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First a Tense Talk With Clinton, Then Richardson Backs Obama — PORTLAND, Ore. — “I talked to Senator Clinton last night,” Gov. Bill Richardson of New Mexico said on Friday, describing the tense telephone call in which he informed Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton that, despite two months …
TownHall Blog, The Carpetbagger Report, Hot Air, Buck Naked Politics, PunditGuy and Cliff Schecter

Obama Aide: Bill Clinton Like McCarthy — SALEM, Ore. (AP) - Hillary Rodham Clinton's campaign is trying to clarify comments by former President Clinton that seemed to question Barack Obama's patriotism—comments an Obama aide likened to Joseph McCarthy. — Clinton's campaign said the comments …
Power Line, JustOneMinute, The Daily Dish, Swampland, Roger L. Simon and Buck Naked Politics

Richardson says Obama has ‘something special’ — In setback for Clinton, New Mexico governor backs Illinois senator — PORTLAND, Ore. — “I talked to Sen. Clinton last night,” Gov. Bill Richardson of New Mexico said Friday, describing the tense phone call in which he informed Clinton …

Another Bill Clinton Moment On The Campaign Trail
Liberal Values, The Moderate Voice, Oliver Willis, Eschaton, The Politico and The Reaction

Wake up America, Forum: News/Activism, Connecting.the.Dots, The Caucus, The Fact Hub and THE LIBERAL JOURNAL

White House: Computer hard drives tossed — WASHINGTON - Older White House computer hard drives have been destroyed, the White House disclosed to a federal court Friday in a controversy over millions of possibly missing e-mails from 2003 to 2005. — The White House revealed new information …
The Strata-Sphere

Obama Speech Grades: 51% Good or Excellent, 26% Fair, 21% Poor — Eighty-four percent (84%) of America's Likely Voters say they have seen or heard at least some portion of Barack Obama's Tuesday morning speech on race and national unity (see Speech). The speech has become …

American Public Says Government Leaders Should Pay Attention to Polls — Eight in Ten Say Public Should Have Greater Influence on Government — In sharp contrast to views recently expressed by Vice President Cheney, a new poll finds that an overwhelming majority of Americans believe government leaders …

Mukasey ‘surprised’ by scope of threats — WASHINGTON (CNN) — Attorney General Michael Mukasey has been taken aback by the scope and variety of potential terrorism threats facing the United States, he told reporters Friday at an informal meeting in his office.
Hot Air

Mayhem At Fox News: Anchor Walks Off Set, Wallace Rails Network For “Obama-Bashing” — Fox News' very own anchors are speaking out — and walking off — over what they perceive to be “Obama-bashing” on their network. — This morning on “Fox and Friends,” Brian Kilmeade walked off the set …
Scared Monkeys, The Reaction, CANNONFIRE, Think Progress, Crooks and Liars, the field negro, Daily Kos and Talking Points Memo

No Admission for Evolutionary Biologist at Creationist Film — Two evolutionary biologists — P. Z. Myers of the University of Minnesota, Morris, and Richard Dawkins of Oxford — tried to go to the movies at the Mall of America in Minneapolis Thursday evening. Dr. Dawkins got in. Dr. Myers did not.

Democratic Donations Keep Pouring In, but for Clinton, There's a Catch — Democratic fund-raising continued at a breathtaking pace in February, according to filings with the Federal Election Commission, with candidates breaking records as soon as they were set.

A Catered Affair — Back in 1881, when U.S. Senator Thomas Platt of New York was visiting Albany, word went around the State Capitol that he had rented a hotel room for a tryst. According to The Albany Argus, Platt's political enemies quickly got hold of the adjoining room, brought in …

Bush Vows to Prevent Iran From Acquiring Nuclear Arms — President Says Tehran Wants to ‘Destroy People;’ Cannot Be Trusted to Enrich Uranium — President Bush said the Iranian government has “declared they want to have a nuclear weapon to destroy people” and vowed that the United States would be …

“Bachelor” On Hunt For Human Remains — Former “Bachelor” bachelor Andy Baldwin just got back from the island of Palau in the South Pacific — not on vacation, on a mission with the Navy. Now let's talk about why we the taxpayers are footing the bill on such BS.

On Visit, Pelosi Offers Support to Dalai Lama — DHARAMSALA, India — As far as visits by American politicians go, it would be hard to stage a warmer reception. — Buddhist nuns waved American flags and the Dalai Lama ordered his followers to offer a standing ovation Friday morning as Nancy Pelosi …