
Political Web, page A1 … for 11:30 AM ET, September 12, 2005
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Top Items:

Washington Post:
Senate To Start Roberts Hearings  —  Nominee's Views Could Shape Court for Years  —  The Senate convenes the first confirmation hearing for a chief justice nominee in nearly two decades today, starting a week of admonitions and questions for John G. Roberts Jr. certain to probe deeply …
Howard Kurtz / Washington Post:
Hearings Tempest Downgraded to Topical Storm  —  Hurricane Katrina is having a gale-force impact on the John Roberts confirmation hearings.  —  When the Senate hearings begin this morning, the cable news networks plan to dip in and out after carrying some opening statements.
Discussion: Eschaton, War and Piece and mediabistro
Gaijinbiker / Riding Sun:
The amazing success of George W. Bush  —  NOTE: Welcome, Instapundit readers!  And thanks for the link, Prof. Reynolds.  —  Shortly after the attacks of 9-11, George W. Bush announced a new focus for his adminstration and for America: … Four years later, terrorism remains a problem around the world …
Deacon / Power Line:
YEARNING FOR A CARTERESQUE WAR ON TERROR  —  The only thing worse than an MSM piece that's plainly devoid of analysis is an MSM piece that contains its illusion.  A case in point is this shockingly bad article by Newsweek's Michael Hirsh that appeared in today's Washington Post.
Discussion: Pandagon and Daily Pundit
Michael Hirsh / Washington Post:
9/11 — and Counting  —  On Dec. 9, 1941, two days after the Pearl Harbor attack, Franklin Delano Roosevelt addressed the American people in a fireside chat.  In tone and manner, FDR's words were not very different from the rhetoric of George W. Bush three generations later …
Discussion: INTEL DUMP
Michael Kinsley / Los Angeles Times:
The fetid aroma of hindsight  —  Recriminations are all the rage today.  But really, does anyone ever pay attention to the prophets of doom until it's too late?  —  AS A GOOD AMERICAN, you no doubt have been worried sick for years about the levees around New Orleans.
Toby Helm / Telegraph:
Jews and Freemasons controlled war on Iraq, says No 10 adviser  —  Tony Blair decided to wage war on Iraq after coming under the influence of a "sinister" group of Jews and Freemasons, a Muslim barrister who advises the Prime Minister has claimed.  —  Ahmad Thomson, from the Association of Muslim Lawyers …
Melanie / Melanie Phillips's Diary:   The monster in Britain's midst
David A / In Search Of Utopia:
Newsflash - Kool Aide Rations Running Low Across America! … Meanwhile rumors spread of Massive Kool Aide stores being horded by Paul at Wizbang, who slams the poor people of New Orleans and boast of his own independence, just a week or so after his compatriots at Wizbang were passing the hat for him.
Discussion: The American Mind and Wizbang
Jim VandeHei / Washington Post:
Katrina Darkens the Outlook for Incumbents
Bill Roggio / The Fourth Rail:
Border Wars V - Operation Cyclone in Rutbah, Tal Afar, and more  —  With simultaneous offensives occurring in Qaim, Tal Afar, and Rabiah, Coalition forces launch Operation Cyclone in the southern town of Rutbah, which sits astride roads at the southern-most border crossing with Syria and the northern-most border crossing with Jordan.
Discussion: The Belmont Club
Jacob Silberberg / Associated Press:
Battle Eases in Sweep for Iraq Insurgents
Discussion: Winds of Change.NET
Sadie /
RINOs Without A Hero?  —  Inspired by Vanity Fair by William Makepiece Thackeray (LONDON, June 28, 1848)  —  As the Commissar of the RINOs sits before the curtain on the boards and gazes into the political arena, a feeling of profound melancholy washes over his haggard and weary face.
Dusting Off The Manual  —  Kevin reports that Time magazine says the Republicans have a three point plan for a comeback after Katrina: … There's one other little way to gin up base conservative voters that we can already see developing on the shout fest and gasbags shows.
Kevin Drum / The Washington Monthly:
PLEASE LEAVE A MESSAGE AT THE TONE....Time magazine does …
Discussion: Suburban Guerrilla and Ezra Klein
Poll shows Hoeven would be tough challenger for Conrad  —  FARGO, N.D. - A new poll shows that a race pitting Gov. John Hoeven as the challenger for Sen. Kent Conrad's seat would be a close battle.  —  Conrad's office called the poll "flawed," while Hoeven declined comment.  The matchup is hypothetical.
Discussion: Taegan Goddard's …
Chris Gaither / Los Angeles Times:
Chat From the War Zone  —  With the hiring of blogger-journalist Kevin Sites, Yahoo is set to compete with TV news.  —  Yahoo Inc. has been talking like a major media company.  Today it will start acting like one.  —  Ten months after Lloyd Braun, former chairman of the ABC television network …
Koizumi secures landslide victory  —  Japan's Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi has won an overwhelming victory in lower house elections, according to results published by the media.  —  His party and its coalition ally will have a key two-thirds majority in the new parliament, Kyodo news agency said.
Koizumi's LDP wins big
Jeffrey H. Birnbaum / Washington Post:
Katrina Leads a Lobbyist to Reevaluate His Priorities  —  Frederick L. Webber, a longtime denizen of Washington's lobbying corridor, showed up at work one day last week and found on his desk a dozen fundraising requests from members of Congress.  —  He threw them all in the trash.
Transcript for September 11  —  MR. TIM RUSSERT: Our issues this Sunday...  (Videotape):  —  Unidentified Man: Residents of New Orleans, we're here to help you.  —  MR. RUSSERT: Hurricane Katrina, day 13.  How goes the recovery?  With us: the mayor of New Orleans, Ray Nagin.
Washington Post:
At 9/11 Walks, Remembrances Stream Forth  —  Thousands in D.C. and Va. Honor Victims, U.S. Troops  —  On a Sept. 11 as sunny and warm as that earth-shattering date four years ago, thousands of people yesterday remembered the terrorist attacks by walking in the nation's capital.
Nolan Finley / Detroit News:
Bush's Katrina dawdling should offend conservatives  —  It was suggested last week that I turn in my conservative credentials because I thought Michael Brown ought to be fired for the way he bungled the initial response to the Hurricane Katrina disaster.  —  If hanging on to those credentials means …
Cheney backed removing FEMA boss from Katrina duty  —  AUSTIN, Texas, Sept 10 - U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney on Saturday said he supported the decision to remove Michael Brown as head of the federal relief effort in the stricken Gulf Coast but refused to say if Brown would eventually be dismissed.

