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Hillary Should Get Out Now — Clinton has only one shot—for Obama to trip up so badly that he disqualifies himself. — If Hillary Clinton wanted a graceful exit, she'd drop out now—before the March 4 Texas and Ohio primaries—and endorse Barack Obama. This would be terrible for people …

Clinton Turns From Anger to Sarcasm — PROVIDENCE, R.I. - On Saturday, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton showed her angry side, admonishing Senator Barack Obama for a campaign mailing that she called misleading. — On Sunday, before a rally of several thousand, she added a heavy dose of sarcasm.

Ad shows Hillary's vulnerability dilemma
New York Times

CNN poll questions Obama's patriotism — I've got to say, I've never seen a reader poll like this on a mainstream media website (or, to be honest, a right-wing blog). This is currently on — And just today (in a very interesting exchange with the Cleveland Jewish community) …
Shakespeare's Sister, Comments from Left Field, Pirate's Cove, The Page, Say Anything, Right Wing News, Macsmind, AMERICAblog and IntoxiNation

In Painful Past, Hushed Worry About Obama — DALLAS — There is a hushed worry on the minds of many supporters of Senator Barack Obama, echoing in conversations from state to state, rally to rally: Will he be safe? — In Colorado, two sisters say they pray daily for his safety.
Captain's Quarters,, Right Wing Nut House, The Roanoke Times, MSNBC, BAGnewsNotes, Publius Pundit and Making Light

CLINTON STAFFERS CIRCULATE ‘DRESSED’ OBAMA — With a week to go until the Texas and Ohio primaries, stressed Clinton staffers circulated a photo over the weekend of a “dressed” Barack Obama. — The photo, taken in 2006, shows the Democrat frontrunner fitted as a Somali Elder …
Hot Air, The Daily Dish, Ankle Biting Pundits, Poll Dancing, GreenMountainPolitics1 and Jesus' General

JammieWearingFool, Atlas Shrugs, Israel Matzav, Bang the Drum, Unqualified Offerings and Seeing the Forest

It's All About Him — Last October, a reporter asked Barack Obama why he had stopped wearing the American flag lapel pin that he, like many other public officials, had been sporting since soon after Sept. 11. Obama could have responded that his new-found fashion minimalism was no big deal.
New York Post, The New Republic, Outside The Beltway, Hullabaloo, Don Surber, Soccer Dad and Des Moines Register

Trying Some Disney Attitude to Help Cure Walter Reed — Fifty medical workers — doctors, nurses, therapists and administrators among them — sat in a room at Walter Reed Army Medical Center gazing at a slide of Donald Duck on a screen. — The oft-cranky Disney cartoon character …

Blogger, Sans Pajamas, Rakes Muck and a Prize — Of the many landmarks along a journalist's career, two are among those that stand out: winning an award and making the government back down. Last week, Joshua Micah Marshall achieved both. — On Tuesday, it was announced that he had won …
Middle Earth Journal

Obama and Pakistan — I've received a couple of e-mails along these lines: … My response is that as much as I appreciate the idea of a dead terrorist, I don't like what we did in Pakistan, and I really don't like the fact that we're bragging about it, or that a presidential candidate would openly discuss it as an option.
The Carpetbagger Report

ElBaradei's Real Agenda — On Friday, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Director General Mohamed ElBaradei submitted a report on Iran's nuclear program to the IAEA's Board of Governors. It concluded that, barring “one major remaining issue relevant to the nature of Iran's nuclear programme” …

A Spry Farrakhan Sings Obama's Praises — CHICAGO (AP) — In his first major public address since a cancer crisis, Nation of Islam Minister Louis Farrakhan said Sunday that presidential candidate Barack Obama is the “hope of the entire world” that the U.S. will change for the better.

CBS: More Prosecutorial Misconduct in Siegelman Case Alleged — CBS aired its long-awaited feature on the prosecution and imprisonment of former Alabama Governor Don E. Siegelman this evening at 7:00. In a stunning move of censorship, the transmission was blocked across the northern third …
The Newshoggers, At-Largely, The Huffington Post, Politics Plus, Buck Naked Politics and Prairie Weather

The Clintons' Last Stand — Watching senator Clinton attempt to regain some lift as she paraglides into history is almost enough to evoke pity. Almost. The Clintons come with their own boundless reserves of self-pity so further reinforcements seem unnecessary to me.
Viking Pundit

Hillary Clinton Mocks Barack Obama During Campaign Rally
NY Daily News, Sister Toldjah, I Am TRex, Comments from Left Field, The RBC, TalkLeft, The Reaction, skippy the bush kangaroo and Oliver Willis

Scare Tactics and Our Surveillance Bill — Nothing is more important to the American people than our safety and our freedom. As the chairmen of the House and Senate intelligence and judiciary committees, we have an enormous responsibility to protect both.

The Campus Rape Myth — The reality: bogus statistics, feminist victimology, and university-approved sex toys — It's a lonely job, working the phones at a college rape crisis center. Day after day, you wait for the casualties to show up from the alleged campus rape epidemic—but no one calls.

Trading Places — The coalition party becomes the consensus party, and vice versa. — For decades, Democrats have been the coalition party. They brought together groups of people who differed on ideology and in social status. Republicans, at least since 1980, have been the consensus party.