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Business Fights Back — His organization under attack by the White House, the president of the Chamber of Commerce stands by his defense of free enterprise. — Printer — Friendly — “One thing I can tell you: They can go out and chase me and chase the Chamber and put stuff in the newspaper.

Can They Cover 350 Like They Covered Teabaggers? — There are protests all over the world today in support of reversing climate change. Sponsored by the organization 350, named after the parts per million of carbon dioxide. Scientists believe that's the limit for heat-trapping carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
Washington Monthly

Campaign to Reduce Carbon Dioxide Picks a Number — Campaigners against global warming have drawn on an arsenal of visually startling tactics over the years, from posing nude on a Swiss glacier to scaling smokestacks at coal-fired power plants. — On Saturday, they tried something …

Prognosis improves for public insurance — MOMENTUM SHIFT IS DRAMATIC Top Democrats push option in health-care legislation — Democratic leaders in the Senate and House have concluded that a government-run insurance plan is the cheapest way to expand health coverage …

New life for the public option — The resurrection of the public option is the latest and one of the most surprising turns in the long battle over legislation to overhaul the nation's health-care system. Under assault for months, and declared on life support repeatedly in recent weeks …

CNN Edits Out Dobbs Criticism From Taped Interview — This week, CNN aired a new four-hour documentary called “Latino in America,” exploring how Latinos are reshaping American communities and culture. The broadcast sparked protests in cities around the country, including outside CNN's headquarters …

Obama Declares Swine Flu a National Emergency — WASHINGTON — President Obama has declared the swine flu outbreak a national emergency, allowing hospitals and local governments to speedily set up alternate sites and procedures if needed to handle any surge of patients, the White House said on Saturday.
Lawyers, Guns and Money

George F. Will on GOP lightning rod Michele Bachmann — When Marcus Bachmann came home that Saturday evening in 2000, he checked the telephone answering machine and was mystified by the many messages congratulating his wife for something. “Michele,” he said, “do you have something to tell me?”

Biden Team Drafts Its Own Counterterrorism Strategy After Defense Dept. Declines — If you want to see just how little credence Vice President Joe Biden's plan for Afghanistan has inside military circles, look no further than this paragraph from an article written by Peter Spiegel and Yochi Dreazen for the Wall Street Journal:
Weasel Zippers

Lally Weymouth interviews Benjamin Netanyahu — Lally Weymouth of Newsweek and The Post interviewed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem. Excerpts: — Q. What did you think of the Goldstone report? — A. I thought there were limits to hypocrisy but I was obviously wrong.

Our Obama-Approved News Team At Work — Rachel Maddow is Obama Approved! So how is this trusted source for President Approved Punditry doing? Uhh, not so well on the accuracy front, but she still delivers some good Bush-bashing! Bob Somerby has been keeping an eye on Ms. Maddow, heroically sparing us the trouble:

Richard Land Flip-Flops on Nazi Apology — One week after apologizing for comparing Democratic leaders to the Nazis, a prominent Southern Baptist leader has reneged on his promise to stop using such comparisons. — Richard Land, president of the Southern Baptist Convention's Ethics …
Washington Monthly

RIGHT FALLS FOR ‘THESIS’ HOAX.... Right-wing pundit Michael Ledeen published an item this week on Barack Obama's “college thesis,” which Obama allegedly wrote as a student at Columbia 25 years ago. Leeden cited some website, which ran a piece in August.

Capmark Said Ready to File for Bankruptcy — Capmark Financial Group Inc., one of the nation's largest commercial-real-estate lenders, plans to file for bankruptcy as soon as this weekend, a person familiar with the situation said. — The much-expected move underscores the deep problems in the business-property market.