sunday outlined a road map she said she will follow to beat Barack Obama in the Ohio and Texas primaries March 4. — Clinton insisted that her campaign is on track and moving forward …

Ad shows Hillary's vulnerability dilemma
New York Times

In Memories of a Painful Past, Hushed Worry About Obama — DALLAS — There is a hushed worry on the minds of many supporters of Senator Barack Obama, echoing in conversations from state to state, rally to rally: Will he be safe? — In Colorado, two sisters say they pray daily for his safety.

The Campus Rape Myth — The reality: bogus statistics, feminist victimology, and university-approved sex toys — It's a lonely job, working the phones at a college rape crisis center. Day after day, you wait for the casualties to show up from the alleged campus rape epidemic—but no one calls.

Obama Knocks Clinton, But Wouldn't Ax NAFTA — Obama: NAFTA Repeal ‘Would Actually Result in More Job Loss ... Than Job Gains’ — Appealing to union voters in a dry wall manufacturing plant in this crucial primary state, Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., Sunday afternoon said that even though …
NO QUARTER, Political Radar, Buck Naked Politics, A Chequer-Board of Nights … and Political Punch

ENOUGH WITH ALL OF THIS “OBAMA IS A MOOSLIM” CRAP — I am usually quite proud of being a conservative. I know in my heart that the only way to enjoying liberty under the law AND equality of justice is through the application of conservative principles to government and society.

ATTACKING AL-QAEDA....Last August, in the wake of news (here) that Donald Rumsfeld had called off a special ops mission intended to capture senior members of al-Qaeda in Pakistan's tribal areas, Barack Obama called the failure to act a “terrible mistake.” He then went on to promise …

LIVE-BLOGGING THE OSCARS — Newest posts at the top. Keep refreshing because I'll be posting manically thanks to my North Carolina eight-ball: No-Doz and a Dr. Pibb... 8:47 — All in all not a bad show. TOO LONG, but that's a part of the deal. Jon Stewart got much better as the night wore on and I suspect will get nice reviews.

Hot Air embraces change — A few business items as we head into a new week at Hot Air: — 1) It is with regret that I announce that Bryan Preston has left the company. He has chosen to take a position as a producer with the Laura Ingraham radio show. We thank him for all the time and talent …

Dean says McCain skirting election law — (CNN) — Democratic Party Chairman Howard Dean accused Republican presidential front-runner John McCain of trying to skirt campaign finance laws Sunday by trying to opt out of public financing for his primary campaign.