Top Items:

He Wasn't The One We've Been Waiting For — Health care reform — which is crucial for millions of Americans — hangs in the balance. Progressives are desperately in need of leadership; more specifically, House Democrats need to be told to pass the Senate bill, which isn't what they wanted but is vastly better than nothing.

U-Turn: Frank Says, With Assurances, He'll Vote For The Senate Health Care Bill — In an interview with TPMDC this evening, Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA) reversed course—apologizing for a harsh statement he released last night in the wake of the Massachusetts special election, and saying …
Ezra Klein, The Lonely Conservative, NO QUARTER, The New Republic, AmSpecBlog, TPM LiveWire, IntoxiNation, The Hill and The Huffington Post

The other health-care reform option — My preference is that House Democrats pass the Senate bill and then run their fixes through the reconciliation process. But I think there is an argument that the current health-care bill has been terribly compromised by the months of controversy …
IntoxiNation, Corrente, MyDD, Daily Kos, Crooks and Liars, Hullabaloo, Reclusive Leftist, The Impolitic, Associated Press, TPM LiveWire and The New Republic

A Path Forward: It's Time to Pass Health Insurance Reform — What's Your Reaction: … The question on everyone's mind today is what went wrong in Massachusetts? The tea leaf-reading and hand wringing will no doubt monopolize much of Washington's time over the coming days and weeks.

Clyburn: ‘Magic number on healthcare reform is 50, not 60’; measure not dead

Frank Flip Flops — Could Now Vote for Senate Bill, Support Nuclear Option

TRANSCRIPT: George Stephanopoulos' Exclusive Interview with President Obama

Glenn Beck Destroys Scott Brown: “This One Could End With A Dead Intern” — You won't see TV Glenn Beck touch the things that Radio Glenn Beck sometimes says, as he edges toward Howard Stern levels of comedy and tone. — Today he absolutely obliterated Scott Brown over the 'my daughters …

Glenn Beck Scott Brown ‘Dead Intern’: Beck Slams Brown For ‘Available’ Daughters Comments (VIDEO) — WHAT'S YOUR REACTION? … As Steve Krakauer of Mediaite points out, Glenn Beck's radio show is the Wild West compared to the relative tameness of his Fox News television program.

AYLA BROWN: ‘AVAILABLE’ COMMENT ‘OFF SCRIPT’ — Newly elected Massachusetts Sen. Scott Brown told the world Tuesday night that his daughters are “available,” and the world apparently listened. — “Scott Brown Family Photos” was the eighth most searched term on Google Trends as of Wednesday morning.
Hot Air

Mark Levin Responds To Glenn Beck's Crazed Tirade Against Scott Brown — CUTTING HIS BRAKE LINES — Beck's World Domination Bid Threatened By Man In Truck — *** UPDATED: GLENN BECK ALSO USES TV SHOW TO BASH SCOTT BROWN *** — In the deranged world of Glenn Beck, 2010 is meant to be the Year of Global Domination.

Exclusive: Obama Admits Voter ‘Anger’ Key to GOP Victory in Massachusetts
Nice Deb, George's Bottom Line, The Politico, TPM LiveWire, Hot Air, Open Congress, Wizbang, The Daily Caller, Left Coast Rebel, The TrogloPundit,, Blue Crab Boulevard, The Lonely Conservative, The Atlantic Politics Channel, Prescriptions, US Liberal Politics, Another Black Conservative, Raw Story, The Corner on National …, The Daily Dish, The Moderate Voice, YID With LID and Riehl World View

An Explosive Afternoon: LDS Church — The transcripts from this afternoon read like an episode of Law and Order, with the attorneys arguing with the judge over what documents ought to be introduced as evidence. These aren't just any old documents, they are emails and letters sent …

Documents show links between Prop. 8 campaign and church leaders [Updated]
Prop 8 Trial Tracker

Liveblogging Day 7: Part III Afternoon begins
Box Turtle Bulletin

Prop. 8 trial Day 7: Live coverage from the courtroom
American Foundation …

Relieved — I want to recommend that everyone read the email we just got from a Senate staffer who will have to remain anonymous. Here's one part of the email that stood out to me. The whole thing is after the jump ... Here's the whole thing.

Dem Talking Points: We're Screwed! — New Senate Democratic talking points, distributed in response to last night's special election in Massachusetts show the party pre-emptively placing the blame for a lackluster agenda moving forward on Republicans, who Dems say they now need to pass legislation.
Associated Press, The Atlantic Politics Channel, Blue Crab Boulevard, QandO, IntoxiNation, TPM LiveWire and Raw Story

CNN, MSNBC Cut Republican Candidate's Mic! — During Tuesday night's coverage of the Massachusetts special election, CNN and MSNBC aired only a fraction of the Republican candidate's speech. Fox News Channel aired both candidates' speeches in their entirety.

Proposal Set to Curb Bank Giants — WASHINGTON—President Barack Obama on Thursday is expected to propose new limits on the size and risk taken by the country's biggest banks, marking the administration's latest assault on Wall Street in what could mark a return, at least in spirit …

On Next Steps for Health Reform — Right now there are a lot of discussions going on about the best path forward. But let's be clear that the President's preference is to pass a bill that meets the principles he laid out months ago: more stability and security for those who have insurance …
Political Punch, AMERICAblog News, The Atlantic Politics Channel, TPMDC and TPM LiveWire

Basketball league for white Americans targets Augusta — A new professional basketball league boasting rosters made up exclusively of white Americans has its eyes set on Augusta, but the team isn't receiving a warm welcome. — The All-American Basketball Alliance announced …

House Liberals To Pelosi: “We Cannot Support The Senate Bill. Period.” — In a private meeting in the Capitol just now, a dozen or more House liberals bluntly told Nancy Pelosi that there was no chance that they would vote to pass the Senate bill in its current form …
The New Republic, Weekly Standard, Mother Jones, Hot Air, Washington Post, Talking Points Memo, Raw Story, The Greenroom and AMERICAblog News

Killing Off the Insurers the Conservative Way — So if the Democratic plans are dead, what's left? What's the Republican plan? — I think those of us who opposed the Democratic bill should have one. And I happen (ahem) to have a modest little plan right here . . .

The Winnowing of Ayn Rand — Like many others, I discovered Ayn Rand around the age of 15; her writings were my introduction to the field of philosophy, thereby setting me on the path to my present career. And while my views over the years have increasingly diverged from hers in numerous details …

HOW THE PARTIES HANDLE SETBACKS.... Political parties are going to experience highs and lows, victories and setbacks. And while the ebbs and flows of shifting electoral fortunes are hard to avoid, how a party responds to adversity says something about their commitments and fortitude.
The Huffington Post