Top Items:

BREAKING: Comprehensive List of Taxes In House Democrat Health Bill — H.R. 3962, the “Affordable Health Care for America Act” has been introduced—all 1990 pages of it. This gargantuan beast contains thirteen new tax hikes. Here they all are, with description and page number (PDF version):

House health-care reform bill includes public option, Medicaid expansion — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi will unveil a health-care reform bill on Thursday that includes a government insurance option and a historic expansion of Medicaid, although sticking points in the legislation involving abortion and immigration remain unresolved.

Affordable Health Care for America Act — For the first time in U.S. history, all Americans would have access to quality, affordable health care under updated health insurance reform legislation unveiled by House Democrats. — The Affordable Health Care for America Act [H.R. 3962] …
The Huffington Post, Washington Wire,, NOW! Blog, Matthew Yglesias, Daily Kos, Washington Monthly, Firedoglake and Washington Post

Rehearsal for an anti-choice protest: 'Okay, you stand here and she's gonna whip you with this whip.' — This week, radical anti-choice activist and Operation Rescue founder Randall Terry launched a contest encouraging people to make videos burning House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) …

McConnell: The Public Option ‘May Cost You Your Life’
TPM LiveWire

House Health Reform Bill Outlaws Treating Domestic Violence …
The Politico

Audio of Nancy Pelosi's Blogger Conference call on the House health care bill.

The Outlook for the 2009 Elections — We are still a few days away from Election Day, but party strategists, operatives and local activists are already blaming their own nominees for their defeats. — The clearest evidence that the Virginia gubernatorial race is over …

In shift, GOP leaders embrace Hoffman — The House Republican leadership is prepared to welcome Doug Hoffman into its ranks, National Republican Congressional Committee Chairman Pete Sessions (R-Texas) said Thursday, a sign that the GOP establishment is recalibrating its approach toward …

NY-23: Hoffman surges at Scozzafava's expense
American Power, Taegan Goddard's …, Poll Tracker, Talking Points Memo, TPMDC, Scorecard's Blog, The Hill, PoliBlog, Below The Beltway and Don Surber

Iowa Republicans wince at Palin fee — A conservative Iowa group's effort to lure Sarah Palin to its banquet next month has had an unintended effect: Rather than exciting conservatives about the prospect of a visit from the former Alaska governor, the group's plan to raise a six-figure sum …

Sarah Palin Charging $100K for Iowa Speech? Not Exactly. — Palin in Iowa, November 2008. Photo by Mark Hirsch / Getty Images — Politico's Jonathan Martin has a good story today about an Iowa conservative group's efforts to lure Sarah Palin to a fundraising dinner in Des Moines next month.
Hot Air

‘Audacity to Win’: Excerpt by Plouffe on Obama Campaign — In a new memoir, The Audacity to Win, David Plouffe, who managed Barack Obama's 2008 race for the White House, provides a behind-the-scenes glimpse inside the campaign. Here's an excerpt: — Agony. Ecstasy.

Nervous W.H. intervened in N.J. race; top Obama adviser now in charge

Corzine Leads Christie by Five Points in New Jersey — With less than a week to go before Election Day in New Jersey, a new survey conducted for Stan Greenberg and James Carville's organization Democracy Corps shows Democratic Governor Jon Corzine slightly expanding his lead over Republican Chris Christie to 5 points.

U.S. Economy Began to Grow Again in the Third Quarter — Ending the longest contraction since World War II, the United States economy finally grew in the third quarter of this year, the Commerce Department said on Thursday. — The nation's gross domestic product expanded at an annual rate …
Associated Press, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, White Blog Feed, Power Line, Brookings Institute, Wizbang, PERRspectives, ProPublica, Below The Beltway, Commentary,, QandO, Washington Monthly, Economix, Politics Daily, Matthew Yglesias, The Awl, AMERICAblog News, Wonkette and MoJo Blog Posts

Gates, Crowley Spotted Together In Cambridge Bar — CAMBRIDGE (WBZ) ― Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates and Cambridge police Sergeant James Crowley were spotted at a pub in Cambridge Wednesday night. — The owner of “River Gods” told WBZ the two sat in a booth together and talked for about an hour.

Orly Taitz Smacked Down: Birther Lawsuit Dismissed — Central District of California Judge David O. Carter has dismissed Barnett et al v. Obama et al, Orly Taitz's most successful lawsuit — that is, the one that got the furthest through the legal system — demanding proof of the president's citizenship.

New Jersey Police: Reports Like Lou Dobbs' ‘Not At All Uncommon’ During Hunting Season — Several media sources have reported that shots were fired at the residence of CNN's Lou Dobbs. While Dobbs and his anti-immigrant supports were quick to jump to conclusions about the motive of the shooting …

Disgraceful: In 8 Years, George W. Bush Never Greeted Fallen Troops — This is what a president does. … NPR notes that, … Why? … Bush also preferred to go bed early, but apparently, could never get his ass out of bed early enough to honor the soldiers he so recklessly sent off to die.

Obama Visits Returning War Dead — President Obama traveled to Dover Air Force Base early Thursday morning to meet with family members and pay his respects as the flag-draped coffins carrying bodies of 18 American troops killed this week in Afghanistan were returned to the United States.
The Corner on National …, Washington Post, protein wisdom, The Moderate Voice, Political Punch, Left Coast Rebel, Taylor Marsh, The Reaction, No More Mister Nice Blog, Neptunus Lex, The Greenroom, The Caucus, Indecision Forever, The Page, Right Wing Nut House, Hot Air, The New Republic, The Note and Washington Monthly

Fox News Viewed as Most Ideological Network — Swine Flu Tops Weekly News Interest — The Fox News Channel is viewed by Americans in more ideological terms than other television news networks. And while the public is evenly divided in its view of hosts of cable news programs having …

Iran Said to Reject Key Element of Nuclear Deal — WASHINGTON — Iran told the United Nations nuclear watchdog on Thursday that it would not accept, in its current form, a plan its negotiators agreed to last week to send the country's stockpile of uranium out of the country …

Iran claims victory in nuclear battle with the West
Pajamas Media

Colleagues ‘devastated’ by lawyer O'Quinn's death in crash — Colleagues mourn; accident also leaves a passenger dead — Prominent Houston lawyer John O'Quinn was the man driving a sport utility vehicle that lost control on the rain-slicked surface of Allen Parkway and crashed into a large tree …

Perry on Palin vs. Cheney — Gov. Rick Perry, a bit breathless from running, was on 98.1 KVET this morning to tout the Rise Across Texas Challenge, an 850-mile bike ride next March benefiting the Rise School. — The governor also talked politics a bit. He said Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour …

A Question — Last night at a roundtable for our nations's elite, that is to say, “bloggers,” Richard Trumka, AFL-CIO President, implied, though did not say outright, that one consequence of the real estate bubble was that manufacturing and other types of businesses were finding it difficult to obtain credit at favorable terms.