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Prognosis improves for public insurance — MOMENTUM SHIFT IS DRAMATIC Top Democrats push option in health-care legislation — Democratic leaders in the Senate and House have concluded that a government-run insurance plan is the cheapest way to expand health coverage …

White House Denies Report That It Wants To Weaken Public Plan

Sources: White House Pushing Back Against Senate Public Option Opt Out Compromise
Washington Monthly, The Confluence, The Huffington Post,, Daily Kos, Ezra Klein, The Hill, Open Left, Firedoglake, The Reality-Based Community, Bob Cesca's Awesome Blog!, No More Mister Nice Blog, AMERICAblog News, Crooks and Liars, MyDD, The Plum Line, The New Republic, TalkLeft and Taylor Marsh

President Obama's Feud with FOX News — After Months of Taking Heat from FOX News Stars, the White House is Firing Back — (CBS) After months of taking incoming fire from the prime-time stars of Fox News, the Obama White House is firing back, charging that FOX News is different from all other news.

Business Fights Back — His organization under attack by the White House, the president of the Chamber of Commerce stands by his defense of free enterprise. — Printer — Friendly — “One thing I can tell you: They can go out and chase me and chase the Chamber and put stuff in the newspaper.

WH: We're Happy To Exclude Fox, But Didn't Yesterday With Feinberg Interview — Adding to the Fox News v. White House feud today is a dust-up over an interview with pay czar Ken Feinberg. Turns out, it was a sort of miscommunication, but the White House adds that if they had left Fox …

George F. Will on GOP lightning rod Michele Bachmann — When Marcus Bachmann came home that Saturday evening in 2000, he checked the telephone answering machine and was mystified by the many messages congratulating his wife for something. “Michele,” he said, “do you have something to tell me?”

So desperate they'll believe anything — the fake Obama thesis debunked — It really gets to be pretty pathetic sometimes, watching the conservatives grasp at every straw they can in order to attack and discredit a president they don't like. — If you listened to Rush Limbaugh today or visited Fox Nation …

RIGHT FALLS FOR ‘THESIS’ HOAX.... Right-wing pundit Michael Ledeen published an item this week on Barack Obama's “college thesis,” which Obama allegedly wrote as a student at Columbia 25 years ago. Leeden cited some website, which ran a piece in August.

Obama's Minions Are Ingrates — The Bush administration did leave a plan for Afghanistan. — On October 18, White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel appeared on the Sunday morning talk shows and, in the process of answering questions about Barack Obama's strategy on Afghanistan …

THIS WEEK IN GOD.... First up from the God Machine this week is a column from Catholic League President Bill Donohue, published by the's “On Faith” website, an influential and widely-read faith-based site. (via TS) — While Donohue has a well-deserved reputation for publishing angry …
Think Progress, J. Bradford DeLong's …, New York Times, Pacific Views and God's Politics Blog

Troop-Boost Plan Gains Backing — WASHINGTON — The Obama administration is moving toward a hybrid strategy in Afghanistan that would combine elements of both the troop-heavy approach sought by its top military commander and a narrower option backed by Vice President Joe Biden …

Bloomberg Sets Record for His Own Spending on Elections — Michael R. Bloomberg, the Wall Street mogul whose fortune catapulted him into New York's City Hall, has set a staggering new financial record: He has now spent more of his own money than any individual in United States history in the pursuit of public office.

Dallas police ticketed 39 drivers in 3 years for not speaking English — — Dallas police wrongly ticketed at least 39 drivers for not speaking English over the last three years, Police Chief David Kunkle announced Friday while promising to investigate …