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More Items:

Associated Press:
PA bulldozers begin razing remaining Gaza synagogues
Theodore B. Olson / Opinion Journal:
John Roberts Deserves a Dignified Process
John Hawkins / Right Wing News:
What If Blanco & Nagin Had Been Replaced By Competent Politicians Before Katrina?
Jim Lynch / bRight & Early:
Heros Make Me Cry
Los Angeles Times:
Confusion at Crunch Time  —  After 9/11, a master plan for disasters was drawn.
John Hinderaker /
End focus on Iraq war death tally
Discussion: Daily Kos
Keith Leslie / Toronto Star:
'No Sharia law in Ontario'
Associated Press:
Ceremonies mark 9/11 anniversary
Iraq constitution talks go on as referendum nears
Discussion: Informed Comment

Earlier Picks:

Michael Yon / Online Magazine:
Battle for Mosul: Progress Report
Bob Dart /
Armed militia protects its New Orleans neighborhood
Walter Pincus / Washington Post:
Pentagon Revises Nuclear Strike Plan
Joel Garreau / Washington Post:
A Sad Truth: Cities Aren't Forever
John / AMERICAblog:
NEWSWEEK: Bush didn't know the Hurricane damage was bad until THURSDAY AFTER IT STRUCK
The World According to Powerline
David / OxBlog:
Discussion: Crescat Sententia
Nancy Benac / Associated Press:
Katrina Exodus Could Change Political Mix
We had to kill our patients  —  Doctors working in hurricane-ravaged …
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