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Cheney Calls For More CIA Reports To Be Declassified — “One of the things that I find a little bit disturbing about this recent disclosure is they put out the legal memos, the memos that the CIA got from the Office of Legal Counsel, but they didn't put out the memos that showed the success of the effort.
Jules Crittenden,, Gateway Pundit, Sister Toldjah, The Daily Dish, TalkLeft, American Street and Wizbang

Obama Urges C.I.A. Not to Be Discouraged by Memos — WASHINGTON — Pressure mounted on President Obama on Monday for more thorough investigation into harsh interrogations of terrorism suspects under the Bush administration, even as he tried to reassure the Central Intelligence Agency …

Cheney: 'I don't think we've got much to apologize for' — WASHINGTON (CNN) - The former vice president Dick Cheney is slamming President Obama's efforts to set a new tone for relations with the U.S. on the world stage. — “I guess I've been concerned the way that we've been presented overseas …

Cheney v. Obama on torture — Former Vice President Dick Cheney last month formally asked the Central Intelligence Agency to de-classify top secret documents he believes show harsh interrogation techniques such as waterboarding helped prevent terrorist attacks against U.S. targets, according to source familiar with the effort.
The Note, The Fix, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, Boston Globe, Telegraph, Josh Gerstein's Blog, The Page and The Swamp

Cheney Calls for Release of Memos Showing Results of Interrogation Efforts — Former Vice President Cheney says he knows how successful the interrogation techniques were in collecting intelligence for the United States and wants that information to be released to the public …
Washington Post, Betsy's Page, Cafe Talk Aggregator, Macsmind, Blog and Hullabaloo

With interrogation docs out, Cheney asks Obama to now release …

Today's Qs for O's WH - 4/20/2009 — I interjected in an exchange between White House press secretary Robert Gibbs and another reporter today, so I've included their exchange (with my interruption) as well as my own. — JENNIFER LOVEN, AP: The $100 million target figure that the president talked …
Betsy's Page, NO QUARTER, Right Wing News, Commentary, The New Ledger and

SPIN METER: Saving federal money the easy way
Pajamas Media, Wizbang, Yahoo! News, QandO, The Daily Dish, The Strata-Sphere, PoliGazette, GayPatriot, Viking Pundit and The Moderate Voice

Gibbs: Obama's tiny, tiny budget cut is big money where I'm from
The Palmetto Scoop

Lawmaker Is Said to Have Agreed to Aid Lobbyists — WASHINGTON — One of the leading House Democrats on intelligence matters was overheard on telephone calls intercepted by the National Security Agency agreeing to seek lenient treatment from the Bush administration for two pro-Israel lobbyists …

Miss California Sparks Furor With Gay Marriage Comments on Miss USA Telecast — Miss North Carolina Kristen Dalton was crowned Miss USA on Sunday, but the big story to come out of the normally politics-free telecast was Miss California's comments regarding gay marriage.

Second Amendment extended — The Constitution's protection of an individual right to have guns for personal use restricts the powers of state and local government as much as it does those of the federal government, the Ninth Circuit Court ruled Monday. The opinion by the three-judge panel can be found here.

Yes, California, There Is an Individual Right to Keep and Bear Arms

Computer Spies Breach Fighter-Jet Project — WASHINGTON — Computer spies have broken into the Pentagon's $300 billion Joint Strike Fighter project — the Defense Department's costliest weapons program ever — according to current and former government officials familiar with the attacks.
The Page

History Professor Gingrich Falsely Claims U.S. Presidents Don't ‘Smile And Greet’ Russian Leaders — Yesterday, President Obama shook hands and briefly chatted with Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, explaining in a press conference afterwards that he was trying to move towards a “more constructive” …

President Beefcake? D.C. magazine to feature shirtless Obama on cover — ABC News' Karen Travers and Jake Tapper report: — In the throes of an economic crisis and two wars, does the nation want more headlines about a “Pec-tacular” “Buff Bam”? — President Obama appears shirtless …

Murtha's Defense Earmarks Draw Questions — CBS Evening News: FBI Investigates Those Close To Powerful Lawmaker — (CBS) Spring in Washington is “earmark season” - a busy time for Congressman John Murtha. — “That's my business,” Murtha said. “I've been in it for 35 years.”
Betsy's Page

Iran's president slams Israel, sparks Western walkout, clown protest at UN conference — GENEVA (AP) — Dozens of Western diplomats walked out of a U.N. conference and a pair of rainbow-wigged protesters threw clown noses at Iran's president Monday when the hard-line leader called Israel the “most cruel and repressive racist regime.”

Angels & Demons: It's A Thriller, Not A Crusade — William Donohue of the Catholic League is on a mission. Whether it is a “mission from God,” as the Blues Brothers would say, only God knows, but the goal of his mission is clear: to paint me and the movie I directed, Angels & Demons, as anti-Catholic.

Corey O'Brien for Congress? — A few weeks ago I was contacted by an outfit called Accountability Now who wanted to know if I knew of someone that would be willing to take on Congressman Paul Kanjorski in the Democratic primary next time out. I told them I thought it would be a suicide mission …

Geithner Weighs Bank Repayments — WASHINGTON — Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner indicated that the health of individual banks won't be the sole criterion for whether financial firms will be allowed to repay bailout funds, a position that might complicate their efforts to give back the cash.