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EXIT POLLS: Negative Campaign Tarnishes Clinton, Obama — Preliminary Exit Polls Show Few Last-Minute Deciders in Pennsylvania Primary — Despite all the down-to-the-wire campaigning, preliminary exit poll results indicate that nearly eight in 10 Pennsylvania voters made up their minds …

On the Verge of a Stunner in Pennsylvania? — Hold on to your hats. I've gotten the usual word of the exit poll results from one of my usual reliable sources. He notes that Obama traditionally over-performs in the earliest exit polls, and that he expects the numbers to change as the night wears on - perhaps a reversal.
Irish Trojan in Tennessee, Comments from Left Field, MyDD, Obsidian Wings and The Carpetbagger Report

LIVE BLOGGING PENNSYLVANIA EXIT POLLS AND VOTE RETURNS — I will be live-blogging here starting very soon on what the exit polls will have to tell us about the exit polls. More details to follow, but please feel free to use this as an open-thread on what is appearing on the net and elsewhere on the exit polls.

Heavy Turnout in Pa. — Pennsylvania is on its way to the record turnout that election officials have been predicting for weeks, according to poll workers from across the state. — Election officials were reporting extremely heavy voter activity in many of the state's 67 counties throughout the morning …
Tennessee Guerilla Women, MyDD, Wake up America, Donklephant, Booman Tribune and Taylor Marsh

Don't trust the unweighted exit polls! — Following up on a point I made yesterday — in a post that just got Instalanched — as we political junkies giddily await the first hints of what's happening in Pennsylvania today (finally, another primary!! election results tonight!! exit polls!!! …

EXITS: BEEN THERE, DONE THAT — As you may have noticed Drudge has up what he says are 5 PM exit poll numbers showing Clinton 52%, Obama 48%. I suspect they are ‘accurate’ as far as early, un-weighted exits can be. But let me point out that my recollection is that pretty much all the early …

Exit Polls: Change And Polarization — From the folks at CBS News, a look at the early exit polls: — The exit polls show a smaller percentage of late deciders — 23% — than in previous states. The economy mattered most to 54% of voters. (TV news reports say that Clinton won these folks.)

Disapproval of Bush breaks record — WASHINGTON — President Bush has set a record he'd presumably prefer to avoid: the highest disapproval rating of any president in the 70-year history of the Gallup Poll. — In a USA TODAY/Gallup Poll taken Friday through Sunday, 28% of Americans approve of the job Bush is doing; 69% disapprove.

Gallup Daily: Obama Maintains National Lead — McCain competitive with both Democrats in general election — PRINCETON, NJ — As Democratic voters in Pennsylvania cast their presidential ballots today, the latest nationwide Gallup Poll Daily tracking results show Barack Obama with a 10 percentage point lead over Hillary Clinton.

Pennsylvania Voters Flood Polls After Long Battle — The Pennsylvania primary appeared too close to call on Tuesday night as the polls began closing, as Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton tried to stave off a stronger-than-expected showing by Senator Barack Obama on a potentially decisive night for the Democratic nominating contest.

BILL: 'I'M NOT GOING TO PLAY YOUR GAMES' — From NBC/NJ's Mike Memoli and NBC's Mark Murray — At the Jewish Community Center in Pittsburgh this morning, Bill Clinton took questions from local press after shaking a lot of hands. NBC/NJ asked him about the WHYY radio interview …

McCain's Peak? — Even with the Democratic Party locked in a fierce civil war, John McCain still hasn't pulled ahead of either Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama in national polls. — The Democratic primary campaign - divisive, bitter, and seemingly endless - has made many Republicans optimistic …

Why Can't Obama Win Pennsylvania? * — There's this presumption out there, it seems to me, as if it's just a CRAZY notion that Sen. Barack Obama, D-Illinois, would be able to win the Keystone State, like the idea is INSANE, just unfathomable, as if the state consists of Bill, Chelsea, and les freres Rodham.

Al Qaeda chief slams Muslims for lack of support … Al-Qaeda number two Ayman al-Zawahiri criticised Muslims for failing to support Islamist insurgencies in Iraq and elsewhere in a new audiotape posted Tuesday on the Internet. — Osama bin Laden's top lieutenant also blasted Palestinian …

THINGS ARE TOUGH ALL OVER — It turns out it's not just the …

Mitt Romney Gets Dissed at the Supreme Court — The Court heard oral argument today in Davis v. FEC, the case that asks whether the so-called Millionaires' Amendment of the McCain-Feingold law unconstitutionally burdens the free-speech rights of self-financing candidates for office.

Basra - Iraqi Military Gives 24 Hour Ultimatum — It's duelling ultimatum time. Following hard on Sadr's, the Iraqi military has issued one of its own. … That's not going to happen so the fight will re-start in earnest and will rapidly spread all across the Shiite South and into Baghdad.

PENNSYLVANIA WRAP UP — We have been busy here over the last day or two, including links to 8 new polls that interviewed through Sunday night, so I am going to try use this post to wrap things up a bit. All but one of the late surveys shows Clinton leading by margins of 5 to 13 points …
The New Republic, JustOneMinute, Talking Points Memo, The Talent Show, Daily Kos, MyDD, Open Left, The Numbers, THE LIBERAL JOURNAL and Top of the Ticket

Mugged by Reality... The New York Times featured an intriguing profile of Robert Downey Jr. this Sunday. Star of the upcoming Iron Man, Downey is best known as the most-wasted talent of his generation (both literally and figuratively). His drug problems became so bad that he even spent …